2023 UKIPT Nottingham

£1,100 Main Event
Day: 1c
Event Info

2023 UKIPT Nottingham

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 150,000
Players Info - Day 1c
Players Left

Level: 4

Blinds: 200/400

Ante: 400

Ahuja Leads Turn

Level 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

Nathan Clayton-Higson raised to 1,000 from early position and Ankit Ahuja called in the big blind.

The flop 76A. Ahuja checked and Clayton-Higson bet 1,100, which Ahuja called. The turn came the 8. Ahuja switched to a lead for 2,800, which was enough for Clayton-Higson to find the fold.

Player Chips Progress
Ankit Ahuja in
Ankit Ahuja
Nathan Clayton-Higson gb
Nathan Clayton-Higson

Tags: Ankit AhujaNathan Clayton-Higson

McMahon Gets Value for Bluff

Level 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

Action was on the river on a board of 8J974. Jerome Finck checked and Gareth McMahon moved all in for around 22,000, an overbet into a small pot of just a few thousand chips.

Finck went into the tank before making the call. McMahon showed A8 for a pair of eights that he'd turned into a bluff. Finck flipped over Q7 for a pair of sevens, an attempt to catch the bluff but with the worse hand.

"What the f*ck!", said McMahon as he scooped the pot, "You can't call there!"

Player Chips Progress
Gareth McMahon ie
Gareth McMahon
Jerome Finck fr
Jerome Finck

Tags: Gareth McMahonJerome Finck

Cooper Leads Flop

Level 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

Kasim Khan limped from middle position and Ian Hamilton raised to 1,600. David Cooper called in the big blind and Khan also called.

The flop fell 4K10. Cooper took an unusual line, opting to lead out for 2,000. Both Khan and Hamilton folded and Cooper won the pot.

Player Chips Progress
David Cooper us
David Cooper
Kasim Khan
Kasim Khan
Ian Hamilton gb
Ian Hamilton
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: David CooperIan Hamilton

Level: 5

Blinds: 200/500

Ante: 500

Viscomi Takes Down Pot With River Lead

Level 5 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante

Luigi Viscomi raised to 1,100 from late position, Eliot Catterson reraised to 3,500, and Viscomi called.

The flop came 375. Viscomi checked, Catterson bet 2,500, and Viscomi called. The turn was the J. Viscomi checked again and Catterson bet 8,000, which Viscomi called.

The river came the 8, putting four hearts on board. Viscomi switched to a large lead and Catterson tossed his hand into the muck to concede the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Luigi Viscomi gb
Luigi Viscomi
Eliot Catterson gb
Eliot Catterson

Tags: Eliot CattersonLuigi Viscomi

Harbrecht-Parker Takes Pot With Turn Lead

Level 5 : Blinds 200/500, 500 ante

Action was on the flop on a board of 3Q7. Thomas Harbrecht-Parker led for 5,000 and Daniel Parsonage called.

The turn was the 2. Harbrecht-Parker led again for 7,500. Parsonage weighed it up and asked his opponent if he'd show, then folded his hand to give Harbrecht-Parker the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Thomas Harbrecht-Parker gb
Thomas Harbrecht-Parker
Daniel Parsonage gb
Daniel Parsonage

Tags: Daniel ParsonageThomas Harbrecht-Parker

Level: 6

Blinds: 300/600

Ante: 600

Allen Makes Trips, Watson Busts

Level 6 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Paul Allen
Paul Allen

Paul Allen raised to 1,500 from early position, Wayne Watson called in late position, and Christopher Ralston called on the button.

The flop came 89Q. Allen continued for 2,000 and Watson moved all in with a short stack. Allen quickly made the call and players flipped their cards.

Wayne Watson: 86
Paul Allen: QJ

Watson had a pair of eights with a flush draw and Allen had a pair of queens. The turn came the 3 and the river was the Q. Allen further improved to trip queens to win the pot. Watson was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Paul Allen gb
Paul Allen
Wayne Watson
Wayne Watson

Tags: Christopher RalstonPaul AllenWayne Watson

Crowder Makes Set Against Two Pair

Level 6 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante

Patrice Brandt raised 1,200, Elliot Crowder called, and Jason Chamberlain reraised to 3,000 from the small blind. Brandt folded and Crowder called.

The flop came Q59. Chamberlain continued for 5,000 and Crowder called. The turn was the 3. Chamberlain checked and Crowder bet out 7,000, which Chamberlain called.

The river came the 5. Chamberlain moved all in for 40,000. Crowder sat back in his chair, took several deep breathes, and started counting his chips before finally making the call.

Crowder showed 75 for two pair and Crowder showed QQ for a set of queens to win the pot and double up his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Chamberlain gb
Jason Chamberlain
Elliot Crowder gb
Elliot Crowder

Tags: Elliot CrowderJason ChamberlainPatrice Brandt