We arrived at the table with the flop down , and Tom Marchese was all in for around 110,000. We were informed that Marchese had raised to 9,000 from under the gun and saw Don Bisco in the cutoff and Ivan Galinec on the button call.
Marchese and Bisco checked the flop before Galinec bet 15,000. Marchese then made his move all in. Bisco thought for a minute before he made the call. With the action now on Galinec, he went into the tank. Another minute passed before Galinec made his decision and announced all in. Bisco immediately let his hand go, which he declared as , and the other two players turned over their hands.
Ivan Galinec:
Tom Marchese:
Galinec held a set and improved to a house on the river to send Marchese to the rail while the former picked up a large pot.
Ivan GalinecTom MarcheseDon Bisco