2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

$1,200 Main Event
Day: 1b
Event Info

2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 1b
Players Left

Level: 4

Blinds: 300/500

Ante: 500

Spitaleri Plays Big Slick Passive

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

A player under the gun raised to 1,000, before Sohale Khalili three-bet to 3,200 from middle position. Then Marc Spitaleri cold called the three-bet from the cutoff, and after it folded back to the under the gun player, he folded as well.

Both players checked to showdown after the board ran out Q4227.

Khalili announced "ace high" when Spitaleri tabled AK which was good to take the pot as Khalili mucked his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Marc Spitaleri us
Marc Spitaleri
Profile photo of Sohale Khalili us
Sohale Khalili

Tags: Marc SpitaleriSohale Khalili

Fiorentino Keeps The Steamroll Going

Level 3 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Marc Fiorenti
Marc Fiorenti

Action was picked up with with players in the hand and the board showing A10109 and roughly 36,000 in the pot.

Marc Fiorentino checked to his opponent who bet all in for 18,300, which was snap called by Fiorentino.

All in Player: KQ All in
Marc Fiorentino: AQ

Fiorentino had the best of it with his pair of aces, but would need to fade a jack and the gut shot straight draw of his opponent. After the river was the 7 the pair of aces were still best, and Fiorentino took the pot and eliminated his opponent.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Marc Fiorentino us
Marc Fiorentino

Tags: Marc Fiorentino

Level: 3

Blinds: 200/400

Ante: 400

Fiorentino Keeps His Foot on the Gas

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 0 ante

A player raised from under the gun to 800, and was called by a player in middle position. Then Marc Fiorentino in the hijack three-bet to 3,200. The under the gun player called, and the hijack folded.

After the 1052 flop, the under the gun player check-called a bet of 1,200 from Fiorentino.

Both players checked to the river after the 6 on the turn, which brought the A. The under the gun player checked, before Fiorentino bet out 4,500, which got a quick fold to give him the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Marc Fiorentino us
Marc Fiorentino

Tags: Marc Fiorentino

Fiorentino Takes It Down

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 0 ante

Sungmi Cho opened the action with a raise to 800 from early position, and was called by the hijack, the player on the button, the small blind, and the big blind Marc Fiorentino.

After the 374 flop, the blinds checked to Cho who bet out 2,000. The hijack called, and it folded to Fiorentino, who raised to 7,000. Cho made the call, and the hijack folded to leave the players heads up.

After the 7 on the turn, Fiorentino bet out 10,000, which got Cho to fold and give the pot to Fiorentino.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Marc Fiorentino us
Marc Fiorentino
Profile photo of Sungmi Cho kr
Sungmi Cho

Tags: Marc Fiorentino

Quads Are Good

Level 2 : Blinds 200/300, 0 ante

Action folded to Joshua Prager on the button, and he raised to 800. The small blind Marc Spitaleri called, and the big blind folded.

After the 885 flop, Spitaleri checked to Prager who bet out 1,000, before Prager raised to 3,000. Prager made the call to see a turn.

After the 8 on the turn, Prager called a bet of 5,000 from Spitaleri.

The river was the K and Prager check-called a bet of 10,400 Prager.

Prager turned over J8 for quad eights, and Spitaleri showed 66 before tossing his cards in the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Joshua Prager us
Joshua Prager
Profile photo of Marc Spitaleri us
Marc Spitaleri

Tags: Marc SpitaleriJoshua Prager

Level: 2

Blinds: 200/300

Ante: 0