2008 World Series of Poker

39th Annual World Series of Poker Main Event
Day: 1c
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Event Info
Players Left
Next Payout
Place 9
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

The Price of Publicity

Clonie Gowen
Clonie Gowen
A short-stacked player recently moved all in against Clonie Gowen who presently has just over 60,000.

"You just want to get on television," she teased before folding to his bet. Although dealers aren't consistently using the "All In" paddles anymore to signal when a player goes all in and is called, they are announcing loudly whenever someone does, just in case ESPN is nearby.

Tags: Clonie Gowen

Howard You Like That?

Sabyl Landrum
Sabyl Landrum
Sabyl Landrum and Howard Berchowitz were heads-up. The flop was out with 4,000 already in the pot and reads as {Q-Spades} {7-Clubs} {6-Spades}.

Landrum makes it 3,000 to go before Berchowitz raises to 7,000. Then Landrum takes control back by moving all in for 29,350, a bet that Berchowitz calls with {J-Spades} {10-Spades}. He needs to hit as Landrum has {9-Spades} {7-Spades}.

Landrum is ahead but now doesn't want to make her flush as the turn comes {9-Diamonds} and river {2-Spades}. The flush comes for both players but Landrum's is the smaller and she's busted. Berchowitz up to 172,000.

A Hairy Situation

Alex Jacob
Alex Jacob
A player in late position raised to 1,100, and it folded back around to Alex Jacob who called from the big blind.

The flop came {A-Spades}{K-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}. Both checked. The turn was the {J-Spades}. Jacob tossed out 2,100, and his opponent called.

The river was the {7-Diamonds}. This time Jacob bet 4,700. His opponent rubbed his temples as he considered what to do. Jacob sat sullenly, staring out at the board from beneath his enormous 'fro. Finally his opponent counted out the chips and made the call.

Jacob turned up his cards -- {J-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} for trip jacks. His opponent mucked. Jacob is back up to 25,500.

Tags: Alex Jacob

Mickey Parkinson Cracks Aces

Mickey Parkinson moved the rest of her short stack in on the turn with the board reading {J-Clubs} {9-Spades} {6-Diamonds} {Q-Hearts} and was called by an opponent holding {A-?} {A-?}. Parikinson, however, had turned two pair with {Q-Spades} {J-Spades} and boated up on the river when the {Q-Clubs} fell. She's now up to 20,500.

How Much Time is Left?

A lot of players are beginning to watch the clock intently as we are approaching about 40 minutes left in this final level of the day. Some are just tired and want to go get some sleep, while others want to be able to say they made Day 2. As a result, a lot of players will start to tighten up and play more passively. Other players will try and make some moves in this final level to try and take advantage of some of these weak behaviors. There should be some interesting stack movements to come.

Tells and Negotiations

We observed a hand involving Ryan Fair against an opponent who was enjoying a massage. Fair was posed with a tricky decision and went into the tank. He gazed over to his opponent to try and get a tell, looked up at his massage therapist and asked, "Can you tell me if his back is tense?" They table just laughed and Fair was forced to fold his hand.

On another table we overheard a player who was going to fold but wanted to see his opponent's hole cards. When his opponent declined, he tried one last bid in the negotiation battle, and offered his opponent a lollipop if he'd show. His opponent turned him down once again and the cards were tossed into the muck.

Jepsen Rivered

Peter Jepsen was in great shape to eliminate a short-stacked opponent after getting it all in preflop with {A-Clubs}{K-Diamonds} against his opponent's {K-Clubs}{10-Hearts}. However the board of {J-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{10-Clubs} gave his opponent a fortunate three-outer on the river to stay alive as Jepsen slips to 32,000.

Tags: Peter Jepsen

Jacks Judged Not Enough to Joust with J-Dag

John D'Agostino
John D'Agostino
Two players limped, then the player in the small blind raised to 1,100. John D'Agostino called from the big blind, as did the two limpers.

The flop came {J-Spades}{3-Hearts}{10-Clubs}. The small blind checked, D'Agostino bet 3,000, and it folded back to the SB who called.

The turn was the {2-Hearts}. The SB checked again, and this time D'Agostino bet 5,000. His opponent considered for a moment, then folded, showing a jack as he did.

D'Agostino now has 39,000.

Plastik Man Eliminated

Plastik Eliminated
Plastik Eliminated
On the turn, with the board showing {8-Diamonds} {4-Spades} {9-Diamonds} {K-Diamonds}, David Plastik bet 8,000 into a 30,000 pot. Kusa Thaiwadhana made the call.

The river fell the {K-Hearts} and Plastik checked to Thaiwadhana, who moved all in for 15,000. Plastik made the call, but only had 7,800.

Thaiwadhana showed {8-Hearts} {8-Spades} for eights full and Plastik is eliminated.

Tags: David Plastik