SCOOP-100-H: $5,200 NLHE [8-Max, Final Freeze], $700K Gtd
Event Info
Carrel eliminated by SchindlerSegebrecht vs Schindlerjustholdplz vs SchindlerTheologis vs SchindlerNemeth eliminated by SchindlerMATT HOLVIK Eliminated by CarrelAstedt vs SchindlerPapadopoulos vs SchindlerRemi Lebo_10 eliminatedVyruAlus eliminated by CarrelAlavali Eliminated by CarrelUstimov eliminatedSilverstein vs justholdplzWigg and PALbICH eliminatedmikki696 vs NemethMartirosian vs Alavalidarogio eliminatedDouble Elimination on the BubbleHoefer vs MATT HOLVIKGusma vs NemethRabichow eliminated by justholdplzLima vs SilversteinCarrel vs KaladjurdjevicLevinskas eliminated by ValentimShipitFTW911 eliminatedLococo vs ValentimHoefer vs TheologisPeters vs AlavaliLeonard vs TalbotBenitez vs MaTitheoneAbreu vs AstedtDouble Knockout for Remi Lebo_10Talbot vs ChiudaPadilha vs Prestoniussjeyduverne vs SchindlerWigg doubles through jeyduverneJones vs FerreiraBiceps82 vs TalbotPapazian vs CarrelSimao eliminated by Bosca RamonVogelsang eliminatedShakerchi vs TheologisPeters vs ProudfootMateos vs flerrehuvequill18 eliminated