2014 World Series of Poker

Event #21: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 2
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

Event #21: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em

Day 2 Started

Day 2 Table and Seat Draw

4271Kenneth Krause47,000
4272Thomas Giorgi33,700
4273Bernard Rygol24,000
4274Frank Wyrostek55,000
4275Jack Land15,000
4276Andrew Mackenzie22,000
4277Marc Macdonnell27,500
4278Kevin Dwyer14,100
4279Allan Jersak30,200
4281Jaime Luna53,500
4282Timothy Adams50,700
4283Christopher Doheney37,600
4284Baruch Thaler51,000
4285Arthur Baraan19,800
4286Justin Gow46,900
4287Ricardo Solis18,700
4288Louis Campbell33,600
4289Michael Palo47,400
4291Bronson Tucker108,700
4292Andrea Dato57,700
4293John Fulcher25,600
4294Lance Harris71,700
4295Jason Koon25,900
4296Michael Davis12,100
4297A Rubio17,800
4298Narinder Singh Khasria22,100
4299Jonathan Neckar98,300
4301Matthew Weber39,500
4302Jeffrey Flannery87,700
4303Bob Bounahra16,200
4304John Kehler12,700
4305Charles Denton37,800
4306Zo Karim88,100
4307Phillip Delaney7,500
4308Christophe Gross86,000
4309Michael Cantrell30,300
4311Aaron Frei35,800
4312Sam Chartier32,200
4313Denis Mcdonald39,000
4314Phanomthong Sayavong30,000
4315Daniel Engels37,800
4316Fred Rossi8,900
4317Jonathan Dimmig50,300
4318Erin Yates53,000
4319Michael Rice18,600
4321Jeff Gross18,700
4322Edward Miller27,700
4323Mohsen Tayfeh35,400
4324David Lucchesi107,300
4325Cris Ferrante12,300
4326Nicholas Abourisk31,600
4327Vincent Bartello41,200
4328John Murray9,800
4329Graham Mathews13,100
4331Jason Gwinn16,800
4332Alejandro Castro17,050
4333Titan Leard27,000
4334Hunter Frey62,500
4335Vincent Maglio64,000
4336Michael Chu9,000
4337Joseph Purcell14,700
4338Carlos Loving55,000
4339K.U. Davis1
4341Geoffrey Mooney54,300
4342John Petersen13,300
4343Reed Goodmiller15,200
4344Jeffrey Epstein19,300
4345Dave D'Alesandro154,400
4346Billy Horan34,800
4347Maurice Costigan9,400
4348Eric Ladny37,000
4349Andrew Robinson6,400
4351David Burt63,800
4352Dan Alspach25,900
4353Rainer Fink10,800
4354David Williams50,100
4355Cordell Miller3,700
4356Scott Grimmer25,100
4357Meyer Sandberg16,400
4358Robert Toye52,000
4359Christopher Connely10,900
4361Vasil Medarov83,100
4362Joe Kuether57,600
4363Gordon Eng22,000
4364Noah Vaillancourt35,700
4365Joseph Nelligan27,400
4366Kima Kimura30,000
4367Jarred Solomon13,900
4368Zhihao Zhang54,900
4369Matthew Strickland17,900
4371Sunny Chattha55,000
4372Tony Money48,900
4373Krista Tellier46,100
4374Leandro Werner42,800
4375Justin Young39,100
4376Keith West50,000
4377Robert Tepper29,100
4378David Tarbet16,800
4379Bernard Gozlan21,700
4381Thayer Rasmussen91,200
4382David Enda24,100
4383David Fhima25,400
4384Simon Lam78,000
4385Michael Nye48,600
4386JC Tran74,700
4387Vince Salvatore16,200
4388Todd Mossburg20,000
4389Paul Warren25,700
4391William Little7,600
4392Eric Milas25,900
4393Alon Butcher Guttman14,000
4394Sandhe Sundar11,100
4395Matthew Huey5,700
4396Jacques Iza32,000
4397Joseph Stachowiak72,500
4398Mukul Pahuja64,800
4399Mickey Petersen30,100
4401James Kirk39,600
4402Roie Edery20,100
4403Larry James14,700
4404Jimmy Lee31,500
4405Rodel Reyes4,200
4406Erik Seidel80,600
4407Jeff Sluzinski74,600
4408Joseph Vallee13,500
4409James Mackey53,800
4411Erwann Pecheux54,300
4412Anthony Zeichick13,100
4413Zachary Gruneberg49,300
4414Timothy Emmerton76,000
4415Joaquin Correia36,000
4416Terik Brown37,800
4417Evan Schwartz16,600
4418Pete Males6,300
4419Richard Bai39,700
4421Soi Nguyen83,700
4422Jason Senti67,100
4423Chris Hunichen49,800
4424Shawn Keller67,800
4425Harry Piacitelli11,000
4426Michael Hollenberg20,000
4427Brian Morris7,500
4428Fausto Saucedo62,400
4429James Routos26,600
4432Ben Greenberg22,300
4433Edward Mallon23,600
4434Stefan Nitschke46,900
4435Oliver Kohlhepp11,700
4436Adam Hsu23,400
4437Gabriel Nassif6,600
4438Jean-Pascal Savard32,400
4439Deanna Dozier50,800
4441Scott Hill30,000
4443Michael Smith27,700
4444Jon Hoellein14,100
4445Sean Griffin17,900
4446Mark Levasseur19,600
4447Corey Hastings28,800
4448Eric Shanks45,900
4449Chandra Winardi50,800
4451Dominik Nitsche79,200
4452Igor Yaroshevskyy45,800
4453Richard Liotta44,300
4455Derek Su21,900
4456Mike Ellis17,800
4457Joseph Freund20,300
4458John Harman32,300
4459Peter Nadeau29,700

168 Return for Day 2 of Event #21: $1,000 No-Limit Hold’em

Chip Leader Dave D'Alesandro.
Chip Leader Dave D'Alesandro.

Welcome to Day 2 of Event #21: $1,000 No-Limit Hold’em. Play resumes today with just 168 players left from a field of 2,043 returning and plans to play 10 levels or to a final table of nine.

Most of those returning will be looking far up the leaderboard at Dave D’Alesandro who comes back with 154,400 and a massive chip lead over a field that includes just two other players over the 100,000 mark.

Of course, there are some relatively scary names within striking distance, including online legend Thayer “THAY3R” Rasmussen, World Series of Poker final table participants Zo Karim and Jonathan Neckar, multiple-bracelet winners Erik Seidel and JC Tran, and 2014 WSOP National Championship winner Dominik Nitsche. Also returning to sizable stacks are 2010 WSOP Main Event final table participants Soi Nguyen and Jason Senti and WPT Season XII Player of the Year Mukul Pahuja.

However, with 168 players already in the money and chasing the $335,659 and WSOP gold bracelet up top, it’s still anybody’s ball game.

A clear picture of the real contenders for this $1,000 No-Limit Hold’em crown should emerge as the day goes on and PokerNews will be tableside to capture all the action. Stay tuned for live updates from the floor from the 1 p.m. start to the late-night finish.

Level: 12

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 200

Nguyen Over 100K

Level 12 : 600/1,200, 200 ante

Soi Nguyen just got off to a great start to the day. Sitting with the familiar company of fellow 2010 November Niner Jason Senti on his left, Soi started out one of the first hands of the day with button and raised to 2,700.

Senti stepped out of the way in the small blind, but Chris Hunichen fired back from the big blind, three-betting to 8,100 total.

Nguyen called and Hunichen checked the {k-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{3-Hearts} flop, but after a 6,200-chip bet from Nguyen, Hunichen check-raised, bumping it up to 16,300.

Nguyen responded by putting in a hefty reraise and Hunichen folded before anyone could count it.

"Whatever you have, I can't beat it," said Hunichen.

As a result Nguyen pushed over the 100,000-chip mark.

Player Chips Progress
Soi Nguyen us
Soi Nguyen
Chris Hunichen us
Chris Hunichen
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Soi NguyenChris Hunichen

Harris Binks Perfect Turn

Level 12 : 600/1,200, 200 ante

Jason Koon bet 3,000 on fourth with the board reading {a-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}, and a player under the gun called. Lance Harris made it 9,700 from the button, and Koon called. The under-the-gun player jammed for 33,500, and Harris called. Koon mucked, saying he had aces and tens.

Harris: {4-Hearts}{3-Hearts}
Under the gun: {k-Hearts}{k-Spades}

Harris had turned a flush that also gave the under-the-gun player the nut flush draw with his set and Koon two pair. A red card hit the river, but it was the {2-Diamonds}, and Harris dragged the hefty pot.

Player Chips Progress
Lance Harris us
Lance Harris

Tags: Jason KoonLance Harris

Nassif Doubles

Level 12 : 600/1,200, 200 ante
Gabriel Nassif.
Gabriel Nassif.

As the calls for payouts beckon around this side of the Amazon Room with short stacks giving up their chairs all across the floor, Gabriel Nassif managed to find a way to survive the carnage.

Nassif just now got his last 15,200 in good with {a-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} versus Adam Hsu's {k-Clubs}{10-Clubs}.

Then, after an {a-Clubs}{k-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}{6-Diamonds} run out, he doubled up.

Routos Doubles Early

Level 12 : 600/1,200, 200 ante

A player opened to 2,600 in early position, and James Routos shipped it for 22,800 on the button. After getting the count, the initial raiser made the call.

Early position: {j-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}
Routos: {a-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}

The board came {10-Hearts}{q-Spades}{9-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{5-Hearts}, giving Routos queens to double up.

Player Chips Progress
James Routos us
James Routos

Tags: James Routos