2024 Pennsylvania State Poker Championship

$2,200 PSPC Event #3
Day: 2
Event Info

2024 Pennsylvania State Poker Championship

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Neal Liptak Eliminated in 11th Place ($9,825)

Level 23 : Blinds 20,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Neal Liptak
Neal Liptak

Charles Bryant raised to 60,000 from the hijack, and Neal Liptak in the cutoff three-bet all in for 450,000. Once it folded back to Bryant he quickly made the call to put Liptak at risk.

Neal Liptak: AK All in
Charles Bryant: AA

It was a cooler for Liptak who ran into the pocket aces of Bryant. Once the board ran out 66J2Q the pocket aces were still best, and Liptak was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Charles Bryant us
Charles Bryant
Neal Liptak us
Neal Liptak

Tags: Neal LiptakCharles Bryant

Level: 23

Blinds: 20,000/30,000

Ante: 30,000

Dinner Break

Level 22 : Blinds 15,000/25,000, 25,000 ante

Players are headed to a 60-minute dinner break. Action will resume at 6:45 p.m. local time in Level 23 with blinds of 20,000/30,000 and a 30,000 big blind ante. 11 players remain.

Bohmerwald Holds on With Jacks

Level 22 : Blinds 15,000/25,000, 25,000 ante

Max Pinnola opened the action with a raise to 50,000 from the hijack, before Michael Bohmerwald three-bet to 140,000. Then the small blind Bin Weng four-bet to 405,000, Pinnola folded, and Bohmerwald called.

Bohmerwald called a bet of 300,000 from Weng after the 968 flop.

Both players checked to show down, after the 2 on the turn, and 9 on the river. Weng said "You win, 10 high" and Bohmerwald tabled JJ to take the pot worth over 1,000,000 chips.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Bohmerwald us
Michael Bohmerwald
Max Pinnola us
Max Pinnola
Bin Weng us
Bin Weng
Day 1A Chip Leader
WPT 2X Winner

Tags: Bin WengMax PinnolaMichael Bohmerwald

Anthony Collurafici Jr Eliminated in 12th Place ($9,825)

Level 22 : Blinds 15,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Anthony Collurafici Jr
Anthony Collurafici Jr

Anthony Collurafici Jr moved all in for his last 225,000 chips from the hijack and Charles Bryant called on the button. The blinds got out of the way and Collurafici Jr found himself a great spot for a double up.

Anthony Collurafici Jr: AQ All in
Charles Bryant: A9

The dealer put out KJ956 and Bryant's pair of nines was good enough to eliminate Collurafici Jr and scoop in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Charles Bryant us
Charles Bryant
Anthony Collurafici Jr us
Anthony Collurafici Jr

Tags: Anthony Collurafici JrCharles Bryant

Matthew Zambanini Eliminated in 13th Place ($8,450)

Level 22 : Blinds 15,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Matthew Zambanini
Matthew Zambanini

Sarah Wasch opened the action with a raise to 50,000, and when it folded to the small blind Matthew Zambanini, he called. The big blind folded, leaving the two players heads up.

The flop came 9A10 and Zambanini checked to Wasch, who bet 75,000. Zambanini then raised all in for 250,000, and Wasch called to put him at risk.

Matthew Zambanini: 76 All in
Sarah Wasch: 85

Both players had a flush draw, and Wasch was shocked to see she was ahead with eight high. Once the turn came the A and the river was the 2 the eight high of Wasch remained best, to give her the pot and eliminate Zambanini.

Player Chips Progress
Sarah Wasch us
Sarah Wasch
Matthew Zambanini us
Matthew Zambanini
Day 1D Chip Leader

Tags: Matthew ZambaniniSarah Wasch

Tim Faro Eliminated in 14th Place ($8,450)

Level 22 : Blinds 15,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Timothy Faro
Timothy Faro

The button player opened to 50,000 before Tim Faro three-bet to 175,000 from the small blind. Sarah Wasch four-bet jammed her 720,000-chip stack into the middle from the big blind and Faro made the call for less.

Tim Faro: 1010 All in
Sarah Wasch: AK

The dealer put out K589K and the spade on the turn locked the pot up for Wasch, eliminating Faro in the process.

Player Chips Progress
Sarah Wasch us
Sarah Wasch
Tim Faro us
Tim Faro
Day 1C Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Sarah WaschTim Faro

Robert Klein Eliminated in 16th Place ($7,075), Jonathan Stoeber Eliminated in 15th Place ($8,450)

Level 22 : Blinds 15,000/25,000, 25,000 ante
Jonathan Stoeber
Jonathan Stoeber

Max Pinnola opened the action with a raise to 40,000, and when it folded to the button Robert Klein three-bet all in for 380,000. Then after the small blind folded, the big blind Jonathan Stoeber four-bet all in for 410,000. Then Max Pinnola quickly made the call to put both players at risk.

Robert Klein: 99 All in
Jonathan Stoeber: AQ All in
Max Pinnola: JJ

Stoeber was delighted to see he had two overs to the pocket pairs of Pinnola and Klein, but after the board ran out K7437 the pocket jacks of Pinnola held, and Klein who was the shortest stack was out in 16th place, and Stoeber was eliminated in 15th, getting the pay jump.

Player Chips Progress
Max Pinnola us
Max Pinnola
Jonathan Stoeber us
Jonathan Stoeber
Robert Klein us
Robert Klein

Tags: Jonathan StoeberMax PinnolaRobert Klein

Level: 22

Blinds: 15,000/25,000

Ante: 25,000