2023 UKIPT Nottingham

£1,100 Main Event
Day: 1c
Event Info

2023 UKIPT Nottingham

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 150,000
Players Info - Day 1c
Players Left

£1,100 Main Event

Day 1c Started

UKIPT Season Finale Main Event Heats Up, Day 1c Starts Today


The UK and Ireland Poker Tour 2023 Season Finale continues today with Day 1c of the Main Event running at Dusk Till Dawn Poker and Casino in Nottingham. The flight kicks off at 12 p.m. local time.

Players in the Main Event will start the tournament with a stack of 30,000 chips. Blind levels will run for 40 minutes and start at 100/100 with a 100 big blind ante.

The Season Finale Main Event has a £1,000,000 guarantee. By Monday night, someone will have taken the lion's share of that prize pool.

Following an impressive third place finish at the UKIPT Brighton earlier in the year, Adam McKola is currently chip leader after bagging 518,000 chips at the end of Day 1b. Brandon Sheils sits in second and Scott Margereson in third place.

Adam McKola
Adam McKola

Top Ten Day 1b Chip Counts

1Adam McKolaUnited Kingdom518,000
2Brandon SheilsUnited Kingdom460,500
3Scott MargeresonUnited Kingdom379,000
4Danny PykeUnited Kingdom370,000
5Benjamin SpraggUnited Kingdom360,500
6Thomas MiddletonUnited Kingdom254,000
7Philip ClarkeUnited Kingdom245,500
8Elliot HackneyUnited Kingdom206,500
9Ali AhmedUnited Kingdom204,500
10Roman SembratovychUkraine197,500

There are five local starting flights and players can take a maximum of three entries per flight, with late registration open until the start of Level 11. All flights will play down to 15 percent of the field and those who make it through will return for Day 2 already in the money.

PokerNews will be bringing you live updates of Day 1b straight from the tournament floor and following the event all the way down to a winner.

Tags: Adam McKolaAli AhmedBenjamin SpraggBrandon SheilsDanny PykeElliot HackneyPhilip ClarkeRoman SembratovychScott MargeresonThomas Middleton

Level: 1

Blinds: 100/100

Ante: 100

Level: 2

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 200

Humphreys Paid for Top Pair

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Mason Kanabar raised to 500 from under the gun, Jacek Pustula called in middle position, and Craig Humphreys called in the small blind.

The flop came 2K6. Action checked to Pustula, who bet 600. Humphreys raised to 1,800 and Pustula called.

The turn was the 2. Humphreys led for 2,500 and Pustula called. The river came the 5. Humphreys led again, this time for 5,000. Pustula called.

Humphreys showed AK for a pair of kings to win the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Craig Humphreys gb
Craig Humphreys
Jacek Pustula pl
Jacek Pustula

Tags: Craig HumphreysJacek PustulaMason Kanabar

Fisher Survives With Double Up

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Gary Fisher was all in preflop with a short stack against Joseph O'Donnell. Players flipped over their cards.

Gary Fisher: A5
Joseph O'Donnell: 99

The board ran out 710KA6. Fisher paired up his ace on the turn to get ahead and win the pot. That doubled up his stack, although he is still relatively short.

Player Chips Progress
Joseph O'Donnell gb
Joseph O'Donnell
Gary Fisher gb
Gary Fisher

Tags: Joseph O'DonnellGary Fisher

Level: 3

Blinds: 100/300

Ante: 300

Nervous or Comfortable?

Level 3 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

Andrew Christoforou raised to 700 from early position, Marius Varanavicius called on the button, and Luke Hanson called in the big blind.

The flop came QK7. Action checked to Varanavicius, who bet out 1,200. Hanson called and Christoforou called.

The turn was the 8. Action checked to Varanavicius, who bet 4,500. Hanson folded and Christoforou called.

The river came the 7. Christoforou checked and Varanavicius bet 10,500. Christoforou started talking to his opponent, walking through all the possible hands he could have.

"I can't get a read on you," said Christoforou. "I can't work out whether you're nervous or comfortable."

Christoforou eventually made the call. Varanavicius turned over KQ for top two pair. Christoforou mucked and Varanavicius scooped the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Marius Varanavicius lt
Marius Varanavicius
Luke Hanson gb
Luke Hanson
Andrew Christoforou gb
Andrew Christoforou

Tags: Andrew ChristoforouLuke HansonMarius Varanavicius