2008 PokerNews Cup Championships - Australia
$240 PL Omaha w/ $100 rebuys
Day: 2
Level: 15
Blinds: 2,000/4,000
Ante: 0

Seat 1: Paul Triandifillou - 59,000
Seat 2: Jamie Pickering - 83,000
Seat 3: Roy Bhasin - 238,000
Seat 4: Con Tsapkounis - 40,000
Seat 5: James Kronos - 56,000
Seat 6: Manny Rodrigues - 14,500
Seat 7: Abel Cabrera - 46,000
Seat 8: Koray Turker - 90,500
Seat 9: Anthony McNamara 65,500
$73,900 AUD is up for grabs. Will Omaha whiz Roy Bhasin be able to maintain his chip lead and coast to victory, or will formidable foes Jamie Pickering and Koray Turker give Bhasin a run for his money? Tune in at 4:00 p.m. local time to find out!