2007 World Series of Poker

Event 54 - $5,000 No Limit 2-7 Draw Lowball w/ rebuys
Day: 2
Event Info

2007 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Event Info
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

Hand #39 - Chad Brown

Hand #39 - Chad Brown has the button in seat 2, Sheikhan raises to 100,000, Brown calls from the button, and Deeb calls form the big blind. All three players draw one card. Deeb checks, Sheikhan checks, Brown bets 200,000, and the others fold. Chad Brown takes the pot.

Hand #36 - Andrew Black Triples Up

Hand #36 - Lamar Wilkinson has the button in seat 6, Black moves all in for 174,000, Sheikhan calls from the small blind, Seidel moves all in from the big blind for 424,000, and Sheikhan thinks for several minutes before he folds.

Seidel stands pat, and Black goes into the tank for several minutes deciding whether or not to draw. He finally decides to draw one card. He flashes a 10 as he asks for a new card. He then flips over his hand all at once, revealing a 9-5-4-3-2 -- he says he caught the four.

Seidel shows a 9-7-6-5-4, and Black wins the pot to *triple* up in chips to over 525,000.

Hand #35 - Shawn Sheikhan

Hand #35 - Freddy Deeb has the button in seat 5, Brown raises to 90,000, and Sheikhan calls from the big blind. Both players draw one card, and then they check. Brown shows a K, and Sheikhan shows a J-10 low to win the pot.

Approximate Chip Counts

Seat 1 - Erik Seidel - 430,000
Seat 2 - Chad Brown - 715,000
Seat 4 - Andrew Black - 181,000
Seat 5 - Freddy Deeb - 450,000
Seat 6 - Lamar Wilkinson - 550,000
Seat 7 - Shawn Sheikhan - 565,000