Michael Benvenuti and Nick Rampone were heads up on a board of . There was about 70,000 in the middle, and Benvenuti was the first to act. He tanked for a bit, then plopped 43,800 in front of him.
It was Rampone's turn to sink into the tank, and he began studying both the board and Benvenuti, who was staring at a single spot in front of him. Eventually, Rampone mucked, and he asked Benvenuti to show one card.
"Show the right one," he suggested.
Bevenuti turned over the , to the surprise of tablemate Marvin Rettenmaier.
"You had a pair???" he blurted aloud, grinning.
Benvenuti chuckled as he pulled in the pot.
Marvin RettenmaierMichael BenvenutiNick Rampone