2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

$1,200 Main Event
Day: 1b
Event Info

2024 The Commerce Casino Hold'Em Series

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 1b
Players Left

Tito Spikes an Ace For Good Measure

Level 8 : Blinds 600/1,200, 1,200 ante

Action was picked up with Eugene Tito all in for 17,100, and Naoya Morozumi calling to put him at risk.

Eugene Tito: AA All in
Naoya Morozumi: KK

It was the ultimate cooler as Tito had the pocket kings of Morozumi crushed with his pocket aces. The board ran out A10333 to give him a full house, aces full of threes to double up.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Eugene Tito us
Eugene Tito
Profile photo of Naoya Morozumi jp
Naoya Morozumi

Tags: Naoya MorozumiEugene Tito

Level: 8

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 1,200

Yu Doubles With Jacks

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Action was picked up with Sean Yu all in for 56,500, and Ronald Carmon calling to put him at risk.

Sean Yu: JJ All in
Ronald Carmon: 88

Yu had bigger pocket pair looking for the double up, and after the board ran out Q227K the pocket jacks of Yu were still best, to give him the double up.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Sean Yu us
Sean Yu
Profile photo of Ronald Carmon us
Ronald Carmon

Carmon Sends Brass Out With a Nice Turn

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Action was picked up on the flop with the board showing 289 with roughly 11,000 in the pot.

Corey Brass bet out 5,000, when Ronald Carmon raised all in for 50,000. After sitting in the tank, Brass found the call to put Carmon at risk.

Ronald Carmon: 102 All in
Corey Brass: 55

Brass made the tough call for majority of stack, after Carmon put him to the test with his jam. Brass was ahead, but after the 10 on the turn Carmon took the commanding lead with his two pair, and 3 officially gave Carmon the double up. Brass was extremely frustrated after the hand, and left the tournament area despite having Carmon covered.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Ronald Carmon us
Ronald Carmon
Profile photo of Corey Brass us
Corey Brass

Tags: Ronald CarmonCorey Brass

Khalili Has the Best of It

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Action folded to Nick Hebron on the button, and he raised to 3,500. After the small blind folded, the big blind Sohale Khalili made the call.

The flop came 33Q and both players checked to the 4 turn. Khalili then bet out 6,000, before Hebron raised to 16,500, which Khalili called.

Both players checked after the 6 on the river, and Khalili tabled AQ for two pair queens and threes to take the pot, as Hebron muck his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Sohale Khalili us
Sohale Khalili
Profile photo of Nick Hebron
Nick Hebron

Tags: Sohale KhaliliNick Hebron

Nguyen Forces The Fold

Level 7 : Blinds 500/1,000, 1,000 ante

Martin Bakri limped in from under the gun, and when it folded to the small blind Robert Nguyen, he raised to 3,500. The big blind folded and Bakri made the call.

The flop came 106J and Nguyen check-called a bet of 4,500 from Bakri.

Both players checked to the river after the 2, which brought the 4. Nguyen then bet out 15,000, which got Bakri to fold and give the pot to Nguyen.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Robert Nguyen us
Robert Nguyen
Profile photo of Martin Bakri us
Martin Bakri

Tags: Robert NguyenMartin Bakri

Level: 7

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 1,000

Brandt Flops the World

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Action was picked up on the flop with roughly 8,000 in the pot, and the board showing 274.

Katherine Brandt checked from middle position to a player in the cutoff who bet out 4,400, when Brandt raised him all in for his last 20,000 chips. After debating his decision, the cutoff made the call to put himself at risk.

Cutoff: J4 All in
Katherine Brandt: 65

The cutoff made the call and was happy to see he was ahead with his pair of fours, but he would need to fade the two over cards and the open-ended straight flush draw of Brandt. The 8 on the turn left the cutoff drawing dead as Brandt hit her straight, and the 6 on the river officially eliminated him as Brandt took in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Katherine Brandt us
Katherine Brandt

Tags: Katherine Brandt

Prager's River Raise Gets Through

Level 6 : Blinds 400/800, 800 ante

Joshua Prager opened the action with a raise to 2,000 from the cutoff, and was called by the small blind Sean Yu.

Both players checked after the 629 flop, which brought the 2 on the turn. Yu then bet out 5,000 which was called by Prager.

After the 8 on the river, Yu bet out 10,000, before Prager raised to 31,000. Yu quickly thought about his decision, before finding a fold to give the pot to Prager.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Joshua Prager us
Joshua Prager
Profile photo of Sean Yu us
Sean Yu

Tags: Sean YuJoshua Prager