2012 World Poker Tour Malta

Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2012 World Poker Tour Malta

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
30,000 / 60,000

Level: 3

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 0

Pescaglini Takes On Mattern

Cecilia Pescaglini
Cecilia Pescaglini

On a flop reading {8-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{k-Spades} Arnaurd Mattern tested the water with a 1,100 bet only to see the hyper-aggressive Cecilia Pescaglini raise to 2,850. Mattern quickly called and it was off to the {2-Spades} turn.

Mattern now checked and no sooner had Pescaglini bet 1,300 Mattern folded.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Arnaud Mattern fr
Arnaud Mattern
Profile photo of Cecilia Pescaglini
Cecilia Pescaglini

Tags: Arnaud MatternCecelia Pescaglini

Tau Takes It Down

Level 2 : 75/100, 0 ante

Gianluca Mattia got the preflop betting round started with a raise to 350 from middle position, a raise that found three callers. Two to Mattia's left was Enrico Tau, he called, and to Tau's direct left was Casey Kastle who also called. The trio of callers was completed when Bastien Lebel tossed in the extra chips from the big blind.

The action checked to Tau on a {5-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} flop and when the action was on Tau he laid out a bet of 625. Kastle called, Lebel folded and Mattia stuck along and made the call.

Mattia then came out firing on the {2-Spades} turn but Tau did not believe him and almost instantly made the call. Kastle, who has a frozen (not literally) iPad on his knee, had a quick count of the active stacks and then folded.

The {5-Spades} completed the board and Mattia now checked. Tau did not let up the aggression though and bet an enticing amount of 2,250. Mattia looked at his opponent over the top of his over-sized sunglasses before relinquishing his hand.

Tags: Casey KastleBastien LebelGianluca MattiaEnrico Tau

Kiryl Radzivonau Hits Trips On The River

Kiryl Radzivonau has climbed past the 45,000 chip mark after being paid off in a huge hand by Jorryt van Hoof.

We joined the action as van Hoof, under the gun, was considering calling a 7,700 bet on a {2-Clubs}{7-Spades}{8-Hearts}{a-Spades}{8-Diamonds} board and call he did after a minute's thinking time. Radzivonau, three to van Hoof's left, flipped over {8-Spades}{6-Spades} for trip eights and van Hoof just smiled and mucked his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Kiryl Radzivonau by
Kiryl Radzivonau

Tags: Kiryl RadzivonauJorryt va Hoof

Level: 2

Blinds: 75/100

Ante: 0