2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Final Results
Winning Hand
2,877,500 HKD
Event Info
42,400 HKD
Prize Pool
20,796,800 HKD
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

Li Blocks Out Sun, Haxton Enters the Fray

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante

With deep stacks and long levels you might expect play to start slowly and build to a crescendo and play progresses, but that is not the case here on Day1A of the PokerStars Championship Macau Main Event.
Two players who are throwing the chips presently around are Liwei Sun and Mingwei Li. Sitting in the cutoff Li had a bet totalling 1,250 out on the felt and Sun (button) had re-raised to 3,325.

It looked like Li had packed his sunblock though and tossed in another raise, this one a rather hefty bet of 7,850 in total. That was enough to get Sun to give it up rather quickly and he pitched his cards into the muck, leaving Li to take down the pot.

Yet another high roller has entered the fray. After just busting the Super High Roller in 13th place for HK$676,000 Isaac Haxton has recently taken his seat in the main event.

Player Chips Progress
Mingwei Li cn
Mingwei Li
Liwei Sun it
Liwei Sun
Isaac Haxton us
Isaac Haxton
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Isaac HaxtonLiwei SunMingwei Li

Up To More Than 130 Entries

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante

The field is slowly but surely growing and the screens show more than 130 entries. Among the latest well-known names to enter Day 1a were Vladimir Troyanovskiy, Antoine Saout and Steven Thompson. The latter finished 42nd in the PokerStars Championship Panama Main Event at the start of March and also reached two final tables in Side Events there as well.

Thompson sat down one table over from Timothy Adams and Ali Reza Fatehi and it was Fatehi who just claimed another pot without showdown. As in previous hands, the player from Iran bet through the board {K-Spades}{10-Hearts}{2-Spades}{10-Clubs}{Q-Hearts} and the final bet was worth 4,350. There were just 3,300 in the middle, and the overbet did the trick to force a fold from his sole opponent Markus Bengtsson. Fatehi and Bengtsson both started well on around 45,000 thus far.

Player Chips Progress
Ali Reza Fatehi ir
Ali Reza Fatehi
Steven Thompson cr
Steven Thompson
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
Antoine Saout fr
Antoine Saout

Tags: Ali Reza FatehiAntoine SaoutMarkus BengtssonSteven ThompsonTimothy Adams

More Chips for Dvoress

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante

Daniel Dvoress opened the action with a raise to 400 from the cutoff seat and the player in the big blind called. The flop came {a-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{j-Spades} and action checked to Dvoress who continued for 550, receiving a call.

The turn was the {4-Clubs} and the player in the big blind led out for 1,475. Dvoress called.

The river was the {q-Hearts} and it checked to Dvoress. He bet 2,500 and his opponent hesitated for just a moment before folding.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Dvoress ca
Daniel Dvoress
WSOP 2X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Daniel Dvoress

Fatehi Wheels Out Win

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante

Iran’s Ali Reza Fatehi may have had no joy in the Super High Roller but his Main Event is off to a great start, though this has come at the expense of Russia’s Asker Aloev.

Pre-flop it was Aloev who was the aggressor, opening to 350 from middle position with Fatehi making the call from the button and Troy Quenneville coming along for the ride from the big blind.

The {4-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{5-Spades} flop brought a check from Quenneville and a 1,100-continuation bet from Aloev. Fatehi quickly fired out a raise, throwing out a multicolored handful of chips for a bet of 3,300.

After Quenneville got out of the way Aloev let out a notable sigh but chose to make the call to bring play heads-up to the {5-Diamonds} turn.

Aloev checked it over to Fatehi, who fired again, this time for 6,700 and the Russian grudgingly made the call once more.

The {10-Hearts} river missed any potential flush draws and Aloev checked for a second time. Needing no further encouragement Fatehi fired out a pot-sized bet of 15,000, sending Aloev into tank mode and he counted out his stack before electing to call it off.

However, Aloev instantly folds when Fatehi rolled over {a-Clubs}{3-Hearts} for the flopped wheel and scooped the sizable pot.

Player Chips Progress
Ali Reza Fatehi ir
Ali Reza Fatehi
Asker Aloev ru
Asker Aloev

Tags: Asker AloevAli Reza Fatehi

Updated Chip Counts for a Few Notables

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante
Player Chips Progress
Daniel Dvoress ca
Daniel Dvoress
WSOP 2X Winner
Run It Once
Fabian Quoss de
Fabian Quoss
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
WSOP 2X Winner
David Peters us
David Peters
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
John Juanda id
John Juanda
WSOP 5X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
EPT 1X Winner
Timothy Adams ca
Timothy Adams
WSOP 1X Winner
Fabrice Soulier fr
Fabrice Soulier
WSOP 1X Winner
Troy Quenneville ca
Troy Quenneville
Sam Greenwood ca
Sam Greenwood
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once
Xuan Liu ca
Xuan Liu

Adams Whiffs the Draw

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante

We caught up to the action on the flop with {6-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{4-Spades} on the table and about 6,500 already in the pot. Timothy Adams bet 1,650 and his single opponent, Asker Aloev, raised to 3,250. Adams called.

The turn was the {q-Diamonds} and both players checked, bringing out the river of {5-Clubs}. They both checked again.

Adams turned over {5-Hearts}{7-Hearts} for a missed draw and Aloev showed {9-Hearts}{9-Diamonds} to scoop up the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Timothy Adams ca
Timothy Adams
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Timothy AdamsAsker Aloev

Juanda Scoops Two in a Row

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante

Hand 1

After a limp by Panagiotis Makridis from under the gun, the small blind and John Juanda in the big blind came along the the flop fell {Q-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{2-Clubs}. Juanda bet 400 and Makridis called, while the small blind folded. On the 3d turn, Juanda's bet worth 900 claimed the pot, as Makridis got out of the way.

Hand 2

One hand later, there was an open-raise to 425 and Stanislav Stepanov called, as did Bryan Huang from one seat over. Juanda three-bet to 2,000 in the small blind and just Stepanov called. On the {J-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} flop, Juanda continued for 4,000 and Stepanov called before the {4-Hearts} fell on the turn.

"Do you have any yellow chips?" Juanda asked and Stepanov showed his stack, which amounted to approximately 12,500. Juanda then bet 15,000, enough to cover his opponent, and forced a fold from Stepanov.

Player Chips Progress
John Juanda id
John Juanda
WSOP 5X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
EPT 1X Winner
Bryan Huang sg
Bryan Huang

Tags: Bryan HuangJohn JuandaStanislav StepanovPanagiotis Makridis

Alvarado Takes it on the River

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante

JC Alvarado check-raised a flop of {J-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{2-Spades} from 625 to 1,800 out of the big blind and Quan Zhou called from early position. On the {6-Clubs} turn, Alvarado bet 2,800, which Zhou called, before the {5-Clubs} river completed the board.

Alvarado now made it 11,000 to go and Zhou waved with his hand to see the stack of the Mexican. Alvarado only had around 13,000 behind after his bet, and Zhou gave it another half a minute before electing to fold.

Player Chips Progress
JC Alvarado mx
JC Alvarado

Tags: JC AlvaradoQuan Zhou

Pokernews My Stack App Available for all Main Event Players

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante

The PokerNews MyStack App is available for players here at the PokerStars Championship Macau, allowing players to directly update their chip count on the PokerNews Live Reporting page for their friends and family to see.

You can download the app for iPhone or Android now to get started. Then, create a new PokerNews account or update your current one to start updating your status immediately. Your followers can see all the live action that you're involved in.

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