Showing virtually identical boards, Matusow revealed A-A-2 in the hole for aces up while Ngyuen tabled 3-5-9, having made a six-high straight and a 6-5 low on sixth street. Matusow had only 18,600 after the hand, while Nguyen was up to 55,000.
After betting out the whole way and getting called by Scotty Nguyen, Dutch Boyd showed rolled-up kings and scooped a huge pot. Boyd was up to 59,000 after the hand, while Nguyen was left on life support with only 15,500.
Showing a pair of eights, Asher Derei was all in and up against his opponent's nines and sevens. He caught a third eight on the river to scoop the pot and survive. He has 12,000 in chips.