David Vamplew and a second player checked on a flop of . Peter Dragar fired 4,000, and only Vamplew called.
The turn was the , and Vamplew checked again. Dragar moved all in for effectively 20,000 or so, and Vamplew called tabling . Dragar showed , and the completed the board, doubling Vamplew to around 60,000 chips.
Dan Smith opened to 1,500 from early position, Jason Mercier, who evidently doubled with aces earlier, three-bet to 3,625 on the button, and Ovi Balaj four-bet to 13,300 from the small blind. Smith tank folded, and Mercier tank-called.
The dealer fanned , and Balaj led out for 21,000. Mercier released, but he's still very happy with his day thus far.
Play was three handed with the board reading . Naji Abolo checked, Mohsin Charania bet 3,300, and Jordane Ouin called. Abolo released.
The completed the board, and Charania reached for all of his pink T5,000 chips, firing a bet of 25,000. Ouin only had 17,500 behind, and went into the tank.
He eventually folded face up, and Charania mucked his hand.
The defending champion of the Grand Prix de Paris is gone.
We just saw Matt Waxman exit the Aviation Club de France, and when we went to his table to find out what happened, two-time WPT Champion Marvin Rettenmaier gave us the scoop.
According to Rettenmaier, Waxman four-bet shoved holding , and was called by Ekrem Sanioglu, who had . The queens held, and Waxman was eliminated.
Stephen O'Dwyer (Day 1b) - Eliminated
Facing a three-bet to 4,500 from Stephen O'Dwyer, Daniel Amara four-bet to 12,300. When the action was back on O'Dywer, he effectively five-bet all in (leaving only a handful of black T100 chips behind) and Amara went into the tank. After a minute or so, Amara moved all in, and O'Dwyer quickly called.
O'Dwyer's was crushed by Amara's , and the board ran out , eliminating O'Dwyer from play.
Bryan Colin was heads up with an opponent with the board reading . The player moved all in, and Colin immediately called with for a turned full house. The player sheepishly turned over , and a meaningless completed the board, eliminating him from the tournament.