2023 UKIPT Nottingham

£1,100 Main Event
Day: 1c
Event Info

2023 UKIPT Nottingham

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 150,000
Players Info - Day 1c
Players Left

Level: 9

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 1,200

Drake Loses Flip and Busts to Jones

Level 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Ian Drake
Ian Drake

Marcin Zawadzski raised to 2,500 from late position and Richard Jones reraised to 6,500 from the button. Ian Drake then moved all in from the big blind. Zawadzski folded and Jones made the call.

Ian Drake: 99
Richard Jones: AK

The board ran out 104K107. Jones flopped a pair of kings and held to win the pot. Drake was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Richard Jones gb
Richard Jones
Ian Drake im
Ian Drake

Tags: Ian DrakeMarcin ZawadzskiRichard Jones

Gibson's Kicker Plays, Akadiri Busts

Level 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Action was on the flop on a board of K7A. Charles Akadiri checked and Craig Gibson bet 5,000. Akadiri check-raised all in with a short stack and Gibson made the call with the bigger stack. The cards were turned.

Charles Akadiri: A2
Craig Gibson: AJ

Both players had a pair of aces and Gibson had the jack kicker. The turn came the 4 and the river was the 8. Gibson held to win the pot and Akadiri was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Craig Gibson gb
Craig Gibson
Charles Akadiri gb
Charles Akadiri

Tags: Charles AkadiriCraig Gibson

Fintan Hand Fires Second Bullet, Immediately Busts

Level 9 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Fintan Hand
Fintan Hand

Fintan Hand has just reported that he busted his second bullet in record time. Without even taking his seat at the table, Fintan picked up pocket queens and got it all in against his opponent's pocket aces, losing the pot and his entire stack.

Fintan was sat with his vial of lucky heather, the one that saw him through the final table of the UKIPT Edinburgh. He has now given that lucky charm away to Steve Warburton, claiming it is cursed. Perhaps the charm only works in Scotland, its place of origin.

Fintan has now sat back down for his third bullet of Day 1c.

Player Chips Progress
Fintan Hand ie
Fintan Hand

Tags: Fintan HandSteve Warburton

Level: 10

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 1,200

Khan Wins Multiway Pot With Pocket Tens

Level 10 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Ryan Otto raised to 2,500 from early position and picked up three callers, including Nathan Jones, Kasim Khan, and the player in the big blind.

The flop came 982. The player in the big blind checked and Otto continued for 3,800. Jones called, Khan called, and the big blind folded.

The turn was the 5. Otto checked and Jones bet 6,800. Both Khan and Otto called. The river came the 4 and all three players checked to showdown.

Jones showed [9d7d[ for a pair of nines and Khan showed 1010 for pocket tens, an overpair to the board to win the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Kasim Khan
Kasim Khan
Ryan Otto nz
Ryan Otto
WSOP 1X Winner
Nathan Jones gb
Nathan Jones

Tags: Nathan JonesRyan Otto

Bako Busts to Kane

Level 10 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante
Michael Kane
Michael Kane

Michael Kane raised to 2,500 from middle position and Mazalahedwa Bako reraised to 7,500, which Kane called.

The flop came 4K10. Bako led out for 4,000 and Kane called. The turn was the 7. This time Bako checked and Kane bet 10,000, which Bako called.

The river came the 2. Bako checked and Kane moved all in for around 32,000 effective. Bako took several minutes to ponder his decision before eventually making the call. Bako showed QQ for a pair of queens and Kane showed AK for a pair of kings.

Kane won the pot and Bako was eliminated from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Kane gb
Michael Kane
Mazalahedwa Bako gb
Mazalahedwa Bako

Tags: Mazalahedwa BakoMichael Kane

Level: 11

Blinds: 1,000/1,500

Ante: 1,500