2015 partypoker WPT National Cyprus

Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2015 partypoker WPT National Cyprus

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Level: 2

Blinds: 75/150

Ante: 0

Bendik and Grudev Join the Field

Level 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

Grudi Grudev from Bulgaria and former EPT player of the year, Jan Bendik, are now among the participants of Day 1a. Bendik in fact had just received the 30,000 stack when getting involved in a hand. The Slovakian checked the {9-Hearts} {10-Clubs} {J-Hearts} {7-Spades} turn in a heads-up hand and then bet 600 on the {4-Clubs} river. His opponent called and Bendik's {K-Clubs} {J-Spades} was enough to scoop the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Jan Bendik sk
Jan Bendik
Profile photo of Grudi Grudev bg
Grudi Grudev

Tags: Grudi GrudevJan Bendik

Horrendous Start for Danchev

Level 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

Half an hour has been played and Dimitar Danchev has been reduced to almost one third of the starting stack. He first folded after a five-bet pot that cost him about 8,000 chips and then dropped some more against Igor Dubinsky's set of fours. Furthermore, Danchev was involved in a three-way pot with pocket queens including the {Q-Spades}.

On a {5-} {8-} {7-} {A-Spades} turn, the Bulgarian check-called a bet of 3,800 into 9,000 and the blank river got checked through. His opponent showed {A-} {5-} for two pair.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Dimitar Danchev bg
Dimitar Danchev

Tags: Dimitar DanchevIgor Dubinsky

One for Kavrakov

Level 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

Joining the action on a flop of {2-Hearts} {8-Spades} {9-Diamonds}, Atanas Kavrakov called a bet of 450 in a four-way pot and the two other opponents including Barny Boatman folded. On the {A-Hearts} turn, the opponent of the Bulgarian fired 1,100 and was called before both then checked down the {6-Spades} river. The opponent showed {K-Clubs} {J-Clubs} for a bluff and Kavrakov raked in the pot with {J-Hearts} {9-Hearts}.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Atanas Kavrakov bg
Atanas Kavrakov

Tags: Atanas KavrakovBarny Boatman

Pavliuk With a Good Fold

Level 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

After unknown preflop action, the {9-Hearts} {8-Diamonds} {2-Hearts} flop saw a bet of 300 with calls from one opponent as well as Roman Pavliuk before the {6-Hearts} got checked through by all three players. The flop aggressor then bet 500 and faced a raise to 1,600, Pavliuk folded and the other player called with {7-Diamonds} {6-Hearts} for trips sixes. It was no good versus {2-Clubs} {2-Spades} though.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Roman Pavliuk ua
Roman Pavliuk

Tags: Roman Pavliuk

First List of Notables

Level 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

Quite a few familiar faces already made it to the tournament area and especially the Bulgarians seem to favor Cyprus as perfect destination. Among them is 2013 PCA champion Dimitar Danchev with an impressive $3,556,966 in cashes according to his Hendon Mob profile.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Nikolay Tsanev bg
Nikolay Tsanev
Profile photo of Fuat Tanindi tr
Fuat Tanindi
Profile photo of Igor Dubinsky ua
Igor Dubinsky
Profile photo of Barny Boatman gb
Barny Boatman
Profile photo of Atanas Kavrakov bg
Atanas Kavrakov
Profile photo of Dimitar Danchev bg
Dimitar Danchev

Tags: Dimitar Danchev

Level: 1

Blinds: 50/100

Ante: 0