2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Final Results
Winning Hand
2,877,500 HKD
Event Info
42,400 HKD
Prize Pool
20,796,800 HKD
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

Li Wins Starting Contest Against Saout

Level 4 : 150/300, 50 ante

After a raise and a call, Shuo Li three-bet to 2,650 in the small blind and Antoine Saout four-bet to 7,000 out of the big blinds. The action folded back to Li, who called. After a flop of {K-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{2-Clubs}, two minutes passed and Saout asked the dealer if his opponent had already made a move, which had not been the case.

After another 30 seconds, Li bet 6,000 and now it was Saout who had to give it some consideration. Eventually, the Frenchman folded and dropped below starting stack, while Li is building his stack well above that.

Player Chips Progress
Shuo Li cn
Shuo Li
Antoine Saout fr
Antoine Saout

Tags: Antoine SaoutShuo Li

Gruissem Doubles Through Ng

Level 4 : 150/300, 50 ante

Koon Siu Dennis Ng and Philipp Gruissem just tangled in a pot that saw the stacks go in after the turn with Gruissem at risk. On the flop of {K-Spades}{6-Spades}{6-Clubs}, Gruissem check-raised and was called to see a pot of 10,000 emerge to the {10-Diamonds} turn. Gruissem bet 7,000 and Ng eventually moved all in to receive the call by Gruissem.

Philipp Gruissem: {A-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}
Koon Siu Dennis Ng: {K-Clubs}{9-Clubs}

The {4-Diamonds} on the river was a blank and Gruissem doubled for 26,300 not long after having entered the tournament towards the end of the previous level.

Player Chips Progress
Philipp Gruissem de
Philipp Gruissem
WSOP 1X Winner
Koon Siu Dennis Ng cn
Koon Siu Dennis Ng

Tags: Koon Siu Dennis NgPhilipp Gruissem

Laidlaw Busts Lin

Level 4 : 150/300, 50 ante
Daniel Laidlaw
Daniel Laidlaw

On the heads-up flop of {6-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{3-Spades}, Daniel Laidlaw faced a bet worth 5,000 by Xia Lin and raised it up to 13,000. Lin wasted little time before moving all in for what looked like 25,000 and Laidlaw quickly called.

Xia Lin: {K-Clubs}{J-Clubs}
Daniel Laidlaw: {A-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}

The {9-Clubs} turn left Lin drawing dead, making the {9-Spades} river a formality. Laidlaw bumped his stack once more, while Ryan Yu next to him is also among the bigger stacks after four levels.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Laidlaw au
Daniel Laidlaw
Ryan Yu ca
Ryan Yu
Xia Lin cn
Xia Lin

Tags: Daniel LaidlawXia Lin

Denysenko Doubles and Busts Nicolajsen

Level 4 : 150/300, 50 ante

In one of the last hands of the level, a three-way all in emerged and Tim Nicolajsen was the short stack at risk with around 10,000 only, while Dmytro Denysenko and Hua Li were still in the pot. The remaining chips went in after the {10-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{6-Spades}{4-Clubs} turn and all three cards were turned over.

Tim Nicolajsen: {A-Hearts}{10-Hearts}
Dmytro Denysenko: {10-Spades}{10-Hearts}
Hua Li: {A-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}

The {Q-Spades} on the river bricked and Nicolajsen was eliminated, while Denysenko doubled through Li.

Player Chips Progress
Dmytro Denysenko ua
Dmytro Denysenko
Tim Nicolajsen se
Tim Nicolajsen

Tags: Dmytro DenysenkoHua LiTim Nicolajsen

Chan Wins From Loebus, Huang Wins From Radzivonau

Level 4 : 150/300, 50 ante

Home turf advantage can count for a lot, regardless of the sport and several of the field’s notable Asian players are doing pretty well versus some of the visitors.

For Hong Kong’s Justin Chan, Macau is like a second home, although his opponent in this particular hand – Russia’s Artem Lobus – can also boast some impressive results here.

Chan was the aggressor, opening to 700 from the cutoff, with Lobus making the call from the button to take play heads-up to the monochrome {7-Spades}{5-Spades}{q-Spades} flop, which brought checks from both players.

The {4-Spades} turn brought a fourth spade to keep the board all black and Chan checked for a second time. Lobus decided to take a stab and bet out 1,100, which Chan called to bring the action to the {10-Clubs} river.

Chan checked again and Lobus checked it right back, mucking his cards when Chan turned over {a-Clubs}{j-Spades} to take the pot.

While Bryan Huang is not a Macau native the Singaporean has been playing here so long that he might as well be. Following an early position raise to 700, Huang called from mid position, as did Belarus’ Kiryl Radzivonau from the big blind to take the action three-way.

The {2-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}{8-Hearts} flop brought a check from Radzivonau and the original raiser so Huang opted to take control of the hand with a bet of 1,100. Radzivonau made the call and the third player bowed out to take play heads-up to the {j-Clubs} turn.

That was it for the betting in this particular hand with the action going check, check and repeating on the {6-Spades} river.

Radzivonau turned over {10-Clubs}{9-Hearts} for a missed open-ender meaning Huang’s {q-Hearts}{10-Hearts} was enough to take it down.

Player Chips Progress
Bryan Huang sg
Bryan Huang
Justin Chan tw
Justin Chan
Kiryl Radzivonau by
Kiryl Radzivonau
Artem Lobus ru
Artem Lobus

Tags: Bryan HuangKiryl RadzivonauArtem LobusJustin Chan

Paik Picks a Pocket

Level 4 : 150/300, 50 ante

A sizeable pot was brewing between Albert Paik and his heads-up opponent. We caught the action on the turn of a {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} board with about 12,000 already in the middle.

With action on Paik, he checked, and his opponent made a bet of 6,200. Paik though for a moment before sliding out a raise worth 15,600.

Wanting to no believe Paik, his opponent decided to find a better spot and submitted his holdings to the muck.

Paik gave his tablemates a wink and stacked his new earned chips.

Player Chips Progress
Albert Paik us
Albert Paik

Tags: Albert Paik

Level: 5

Blinds: 200/400

Ante: 50