2014 World Series of Poker

Event #1: $500 Casino Employees No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 2
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

Chip Counts For Level 17 (full)

Level 17 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
Player Chips Progress
Marcin Sobczak us
Marcin Sobczak
Corey Emery us
Corey Emery
Roland Reparejo us
Roland Reparejo
WSOP 1X Winner
David Luttbeg us
David Luttbeg
Charles Nguyen us
Charles Nguyen
John Taylor us
John Taylor
Kevin Chiem us
Kevin Chiem
Olivier Doremus us
Olivier Doremus
Brian Wong us
Brian Wong
Cameron Tullis us
Cameron Tullis

All Smiles With One to Go

Level 17 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Marcin Sobczak opened for 28,000 and it folded round to the big blind Olivier Doremus who moved all in. Sobczak wanted a count before he made a decision, and once he had it he decided to fold.

On the next hand it folded to Kevin Chiem on the button who moved all in and he picked up the blinds and antes.

The next few hands saw the big blind get a walk and then Cameron Tullis surrendered his big blind to a min-raise from Charles Nguyen in the small blind.

Despite being one away from the final table there are a few players who are not afraid to move the chips in and a jovial atmosphere currently prevails amongst the final 10 survivors.

Brian Wong Doubles Up

Level 17 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

First we saw two limps from Marcin Sobczak and Charles Nguyen before Cameron Tullis one seat over moved all in for 62,000 and both opponents as well as the rest of the table folded.

Then, Corey Emery raised the button to 27,000 and David Luttbeg flat called one seat over. Brian Wong moved all in for 61,000 and Emery folded. Luttbeg took his time and eventually made the call, tabling the {A-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}. Wong showed {7-Spades}{7-Hearts} and immediately found a set on the {J-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{4-Hearts} flop. The {9-Spades} gave hope with a gutshot but the {K-Clubs} silenced the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Brian Wong us
Brian Wong

Tags: Brian WongCameron TullisCharles NguyenCorey EmeryDavid Luttbeg

Cameron Tullis Eliminated In 10th Place ($4,888)

Level 17 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
Cameron Tullis
Cameron Tullis

Cameron Tullis moved all in from under the gun for about ten big blinds and all opponents folded. One hand later, he three-bet shoved into an open raise from Corey Emery and was snap called. That is usually never a good sign when you hold ace king and indeed the showdown would be painful.

Tullis: {K-Hearts}{A-Spades}
Emery: {A-Diamonds}{A-Hearts}

The rail erupted with "come on Corey" cheers and itt was all over on the {10-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{8-Hearts} turn. A meaningless {7-Diamonds} completed the board and the players will now get moved to the feature table. We then likely have a dinner break and keep you up to date as soon as we know more. There will be 37:34 minutes left to be played in level 17 when we continue.

Player Chips Progress
Cameron Tullis us
Cameron Tullis

Tags: Cameron TullisCorey Emery

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Level 17 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

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Tags: RunGoodGear

The Chip Counts For the Official Final Table

Level 17 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Below are the nine finalists. They currently enjoy their one hour dinner break and we will be back in action around 20:40 Vegas time.

SeatPlayerChip Count
1Kevin Chiem192,000
2John Taylor387,000
3Olivier Doremus110,000
4Marcin Sobczak373,000
5Charles Nguyen296,000
6Roland Reparejo351,000
7Corey Emery500,000
8David Luttbeg213,000
9Brian Wong212,000

PokerNews Podcast Episode #217: Welcome to the 2014 WSOP!

Level 17 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
WSOP.com sign lights up the Pavilion Room stage
WSOP.com sign lights up the Pavilion Room stage

The 2014 World Series of Poker is officially underway and the crew brings you the first podcast of the summer. Rich, Donnie and Jason discuss the 25K Fantasy draft, David "ODB" Baker's fantasy league and the first open event of the summer, Event #2: $25,000 Mixed-Max No-Limit Hold'em.

You can subscribe to the entire iBus Media Network on iTunes here, or you can access the RSS feed here. The PokerNews family of podcasts is now available on Stitcher.

Tags: Jason SomervillePokerNews PodcastWSOP