2024 Pennsylvania State Poker Championship

$2,200 PSPC Event #3
Day: 2
Event Info

2024 Pennsylvania State Poker Championship

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Pinnola's River Lead Gets Through

Level 28 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante

Matthew Sabia raised to 200,000 from the cutoff, and was called by the big blind Max Pinnola.

Both players checked to the turn after the 235 flop, and the turn brought the 5 Pinnola checked to Sabia, who fired out 180,000, and Pinnola called.

After the Q on the river, Pinnola bet out 400,000, and after debating his decision, Sabia found the fold to give Pinnola the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Max Pinnola us
Max Pinnola
Matthew Sabia us
Matthew Sabia

Tags: Max PinnolaMatthew Sabia

Alexander Wiggins Eliminated in 5th Place ($24,075)

Level 28 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Alexander Wiggins
Alexander Wiggins

Alexander Wiggins moved all in from the button for his last 500,000 chips. Sarah Wasch called in the big blind.

Alexander Wiggins: A5 All in
Sarah Wasch: 66

The dealer put out 52Q93 and Wiggins picked out additional outs on the turn, but could not improve on the river. He headed to the payout desk in fifth place for a nice payday.

Player Chips Progress
Sarah Wasch us
Sarah Wasch
Alexander Wiggins us
Alexander Wiggins

Tags: Alexander WigginsSarah Wasch

Wasch's Kings Hold

Level 28 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Sarah Wasch
Sarah Wasch

Sarah Wasch opened to 200,000 from under the gun before Matthew Sabia moved all in from the big blind, Wasch called all in for 1,415,000.

Sarah Wasch: KK All in
Matthew Sabia: 108

The dealer put out J4K63 and Wasch found a full double up to get back to 3,000,000 chips.

Player Chips Progress
Matthew Sabia us
Matthew Sabia
Sarah Wasch us
Sarah Wasch

Tags: Matthew SabiaSarah Wasch

Wang Takes From Wasch

Level 28 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante

Action folded to Sarah Wasch in the small blind who called. and the big blind Grant Wang checked his option.

Wasch check-called a bet of 120,000 from Wang after the 843 flop.

Both players checked to the river after the 2 on the turn.

The river was the K and Wasch bet out 125,000, and Wang raised to 690,000 which got a quick fold from Wasch to give Wang the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Grant Wang us
Grant Wang
Sarah Wasch us
Sarah Wasch

Level: 28

Blinds: 50,000/100,000

Ante: 100,000

John Tavss Eliminated in 6th Place ($19,950)

Level 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
John Tavss
John Tavss

Sarah Wasch opened to 160,000 from under the gun and John Tavss called in the small blind.

Tavss led all in for his last 160,000 chips on a 10102 flop and Wasch made the call.

John Tavss: 87 All in
Sarah Wasch: KQ

The turn 10 peeled off before the river J hit the felt, and Tavss was eliminated after masterfully playing his short stack throughout the final table.

Player Chips Progress
Sarah Wasch us
Sarah Wasch
John Tavss us
John Tavss

Tags: John TavssSarah Wasch

Tavss Not Going Down Without a Fight

Level 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
John Tavss
John Tavss

John Tavss was down to 5,000 chips, and went all in from the hijack, and after Matthew Sabia raised, it was heads up with Tavss at risk.

John Tavss: A3 All in
Matthew Sabia: K9

Tavss had the best hand with ace high, and once the board ran out 10558J the ace high was best to get Tavss to 100,000.

The very next hand Tavss rasied all in for 100,000, and was called by Sarah Wasch in the cutoff, Max Pinnola in the small blind, and the big blind Alexander Wiggins.

The flop came A10J and after Pinnola checked, Wiggins bet 200,000, which got both players to fold, leaving Wiggins and Tavss heads up.

John Tavss: AxKx All in
Alexander Wiggins: Ax9x

Wiggins said before turning his cards over "I actually have a monster" and after the board ran out the ace-king was still best, to give him 480,000 chips after being down to 5,000 just two hands prior.

Player Chips Progress
John Tavss us
John Tavss

Tags: Alexander WigginsJohn TavssMatthew SabiaMax PinnolaSarah Wasch

Wang Doubles

Level 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Grant Wang
Grant Wang

John Tavss moved all in from the cutoff for 690,000. Grant Wang called all in for 685,000 from the big blind.

Grant Wang: A9 All in
John Tavss: KJ

No sweat on this one after the dealer put out 3A789 and Wang doubled back up to 1,500,000, leaving Tavss on fumes.

Player Chips Progress
Grant Wang us
Grant Wang
John Tavss us
John Tavss

Tags: Grant WangJohn Tavss

Sabia Makes Jacks Full to Double Through Wiggins

Level 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Matthew Sabia
Matthew Sabia

Matthew Sabia opened the action with a raise to 185,000 from the hijack, and it folded to the big blind Alexander Wiggins who made the call.

Both players checked to the turn after the J35 flop, which brought the A on the turn. Wiggins then check-called a bet of 360,000 from Sabia.

After the 5 river, Wiggins checked to Sabia, who bet 860,000, leaving 5,000 chips behind, which was snap called by Wiggins. Sabia tabled JJ for a full house, jacks full of fives to get the almost full double up.

Player Chips Progress
Matthew Sabia us
Matthew Sabia
Alexander Wiggins us
Alexander Wiggins

Tags: Matthew SabiaAlexander Wiggins

Wiggins Flops Quads, Massive Pot

Level 27 : Blinds 40,000/80,000, 80,000 ante
Alexander Wiggins
Alexander Wiggins

Max Pinnola opened to 160,000 from the cutoff and Alexander Wiggins called from the button.

The flop came down 292 and Pinnola continued for 130,000. Wiggins made the call.

Pinnola sized-up to to 425,000 on the 10 turn and Wiggins stuck around for a river card.

The river J hit the felt and Pinnola moved all in for Wiggins' last 865,000 chips. He made the call and tabled 22 for quad deuces. Pinnola showed K6 before tossing his cards into the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Alexander Wiggins us
Alexander Wiggins
Max Pinnola us
Max Pinnola

Tags: Alexander WigginsMax Pinnola