2024 Pennsylvania State Poker Championship

$1,100 PSPC Event #2
Day: 2
Event Info

2024 Pennsylvania State Poker Championship

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Andrew Porter Eliminated in 19th Place ($4,380)

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Andrew Porter
Andrew Porter

A player opened the action from early position to 42,000, and when it folded to Keith Crowder in the cutoff, he three-bet to 97,000. Then it folded to the big blind Andrew Porter, and he four-bet all in for 210,000. The player in early position folded, and Crowder quickly called to put Porter at risk.

Andrew Porter: 1010 All in
Keith Crowder: QQ

Porter ran into the pocket queens of Crowder, and after the flop came Q9K Crowder flopped a set of queens, but it gave Porter extra outs, as he now had a gut shot straight draw. But the 8 on the turn, and 2 on the river were no help, and Porter was eliminated in 19th place.

Player Chips Progress
Keith Crowder us
Keith Crowder
Day 1D Chip Leader
Andrew Porter us
Andrew Porter
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Andrew PorterKeith Crowder

Ryan Weber Eliminated in 20th Place ($4,380)

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Ryan Weber
Ryan Weber

The hijack player opened to 40,000 before Ryan Weber three-bet to 105,000 from the cutoff. William Chisholm four-bet jammed his stack into the middle from the button and the initial raiser folded but Weber called all in for 375,000 chips.

Ryan Weber: AQ All in
William Chisholm: AA

After a sweaty 3K5 flop, Chisholm faded the deck on the J turn and 8 river to send Weber to the rail and rake in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
William Chisholm us
William Chisholm
Day 1C Chip Leader
Ryan Weber us
Ryan Weber

Tags: Ryan WeberWilliam Chisholm

Christopher Delgrande Eliminated in 21st Place ($4,380)

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Christopher Delgrande
Christopher Delgrande

Kevin Roche opened to 50,000 from middle position and Christopher Delgrande defended his big blind.

Action checked through on the 733 flop before Roche fired 75,000 on the 5 turn. Delgrande check-raised to 200,000 and Roche made the call.

Delgrande moved all in for 350,000 on the 8 river and Roche quickly called. Delgrande tabled 109 for the bluff and Roche dragged in the pot with 87.

Player Chips Progress
Kevin Roche us
Kevin Roche
Christopher Delgrande us
Christopher Delgrande

Tags: Christopher DelgrandeKevin Roche

Hager Gets There on the River to Double Through Roche

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Michael Hager
Michael Hager

Action was picked up on the flop with 190,000 in the pot, and the board showing 829.

With four players in the pot, it checked to Kevin Roche on the button, and he bet out 140,000. The big blind and a player in early position folded to Michael Hager on the button, and he raised all in for 600,000. Roche confirmed the count and put in the chips to call.

Michael Hager: 107 All in
Kevin Roche: J10

Roche was delighted to see he was ahead with his jack high, and he kept the lead after the K on the turn. But when the river came the 3 Hager made the best hand after he improved to a flush, to scoop the sizable pot and doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Kevin Roche us
Kevin Roche
Michael Hager us
Michael Hager

Tags: Kevin RocheMichael Hager

Iannacone Takes From Logue

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

Nicholas Logue opened to 40,000 from the cutoff before Joseph Iannacone three-bet to 150,000 from the button. Logue made the call.

The dealer put out J29 and Iannacone continued for 100,000. Logue made the call.

Iannacone put Logue all in for his last 700,000 chips on the K turn and after a couple minutes in the tank, he tossed his cards into the muck and the pot was pushed in Iannacone's direction.

Player Chips Progress
Joseph Iannacone us
Joseph Iannacone
Nicholas Logue us
Nicholas Logue
Day 1B Chip Leader

Tags: Joseph IannaconeNicholas Logue

Brandon Mueller Eliminated in 22nd Place ($3,665)

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Brandon Mueller
Brandon Mueller

Action folded to Brandon Mueller in early position, and he raised to 100,000, leaving just 22,000 chips behind. After it folded to Jose Waybright on the button, he announced all in for 220,000. Once it folded back to Mueller, he put his last 22,000 in, to put himself at risk.

Brandon Mueller: A7 All in
Jose Waybright: KJ

Mueller was ahead with his ace high, but after the board ran out 3J636 Waybright improved to a pair of jacks and eliminated Mueller in the 22nd place.

Player Chips Progress
Jose Waybright us
Jose Waybright
Brandon Mueller us
Brandon Mueller

Tags: Brandon MuellerJose Waybright

Boris Kravets Eliminated in 23rd Place ($3,665)

Level 21 : Blinds 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante
Boris Kravets
Boris Kravets

Kevin Roche opened to 40,000 from under the gun. Brendan Mahoney called in middle position and Boris Kravets defended his big blind.

Roche continued for 65,000 on 5K6. Both Mahoney and Kravets called.

Action checked through on the 5 turn before Kravets moved all in for 115,000 on the 2 river. Roche made the call and tabled 99 for the winner. Kravets showed 73 for the bluff, and he was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Kevin Roche us
Kevin Roche
Brendan Mahoney us
Brendan Mahoney
Boris Kravets us
Boris Kravets
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Kevin RocheBrendan MahoneyBoris Kravets

Level: 21

Blinds: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 20,000

Crowder Takes Massive Pot From Waybright

Level 20 : Blinds 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante
Keith Crowder
Keith Crowder

Action folded to Jose Waybright in middle position, and he raised to 32,000. It then folded to Keith Crowder on the button, and he three-bet to 65,000, and after the blinds folded, Waybright made the call to see a flop.

The flop came K24 and Waybright check-called a bet of 75,000 from Crowder.

After the 5 on the turn, Waybright checked to Crowder, who bet 195,000. Waybright then raised all in for Crowder's stack of 587,000 total. After sitting in the tank, Crowder found the call, to put himself at risk.

Keith Crowder: AK All in
Jose Waybright: K10

As soon as Crowder put the chips in, Waybright told him "Nice call" knowing he was behind. The 9 on the river was not able to improve Waybright's hand, and Crowder doubled up with his top pair, top kicker.

Player Chips Progress
Keith Crowder us
Keith Crowder
Day 1D Chip Leader
Jose Waybright us
Jose Waybright

Tags: Jose WaybrightKeith Crowder