2008 World Series of Poker

Event 23 - $2,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 2
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
30,000 / 60,000

Only Just In

Scott Preston has doubled up with {A-Clubs} {Q-Clubs} against Ken Justin's {A-Hearts} {K-Spades}. The {6-Clubs} {K-Clubs} {J-Hearts} flop was good for both of them, and that's where the chips went in.

Turn: {Q-Hearts} (not good enough for Preston)
River: {10-Clubs} (that'll do it)

Preston is now up to 165,000, while Justin sinks to just 37,000.

Tags: Ken JustinScott Preston

Andrew Gordon Eliminated

Blair Hinkle
Blair Hinkle
We might have to start calling him the Blairinator, as Blair Hinkle is eliminating players left, right, and center and is now sitting in third place with over 370,000 in chips.

The latest victim to receive an "Hasta la vista, baby," was Andrew Gordon, all in with A-3 against Blair's superior 8-8. The 6-6-Q-5-7 rainbow board was close but no cigar, and Gordon's gone with four tables remaining.

Tags: Andrew GordonBlair Hinkle

"You're Either Crazy or..."

Eric Lucas raises to 24,000 in early position, only for Ken Justin to go all in for 95,000 in mid-position.

Eric Lucas mulled it over. "That's the second time you've done that to me. You're either crazy or, uhh..." He trailed off, presumably contemplating some of the alternatives to Justin being crazy. Then he folded pocket fives face-up.

Tags: Eric LucasKen Justin

Young Phan Eliminated

Young Phan
Young Phan
Young Phan has gone, pushing all in with Q-J and getting called by Chris Dombrowski with A-Q. A thoroughly uneventful {K-Hearts} {8-Diamonds} {3-Clubs} {5-Clubs} {4-Diamonds} board later, and Phan was heading cheerfully for the cash desk.

"Don't **** With My Blind"

Next hand, Rick Lenoble raises to 20,000 from mid position. Dylan Bircheff, on the big blind, sighs, "Come on, don't f*ck with my blind."

It folds around to him, and he folds too. Lenoble shows pocket eights. Bircheff puts his head in his hands and mutters, "I put you on that hand."

"Nice Hand" -- Sips Tea

Graham Wheldon
Graham Wheldon
After surviving the entire day with a modest stack, Brit Graham Wheldon is touching cloth with just 15,000 in chips.

With a short-stacked Rick Lenoble pushing all in for 60,000 from middle position with {A-Spades}{10-Hearts}, Wheldon was delighted to wake up with the ladies (ahem), and duly called.

However, he was unable to fend off the bullet, a second rocket hitting the flop on a {6-Clubs}{A-Hearts}{K-Spades}{10-Spades}{K-Hearts} board.

Whilst Dylan Bircheff exclaimed, "What a flop!" Wheldon simply, "said, 'nice hand' and sipped tea," according to my field reporter's report.

You don't get much more British than that.

Tags: Graham WheldonRick Le Noble

Level: 16

Blinds: 4,000/8,000

Ante: 1,000

Tang and His Lucky Chip Eliminate Mayrinck

Maria Mayrinck
Maria Mayrinck
Continuing the story of Ricky Tang, perhaps that fake chip brought him luck, as he's just knocked out Maria Mayrinck.

Blind-on-blind, she made it 17,000 from the small, only for him to make it 55,000 from the big. She made it all in, and he called.

Mayrinck had found {A-Clubs} {K-Clubs}, but Tang had found {A-?} {A-?}, and the {4-?} {6-?} {3-?} {Q-?} {K-?} board couldn't save her.

He's up to 290,000 now.

Tags: Maria MayrinckTim Phan