On the very next hand after Anthony McNamara was eliminated, Koray Turker raised to 20,000 from the button with a dead small blind. Paul Triandifillou called from the big blind.
The flop came and both players checked.
The turn was the and Triandifillou checked. Turker bet 12,000 and Triandifillou wasted little time in making the call.
The river was the and both players checked again. Triandiffilou turned up and missed all of his draws. Turker showed the winning hand with -- trip sevens.
Turker now has 100,000 and Triandifillou dropped to 30,000.
Anthony McNamara
Anthony McNamara has been eliminated from the tournament by chip leader Roy Bhasin. All of the money went in preflop and the following cards were shown down:
A board ensued and Bhasin's aces held up to send McNamara to the rail, albeit $2,956 richer.
Paul Triandifillou raised from late position to 17,000. Chip leader Roy Bhasin made the call on the button. The two players took a heads up flop of .
First to act, Triandifillou bet the last 12,000 in his stack. Despite having a massive stack and the chance to eliminate Triandifillou, Bhasin elected to fold and wait for a better spot.
The last seven or eights hands have all seen a flop with with two or three players, usually limped in. After that, one bet from a player has been enough each time to take down the pot. There hasn't been a player that's been able to take more than one pot in a row and the chips have been anticlimactically trading hands.
Abel Cabrera limped in from the small blind. Koray Turker raised to 22,000 from the big blind and put the pressure on the short-stacked Cabrera. After deliberating for a few moments, Cabrera raised all in, committing all of his 35,000 chips to the hand. Turker made the call.
The flop nailed Cabrera, , giving him the nut straight. The turn card was the and opened up a backdoor flush draw opportunity for Turker.
The river fell the though, allowing Cabrera to dodge elimination and double up to 70,000. Turker dropped to 80,000.
Manny Rodrigues (left) and Abel Cabrera (right)
Short-stack Manny Rodrigues just became the first casualty of the day, the result of an unlucky river card in a hand aganist Paul Triandifillou.
All of the money went in before the flop and the players' cards were revealed shortly thereafter:
Rodrigues maintained the lead in the hand through the turn as the board filled out .
"Come on, diamond!" Rodrigues pleaded before the dealer revealed the river card -- the .
"Are you joking me? The last card, eh?" Rodrigues quipped, before wishing everyone luck and exiting the tournament area.
Paul Triandifillou opened with a raise to 9,000 from the hijack position. Jamie Pickering made the call from the cutoff. Two more players ducked out of the way before James Kronos called out of the big blind.
The flop came down and each player checked.
The turn came the and Kronos checked with first action. Triandifillou bet 10,000 and then action was on PIckering. He asked how much the pot was and then made a raise to 39,000. Kronos quickly folded his hand. Triandifillou paused for some thought as Pickering began stacking out his chips, but then folded.
Pickering increased to slightly over 100,000 chips on the hand.