2007 World Series of Poker

Event 54 - $5,000 No Limit 2-7 Draw Lowball w/ rebuys
Day: 2
Event Info

2007 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Event Info
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

Hand #32 - Shawn Sheikhan

Hand #32 - Erik Seidel has the button in seat 1, Sheikhan raises from the cutoff to 75,000, and Seidel calls from the button. Sheikhan draws one card, and Seidel draws one card. Both players check, and Sheikhan shows 10-9-6-5-4. Seidel rechecks his cards several times before he mucks. Shawn Sheikhan wins the pot.

Hand #28 - Freddy Deeb

Hand #28 - Andrew Black has the button in seat 4, Brown raises from the cutoff to 90,000, and Deeb calls from the small blind. Both players draw one card, and then they check. Brown says, "Deuces," and Deeb says, "Queen." Deeb shows Q-8-6-5-2, and Brown mucks. Freddy Deeb wins the pot.

Hand #27 - Freddy Deeb Doubles Through Andrew Black

Hand #27 - Chad Brown has the button in seat 2, Black moves all in from the small blind, putting the short-stacked Deeb to a decision. Deeb calls all in for 189,000. Both players draw one card.

Deeb shows 9-7-5-4-2, and Black mucks. Deeb wins the pot to double up to about 400,000 in chips.

Hand #24 - Freddy Deeb Doubles Through Shawn Sheikhan

Hand #24 - Lamar Wilkinson has the button in seat 6, Deeb moves all in from the cutoff for 77,000, and Sheikhan calls from the big blind. Sheikhan stands pat, and Deeb draws two cards. Sheikhan has a J-9 low, and Deeb slowly turns over his new cards -- a 9, followed by a 10. He lets out a quick cheer and shows the rest of his cards for a 10-9-6-5-4. Sheikhan tosses his cards in frustration as Deeb wins the pot to double up to over 150,000.