PokerStars SCOOP 2020

SCOOP-110-H: $5,200 PLO [6-Max, High Roller], $400K Gtd
Day: 2
Event Info

PokerStars SCOOP 2020

Final Results
Andre "Sira Al Aziz" Santos
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
70,000 / 140,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

"xnrobix" Eliminated in 2nd Place ($107,219)

Level 32 : 70,000/140,000, 0 ante

Unlike previous hands, "xnrobix" this time limped the button and Andre "Sira Al Aziz" Santos raised the pot to 420,000, which "xnrobix" called.

On a flop of {a-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{7-Spades}, Santos continued for 277,200 and the {3-Clubs} turn was checked to "xnrobix", who bet 914,000 into a pot of 1,394,400 after using a portion of his time bank. Santos made the call and they headed to the {9-Diamonds} river.

Santos elected to check once more and "xnrobix" pulled the trigger with a jam for 2,747,710. That sent Santos into the think tank and he eventually found the call.

"xnrobix" tabled {8-Clubs}{6-Spades}{4-Clubs}{4-Diamonds} for a pair of fours and straight draw that had missed while Santos had {q-Clubs}{j-Clubs}{j-Spades}{8-Diamonds} for jacks and nines to win the tournament. "xnrobix" has been eliminated in 2nd place and takes home $107,219.12 as per the deal both players agreed to.

"xnrobix" Eliminated in 2nd Place
"xnrobix" Eliminated in 2nd Place

Santos claims the biggest slice of the prize pool for $111,256.53 and his first SCOOP title.

A recap of today's action is to follow.

Player Chips Progress
Andre "Sira Al Aziz" Santos hr
Andre "Sira Al Aziz" Santos
xnrobix hu

Tags: Sira Al Azizxnrobix

André "Sira Al Aziz" Santos Wins First SCOOP Title in 110-H: $5,200 PLO High Roller ($111,257)

Level 32 : 70,000/140,000, 0 ante
Andre Santos
Andre Santos

In just over four hours on the final day of the 2020 PokerStars Spring Championship of Online Poker SCOOP-110-H: $5,200 PLO [6-Max, High Roller], the final 14 players out of a field of 110 entries have been whittled down to a champion and a maiden winner of the popular online festival has been crowned.

Portuguese poker pro André "Sira Al Aziz" Santos, who currently represents Croatia, already has a TCOOP title on his online poker resume from back in 2016 and the high stakes cash game player now adds a far bigger payday to his resume after defeating Hungary's "xnrobix" in heads-up.

Both were the only players to take home a six-figure portion of the $550,000 prize pool as Santos received $111,256.53 and "xnrobix" walked away with $107,219.12 after a heads-up deal that left $4,000 in cash and the SCOOP title up for grabs to the winner.

Another Portuguese poker pro reached the seven-handed final table as current 2020 SCOOP overall leaderboard contender Rui "RuiNF" Ferreira added further points to his tally after finishing in 5th place. The remaining contenders on the final table were Jean-Francois "bmwmcoupe" Talbot, the high stakes cash game players Linus "LLinusLLove" Loeliger and "XD89lol<3" as well as Henrique “RickLogrado” Logrado.

Final Result SCOOP-110-H: $5,200 PLO [6-Max, High Roller]

1Andre "Sira Al Aziz" SantosCroatia$111,257*
3Jean-Francois "bmwmcoupe" TalbotCanada$72,740
4Linus "LLinusLLove" LoeligerAustria$55,780
5Rui "RuiNF" FerreiraNetherlands$42,781
7Henrique “RickLogrado” LogradoBrazil$25,164

*reflects deal of the final two players, who continued to battle $4,000 in cash and the SCOOP title

Among those to reach the final day and bust prior to the final table were such notables as Noah "Exclusive" Boeken, Belarmino "PaGaOVelhinho" de Souza, former SCOOP-H Main Event champion Talal "raidalot" Shakerchi and Finland's "WRUUUUM".

Shakerchi and Boeken Bust Before the Final Table

Two early casualties in the first level of the day set the pace for near non-stop action on the six-max tables as "anonymstruts" and "WRUUUUM" ran out of chips. The latter had most of the chips invested and got it in with an open-ender but found no help against the naked aces of André "Sira Al Aziz" Santos. Soon after it would be all over for Talal "raidalot" Shakerchi in 12th place when he had a big portion of his stack in before the flop and missed out on the nut flush draw. Again it was Santos that dealt the final blow with aces.

As both tables went short-handed after the eliminations of "TheBrodie5" and "Harleyy30040", it was Belarmino "PaGaOVelhinho" de Souza who ran out of steam. The Brazilian was up and down throughout the early stages of the day and limp-called a raise by Jean-Francois "bmwmcoupe" Talbot with jacks and tens. De Souza flopped a diamond draw to go with his pair but a third diamond on the river gave Talbot the nut flush.

Some 20 minutes passed on the final table bubble and Noah "Exclusive" Boeken got short and jammed pre with king-ten-ten-eight double suit. Linus "LLinusLLove" Loeliger called with ace-king-queen-ten and flopped top pair with a flushdraw to hold up after two blanks on turn and river.

"xnrobix" Assumes Control on the Final Table

Talbot was the chip leader when the field was down to the final seven and held up with kings against the high cards of Henrique “RickLogrado” Logrado. In a battle of the Portuguese, Santos prevailed against Rui "RuiNF" Ferreira to earn a vital double up and Ferreira then doubled two times in a row to get back into contention.

"XD89lol<3" doubled through Ferreira only to send all those chips over to "xnrobix" when his aces ended up second best to the turned straight of "xnrobix", who assumed the chip lead for the first time on the final table. In quick succession, Ferreira and Loeliger were eliminated by Talbot to reduce the field to the final three.

Rui Ferreira
Rui Ferreira

"xnrobix" retained his lead throughout three-handed play and dispatched a short-stacked Talbot when they rivered two pair to crack the aces of the Canadian. From there on it would take half an hour to crown a champion and when the Hungarian was even in chips with Santos, both players struck a deal and played for $4,000 and the title.

Santos established a small lead and earned the victory with a big hero call on a paired ace-high river with jacks and nines as he caught "xnrobix" bluffing with a busted draw and inferior two pair.

That wraps up the PokerNews updates for this event but tune back in to follow the updates for the final tournaments of the extended 2020 SCOOP schedule in the upcoming days.

Tags: anonymstrutsbmwmcoupeExclusiveHarleyy30040LLinusLLovePaGaOVelhinhoraidalotRui FerreiraRuiNFSira Al AzizTheBrodie5WRUUUUMXD89lol&lt;3xnrobix