2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

HK$103,000 High Roller
Day: 3
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Final Results
Winning Hand
3,870,000 HKD
Event Info
103,000 HKD
Prize Pool
17,460,000 HKD
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

Final Table Set For HK$103,000 High Roller

Raghav Bansal
Raghav Bansal

Eight players remain to battle it out for the monstrous HK$3,870,000 (~US$503,100) first prize in the PokerStars Championship Macau HK$103,000 High Roller Single Re-Entry Shot Clock, with the final table set to play out at 12:30pm local time (GMT+7).

India’s Raghav Bansal is leading the charge with 1.78 million in chips, closely followed by Canada’s Troy Quenneville who bagged up 1.69 million when play concluded at 12:10am in the early hours of the morning on Saturday 9 April.

Other notables in contention include high stakes crushers Dan Smith and Nick Petrangelo, the latter of which is currently topping the Global Poker Index 2017 Player of the Year leaderboard. Petrangelo has earned in excess of $500,000 this week alone with not one but two second place High Roller cashes under his belt for the series so far.

Whether he can go all the way in this event remains to be seen but all eight remaining players have guaranteed themselves a payday of at least HK$470,000 (~US$57,563). However, it is the title, trophy and the lion’s share of the prize pool that all remaining competitors will be focused on.

Remaining Payouts:

PlacePrize (HKD)Prize (USD)

With the shortest stack coming in at 24 big blinds there is still plenty of play left in the tournament and we expect some scintillating action as the event approaches its exciting conclusion.

Here’s where the rest of the field will be sitting and how they are stacking up:

SeatPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Nick PetrangeloUSA1,450,00072
2Raghav BansalIndia1,787,00089
3Sergey LebedevRussia805,00040
4Sosia JiangAustralia536,00026
5Dan SmithUSA1,238,00062
6Troy QuennevilleCanada1,698,00085
7Xixiang LuoChina490,00024
8Ben LaiHong Kong990,00049

In addition to the thrilling end of the High Roller, the PokerStars Championship Main Event Final Table will also be playing out at 12pm local time.

Currently, it is Canada’s Elliot Smith who is narrowly leading with a stack of 4.585 million, with China’s Tianyuan Tang and the UK’s Ayman Hata rounding out the top three.

You can follow all the action on PokerNews so keep your eyes glued to your computer screens as this spectacular poker series plays down to its exciting conclusion.

Tags: Aymon HataBen LaiDan SmithElliot SmithNick PetrangeloRaqhav BansalSergey LebedevSosia JiangTroy QuennevilleXixiang Luo

Xixiang Luo Eliminated in 8th Place (HK$470,000)

Level 20 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Xixiang Luo
Xixiang Luo

Despite winning two side events here at the PokerStars Macau Championship for a little over US$50,000 already this week China’s Xixiang Luo could not go the distance here in the HK$103,000 High Roller and has become the first casualty of the final table.
Pre-flop it was Dan Smith who opened the action with a raise to 38,000 from the button and Troy Quenneville made the call from the small blind before Luo squeezed all-in from the big blind for 441,000 in total.

While Smith quickly folded Quenneville looked interested and asked for a count before making a quick call before the 5 allotted seconds of free time are over.

Xixiang Luo: {9-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}
Troy Quenneville: {a-Hearts}{j-Spades}

The Canadian immediately flopped top pair on the {a-Spades} window card with the rest of the flop coming down {7-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}. The {2-Diamonds} turn and {7-Spades} river gave Luo no help and first blood goes to Troy Quenneville while Luo headed to the cash desk to pick up the equivalent of US$57,560. All seven remaining High Rollers have HK$652,000 (~US$84,760) locked up for their efforts.

Player Chips Progress
Troy Quenneville ca
Troy Quenneville
Xixiang Luo cn
Xixiang Luo
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Troy QuennevilleXixiang Luo

The Anatomy of a HK$100K High Roller fFnal Table

Level 21 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Final Table
Final Table

It takes several crucial components to make a riveting final table. Let's break them down.

The chip leader

That title goes to India's Raghav Bansal. He emerged as an early frontrunner yesterday, before letting the lead go to Dan Smith. A late resurgence took him back to the top of the counts.

With more than $400K in live earnings, Bansal is no stranger to big final tables. He had a runner-up result in the Macau Poker Cup for $137,587 in February this year.

Read more on the PokerStars blog.

Tags: Raghav Bansal

Sergey Lebedev Eliminated in 7th Place (HK$652,000)

Level 21 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Sergey Lebedev
Sergey Lebedev

The final table is now down to six with the departure of Russia’s Sergey Lebedev. Pre-flop it was Ben Lai who lit the blue touch paper with an early position open to 45,000 before Lebedev juiced it up to 120,000 from the button.

Neighbouring Jiang, sitting in the small blind reached for chips, but not for calling with and she three-bet to 350,000 in total. Lai quickly folded and action was back on Lebedev who quickly moved his remaining chips into the middle and was called instantly by Jiang.

Sergey Lebedev: {j-Clubs}{j-Hearts}
Sosia Jiang: {a-Spades}{a-Clubs}

The Russian was trailing to Jiang’s pocket rockets and found no help when the board ran out {10-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{5-Hearts}{k-Clubs}{8-Diamonds} and hit the rail in seventh place for HK$652,000 (~US$84,760). All remaining six players are now guaranteed at least HK$895,000 (~US$116,350)

Player Chips Progress
Sosia Jiang nz
Sosia Jiang
Sergey Lebedev gb
Sergey Lebedev

Tags: Sergey LebedevSosia Jiang

Dan Smith Eliminated in 6th Place (HK$895,000)

Level 21 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Sosia Jiang (left) and Dan Smith
Sosia Jiang (left) and Dan Smith

Sosia Jiang is on fire at the moment and has just gunned down another player, with the unfortunate Dan Smith in her crosshairs this time around.

It was Jiang who was the initial raiser, making it 45,000 from the button before Smith shipped in the rest of his chips from the small blind for a shove of 566,000 in total. Jiang called quickly and it was race time.

Dan Smith: {k-Spades}{q-Spades}
Sosia Jiang: {7-Spades}{7-Diamonds}

Smith found no help on the {4-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{6-Spades} flop and his tournament came to a close when the {10-Hearts} turn and {6-Clubs} river completed the hand. Jiang stacked up to 2.74 million while Smith headed for the exit to collect the equivalent of US$116,350.

Player Chips Progress
Sosia Jiang nz
Sosia Jiang
Dan Smith us
Dan Smith
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Dan SmithSosia Jiang

Ben Lai Eliminated in 5th Place (HK$1,170,000)

Level 22 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante
Ben Lai
Ben Lai

Sosia Jiang raised to 54,000 and Ben Lai called all in for that exact amount on the button. Raghav Bansal was in the big blind and leaned over from his chair to see if Lai had any further chips left, and Lai then grabbed his box of mints and put it on the cards. Bansal joked "if I win this, I get those as well?" and Lai grabbed the mints and tossed them over with a smile on the face. Bansal then called.

Both remaining active players checked the {A-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} flop, the {2-Hearts} turn and the {J-Clubs} river. "I have a deuce" Bansal announced and showed {6-Hearts}{2-Spades}. Jiang had that beat with {A-Hearts}{K-Hearts} and Lai's {J-Spades}{8-Spades} ended up third-best to eliminate the player from Hong Kong in 5th place for HK$1,170,000 (~US$152,100). The remaining four players already have HK$1,465,000 locked up, which equals approximately US$190,450.

Player Chips Progress
Sosia Jiang nz
Sosia Jiang
Raghav Bansal in
Raghav Bansal
Ben Lai hk
Ben Lai

Tags: Ben LaiRaghav BansalSosia Jiang

Nick Petrangelo Eliminated in 4th Place (HK$1,465,000)

Level 23 : 15,000/30,000, 5,000 ante
Nick Petrangelo
Nick Petrangelo

Nick Petrangelo raised to 60,000 from the button and then faced the three-bet of Sosia Jiang in the big blind. Petrangelo moved all in for less than a million and Jiang snap-called.

Nick Petrangelo: {A-Clubs}{5-Clubs}
Sosia Jiang: {A-Hearts}{A-Spades}

The {10-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{4-Spades} flop changed nothing much, while Petrangelo picked up a few outs for a miracle on the {3-Hearts} turn. However, a blank {7-Spades} on the river sent the poker pro to the rail in 4th place and he added another HK$1,465,000 (~US$190,450) to his two previous second-place finishes during the festival at the PokerStars LIVE Macau poker room.

All remaining three players have HK$1,800,000 locked up, which equals approximately US$234,000.

Player Chips Progress
Sosia Jiang nz
Sosia Jiang
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Nick PetrangeloSosia Jiang

Bansal Rides Rollercoaster, Quenneville Wins Big

Level 23 : 15,000/30,000, 5,000 ante
Raghav Bansal
Raghav Bansal

It’s a rollercoaster ride of a tournament for former front runner Raghav Bansal who’s stack is going up and down so fast it’s a wonder he hasn’t been sick all over the table.

It was Sosia Jiang controlling this particular fairground ride; Bansal raised up to 80,000 from the small blind and Jiang re-raised to 200,000 in total with Bansal making the call.

The Indian player checked the {7-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{k-Spades} flop over to Jiang, who c-bet 300,000, which Bansal called before checking the {a-Hearts} turn, and while there was a little big of confusion with Jiang missing the check and running the clock down thinking the action was still on Bansal, she eventually checked it back.

The {10-Spades} river saw Bansal check once more and Jiang reached for chips, making it 350,000 to go.

“This is so sick,” muttered Bansal, “Do you have it?”

Jiang must look like she does as Bansal folded to drop down to 1.6m while Jiang climbed up to the giddy heights of 5.8 million.

The Indian player’s ride was not over here though with Bansal and Troy Quenneville playing a big pot immediately after. Bansal made it 70,000 to go on the button and Quenneville called from the big blind to take the action to a flop of {j-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}{a-Hearts}.

Quenneville checked, Bansal bet 80,000 and the Canadian called and the {5-Spades} hit the turn. This brought a second check from Quenneville and another bet from Bansal, this one a slightly larger 225,000.

After a short visit to the think tank Quenneville called to create s sizable pot and it was off to the {10-Spades} river, which brought four to a straight. The Canadian checked for a third time and Bansal bet big, firing out 425,000.

The shot clock ticked down to 5 before Quenneville threw in the call and Bansal turned over {2-Diamonds}{2-Spades}, which were no good as Quenneville had made the call with {a-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} and scooped the chunky pot to climb to 2.25 million while the Indian took a big hit and dropped to 755,000.

Bansal managed to climb back to close to the 1-million chip mark the very next hand, defending his big blind against a Sosia Jiang 70,000 button raise. The {7-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} flop brought a check from Bansal and a bet of 55,000 from Jiang, which was called to bring in the {4-Diamonds} turn.

Both players checked and the {5-Diamonds} river brought four to a flush. Bansal set a trap with a check but Jiang did not trigger it and checked it back. Bansal’s turned over {a-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} for the nut flush and Jiang mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Sosia Jiang nz
Sosia Jiang
Troy Quenneville ca
Troy Quenneville
Raghav Bansal in
Raghav Bansal

Tags: Raghav BansalSosia JiangTroy Quenneville

Troy Quenneville Eliminated in 3rd Place (HK$1,800,000)

Level 23 : 15,000/30,000, 5,000 ante
Troy Quenneville
Troy Quenneville

Sosia Jiang limped in from the small blind and Troy Quenneville checked his option out of the big blind. On the {A-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}{5-Spades} flop, Jiang bet 30,000 and Quenneville called before the {10-Clubs} fell on the turn. Jiang made it 250,000 to go and Quenneville called, the {8-Spades} river then completed the board.

Jiang moved all in for effectively more than two times the pot, as Quenneville had around 1,600,000 left. The Canadian shot out of his chair and studied the board, then called with around 10 seconds left on his shot clock. Jiang flipped over {A-Spades}{10-Spades} for the nut flush and Quenneville mucked his {K-Hearts}{J-Hearts} for broadway.

Quenneville had to settle for third place and a payday of HK$1,800,000, which equals US$234,000. Jiang will enter heads-up with a huge lead over Bansal.

Player Chips Progress
Sosia Jiang nz
Sosia Jiang
Raghav Bansal in
Raghav Bansal
Troy Quenneville ca
Troy Quenneville

Tags: Sosia JiangTroy Quenneville

Raghav Bansal Eliminated in 2nd Place (HK$2,610,000)

Level 24 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Raghav Bansal
Raghav Bansal

Raghav Bansal’s hopes of a comeback are now up in smoke and we have a champion with New Zealand’s Sosia Jiang emerging triumphant.

In the final hand, Bansal limped the button and Jiang made it 120,000 to go from the big blind. Bansal quickly pulled the trigger and moved all for his last 900,000 and Jiang looked eager to finish things and made the call.

Raghav Bansal: {2-Clubs}{2-Hearts}
Sosia Jiang: {q-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}

Bansal found himself racing for his tournament life with the ducks and the {8-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{3-Spades} looked to be a good one, with the Indian player keeping the lead. The {a-Diamonds} turn changed nothing and Bansal looked primed for a double-up before disaster struck and the {q-Diamonds} landed on the river to crush Bansal's dreams and grant Jiang the trophy, the title, and the HK$3,870,000 first prize.

Bansal will not be too unhappy with his career best score, however, taking home the equivalent of US$339,300 for his deep run.

“You played like a boss,” said a gracious Bansal as came over to shake Jiang’s hand.

“Thank you,” replied Jiang as she basked in the glory of her largest ever career tournament score.

All that excitement concludes our High Roller coverage for the series, though those looking for more action can check out the PokerStars Championship Macau Final Table, which is still going strong.

There will be a full write up to come so stick around as we walk you through all the tournament thrills and spills.

Player Chips Progress
Sosia Jiang nz
Sosia Jiang
Raghav Bansal in
Raghav Bansal

Tags: Raghav BansalSosia Jiang