Tough grind all day, happy to finish above starting stack.
Grinding as well. Good luck Marcel!!
Grinding on. Final level of the day coming up, 400/800/100.
Small ball poker as usual...
Quiet level. 300/600/75 next.
Won some back right away.
AJ<KJ aipf...
Folding. A lot.
Pretty card dead hour. Coming back to 150/300/25 after dinner.
Played a couple of 3-bet pots but lost them both. Going to 100/200/25.
One good hero call, one setup BvB that I probably could have lost a bit less with.
Nothing big yet. Enjoying the table.
Let's try this again!
Last hand of the day: shorty went blind all in for 16.000. Called with 55 in sb. He showed AJ, lol, but 55 won :)