PokerStars WCOOP 2020

WCOOP-10-H: $10,300 NLHE [8-Max, High Roller], $1M Gtd
Day: 2
Event Info

PokerStars WCOOP 2020

Final Results
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Schemion Pulls Further Ahead

Level 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

The usual button min raise by Ole "wizowizo" Schemion was called by Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich, who then check-raised the {j-Clubs}{j-Spades}{3-Spades} flop from 163,200 to 542,875. Schemion tossed in the additional chips and Geilich checked the {k-Clubs} on the turn.

Schemion now made it 812,245 to go and that ended the resistance of Geilich.

Player Chips Progress
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich gb
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich
Day 1 Chip Leader

One Showdown Hand for Each

Level 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

In a rare limped pot to the {10-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} flop both players checked and Ole "wizowizo" Schemion then bet the {4-Clubs} turn for 320,400, which was called by Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich in the big blind. Schemion bet another 730,000 on the {j-Hearts} river and was called to win the pot with {10-Hearts}{3-Spades}.

Geilich was down to 7.1 million but won the next hand to pull closer again. He three-bet to 966,875 and Schemion came along to call a first barrel of 486,875 on the {q-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} flop and second bet of 1,686,875 on the {k-Hearts} turn.

The {a-Hearts} river was checked and Geilich won the pot with {k-Spades}{10-Diamonds}.

Player Chips Progress
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich gb
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich
Day 1 Chip Leader

Four in a Row For Geilich

Level 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich opened to 346,875 in order to pick up a call from Ole "wizowizo" Schemion. On a flop of {q-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{6-Clubs}, Schemion check-called 468,675 and did so again for 1,286,875 on the {2-Clubs} turn.

After the {k-Spades} river, Schemion checked the third time in a row and a bet of Geilich for 4,686,875, more than half of his remaining stack, went through uncalled.

Geilich won the next two pots, on the flop and preflop, and the next big pot followed after.

This time, Geilich three-bet big to 1,468,675 preflop and picked up a call by Schemion. A first barrel of 868,675 on the {j-Hearts}{5-Spades}{3-Spades} flop resulted in a call by Schemion who called once more for 1,786,875 on the {6-Diamonds} turn. Eventually, Geilich shoved the {2-Hearts} river and that avoided a showdown as Schemion folded.

Player Chips Progress
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich gb
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich
Day 1 Chip Leader
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion

A Showdown Pot for Schemion

Level 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Barely and of the recent dozen hands went past the flop or turn and the chip distribution all but remained the same. One hand that went to showdown started with a button raise to 346,875 by Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich and Ole "wizowizo" Schemion came along.

No betting action at all took place on the {j-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} board and Schemion won the pot with {7-Spades}{6-Spades} for a pair of sevens.

Player Chips Progress
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich gb
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich
Day 1 Chip Leader
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion

Geilich Rivers the Nuts and Gets Paid

Level 28 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

In a limped pot to the {q-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{2-Spades} flop, Ole "wizowizo" Schemion check-called a first bet of 186,875 by Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich and did so again for 468,675 on the {6-Spades} turn.

After the {8-Diamonds} river, Schemion called a bet of 999,999 and Geilich tabled the {j-Spades}{9-Clubs} for the nuts.

Schemion won some chips back in the last hand of the level when his shove on the {8-Clubs}{7-Spades}{4-Hearts}{a-Diamonds}{q-Clubs} river got through and forced a snap-fold from Geilich.

Player Chips Progress
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich gb
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich
Day 1 Chip Leader
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion

Level: 29

Blinds: 100,000/200,000

Ante: 25,000

Schemion Doubles Through Geilich Part II

Level 29 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante
Schemion Doubles Through Geilich Again
Schemion Doubles Through Geilich Again

Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich raised the button to 438,675 and picked up a call by Ole "wizowizo" Schemion in the big blind, who check-called for 287,875 on the {a-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{8-Spades} flop.

The {k-Diamonds} appeared on the turn and Schemion check-called for 1,286,875 to then check-call the {a-Spades} river when Geilich jammed it in.

Geilich was caught with the {j-Clubs}{3-Spades} as Schemion scored the double with {a-Diamonds}{6-Spades} for trips aces.

Player Chips Progress
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich gb
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich
Day 1 Chip Leader
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion

Schemion With a Big Lead Once More

Level 29 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante

Following a button limp by Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich, Ole "wizowizo" Schemion raised to 800,000 and Geilich called. They checked the {10-Spades}{8-Spades}{6-Spades} flop and Schemion bet the {9-Hearts} turn for 1,330,000, which Geilich called.

On the {5-Clubs} river, Schemion bet 4,100,000 into 4,310,000 and once called, tabled the {a-Diamonds}{7-Spades} for a ten-high straight to win a pot of more than 12.5 million.

Player Chips Progress
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich gb
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich
Day 1 Chip Leader

Geilich Right Back In It

Level 29 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante

The next scheduled five-minute break has commenced and Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich has pulled closer to Ole "wizowizo" Schemion after taking down most of the recent pots.

Among them he raised the button and was called, then Schemion bet the {j-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds} turn for 825,342 and check-folded the {3-Diamonds} river to a bet of 1,486,875 by Geilich.

Geilich won a showdown hand with {a-Hearts}{j-Spades} versus {j-Hearts}{9-Hearts} when both rivered jacks and fours on {k-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}, then made two pair with {7-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} on {q-Clubs}{j-Clubs}{5-Spades}{k-Diamonds}{q-Hearts} and ultimately bet a checked board of {k-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{a-Clubs}{8-Diamonds} on the river to avoid a showdown.

Player Chips Progress
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich gb
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich
Day 1 Chip Leader

Geilich Hits Turn and River; Schemion Gets it Back

Level 29 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante

In the first hand after the break, Ole "wizowizo" Schemion limp-called a raise to 786,875 by Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich and check-called the {a-Hearts}{7-Spades}{2-Diamonds} flop for 468,675, then check-called the {8-Spades} turn for 999,999. Schemion checked behind the {8-Hearts} river and Geilich tabled {10-Clubs}{8-Clubs} for trips eights as the winning hand.

Schemion struck back with a pot claimed on the {j-Spades}{9-Hearts}{6-Spades}{7-Spades} turn and won two out of the next three hands to pull back into the lead. The German min-raised the button and was called to check behind the {j-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{5-Hearts} flop. Geilich bet the {7-Clubs} turn for 568,675 and the {a-Hearts} river was checked again.

Geilich had {q-Spades}{4-Clubs} for a missed draw and Schemion had so, too, with the {k-Clubs}{3-Clubs}.

Player Chips Progress
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ole "wizowizo" Schemion
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich gb
Ludovic "ludovi333" Geilich
Day 1 Chip Leader