2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Final Results
Winning Hand
2,877,500 HKD
Event Info
42,400 HKD
Prize Pool
20,796,800 HKD
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

Yu Down to Half a Stack

Level 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

When action folded around to the players in the blinds, Ryan Yu pulled back his small blind and tossed in 100 to call. The player in the big blind raised to 300 and Yu quickly threw in two more matching hundreds.

The flop came {9-Hearts}{3-Spades}{6-Hearts} and Yu checked. His opponent bet 300 and Yu raised to 800, receiving a quick call.

The turn was the {k-Diamonds} and Yu continued with another bet, but was faced with a raise to 3,500. He called and the river was the {q-Diamonds}.

Yu checked and the other player put forward a fistful of chips amounting to 7,350, although Yu tossed in a T-5,000 chip to call before he'd even counted out the exact amount. The player showed {9-Spades}{9-Clubs} for a flopped set and Yu shook his head as he tossed his cards in the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Ryan Yu ca
Ryan Yu

Tags: Ryan Yu

Wang Starts Well

Level 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

More players are beginning to trickle in now and the action is slowly coming to the boil. We caught a sizable pot brewing pre-flop between Neel Murthy and tablemate Yang Wang, both players becoming embroiled in a raising war.

We are not sure what the initial open was for, but by the time we arrived Murthy, sitting in the hi-jack has a bet totalling 3,200 out in front of him and Yang, sitting in the cutoff, has a blue 1k chip out on the felt in front of him.

Yang announced a raise and pumped it up to 7,600 in total, sending Murthy deep into the tank for a good few minutes but he eventually elected to make the call.

While the {9-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{6-Spades} rainbow board is a little connected it is not really the best flop for the majority of unpaired three and four bet raising hands. This did not deter Murthy though, who fired out a bet of 3,500 into the 15k-plus pot.

Yang did not take long to raise, making it 8,325 to go and Murthy looked less than thrilled about it but did give it up.

“I folded ace-king man, good for you,” he bantered.

Yang shot him a cheeky grin and raked in the sizable pot, climbing to 42,000 while Murthy takes an early hit and drops to 18,200.

Player Chips Progress
Yang Wang cn
Yang Wang
Neel Murthy us
Neel Murthy

Tags: neel murthyyang wang

Menes and Geisel Among Early Casualties

Level 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

Gigi Menes is no longer in the tournament and was spotted in a room nearby, while fellow Australian Daniel Laidlaw had gotten her entire stack and more than doubled in level one already.

And then there was Fabian Geisel, who became the next early casualty on Day 1a. Geisel squeezed to 900 on the button and then called a reraise to 2,100 by Zihan Cong in early position. On the {7-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} flop, Cong continued for 2,600 and Geisel called before the Chinese then checked the {Q-Diamonds} turn. Geisel bet 6,000 and Cong was sent into the think tank, which prompted Daniel Dvoress next to him to call the clock.

Just as the tournament director arrived, Cong called and quickly checked the {J-Diamonds} on the river. Geisel moved all in and Cong snap-called to see the German roll over {A-Hearts}{4-Hearts}, Cong had {A-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts} for the nut flush and the stacks were counted. Geisel had around 20,500, while Cong had that covered with 21,700 to eliminate his opponent.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Laidlaw au
Daniel Laidlaw
Zihan Cong hk
Zihan Cong
Daniel Dvoress ca
Daniel Dvoress
WSOP 2X Winner
Run It Once
Gigi Menes au
Gigi Menes
Fabian Geisel de
Fabian Geisel

Tags: Daniel DvoressDaniel LaidlawGigi MenesZihan CongFabian Geisel

The Wang Express is Rolling

Level 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

Yang Wang continues to dominate the table and scooped further pots to almost double his stack.

In one of the most recent hands, Wang faced the min-raise of Nick Wong from under the gun and called in the small blind, the big blind called as well. On the {8-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{4-Spades} flop, Wang checked and so did the big blind. Wong bet 400 and Wang check-raised to 1,200, which only Wong called.

On the {5-Diamonds} turn, Wang then bet 2,500 and that won the pot uncontested.

Player Chips Progress
Yang Wang cn
Yang Wang
Nick Wong hk
Nick Wong

Tags: Yang WangNick Wong

Alvarado's Ace

Level 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

JC Alvarado wanted to play for more as he three-bet to 700 from the button over Xiaotian Yang's open to 225 from the cutoff seat. Mark Ryan called from the small blind, but Yang folded.

The dealer slid a flop of {4-Hearts}{q-Clubs}{k-Diamonds} on the felt and Ryan led out for 900, getting a call from Alvarado.

The turn card was the {9-Clubs} and Ryan checked. Alvarado bet 2,600 and his opponent thought for half a minute before tapping the table in acknowledgement of his opponent's hand and mucked his cards. Alvarado showed the {a-Diamonds} as he collected the pot.

Player Chips Progress
JC Alvarado mx
JC Alvarado

Tags: JC AlvaradoXiaotian YangMark Ryan

Bremner Shuts Down Greenwood, Quoss Demands New Deck

Level 1 : 50/100, 0 ante

Sam Greenwood has started aggressively and has already taken down a pre-flop pot against Germany’s Fabian Quoss with a five-bet.

Being as it seems to be working out for him the Canadian high-roller tried again, coming over the top of a Tamara Bremner 250 cutoff open from the button to the tune of 1,250.

Bremner though is having none of it and she reached for raising chips, making it 3,250 in total. Greenwood quickly mucked but play on the table halts immediately as Fabian Quoss has spotted a couple of marked cards.

It looks like someone has got a little over enthusiastic while peeling their hole cards back as a couple of them are noticeably worn already. A shiny new deck is quickly produced and the action resumes.

Tags: Sam GreenwoodTamara Bremner

Level: 2

Blinds: 75/150

Ante: 0

Ng Doubles Through Yotsushika

Level 2 : 75/150, 0 ante

In the last hand of level one, the board showed {8-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{2-Spades}{J-Hearts} and there were some 6,000 in the middle. Koon Siu Dennis Ng bet as much before Kazuhiko Yotsushika min-raised to 12,000. Ng eventually moved all in and Yotsushika was taken aback, before he eventually tossed in the extra chips.

Koon Siu Dennis Ng: [AcAh
Kazuhiko Yotsushika: {Q-Spades}{J-Spades}

The {A-Diamonds} on the river even gave Ng a set of aces and he doubled for 18,850, leaving his opponent short on approximately 6,000.

Player Chips Progress
Koon Siu Dennis Ng cn
Koon Siu Dennis Ng

Tags: Kazuhiko YotsushikaKoon Siu Dennis Ng