Jack Effel presents Lev Rofman with his winners photoLev Rofman with his gold braceletLev Rofman with his gold braceletLev RofmanLev RofmanLev RofmanLev RofmanLev RofmanLev RofmanLev RofmanLev RofmanLev RofmanLev RofmanLev RofmanLev Rofman, winner of Event 12Allen CunninghamAllen Cunningham's reaction to the boardAllen Cunningham congratulates Lev RofmanAllen CunninghamAllen CunninghamLev RofmanLev RofmanLev RofmanAllen CunninghamLev RofmanAllen CunninghamLev RofmanAllen CunninghamAllen Cunningham, Lev RofmanAllen Cunningham, Lev RofmanLev RofmanGold BraceletAllen CunninghamAllen Cunningham, Lev RofmanAllen Cunningham, Lev RofmanLev RofmanLev RofmanLev RofmanAllen CunninghamAllen CunninghamAllen Cunningham, Lev RofmanAllen Cunningham, Lev RofmanAllen Cunningham, Lev RofmanAllen Cunningham, Lev RofmanAllen Cunningham, Lev RofmanKenneth Shelton is eliminated in 4thJaspal BrarLev RofmanKenneth Shelton doubles up …. againAnthony Harb is eliminatedAllen CunninghamKenneth SheltonAnthony HarbAllen CunninghamLev RofmanKenneth Shelton doubles upNicolas Halvorson
Timothy ReillyJaspal BrarAnthony Harb
Anthony Harb
Lev Rofman
Lev Rofman
Kenneth Shelton
Kenneth Shelton
Nicolas HalvorsonNicolas HalvorsonEvent 12 final tableAllen CunninghamAllen CunninghamAllen CunninghamAllen CunninghamNicolas HalvorsonNicolas HalvorsonEric CrainEric CrainEric CrainEric CrainJaspal BrarEric CrainJaspal Brar