2024 Pennsylvania State Poker Championship

$1,100 PSPC Event #2
Day: 2
Event Info

2024 Pennsylvania State Poker Championship

Final Results
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

David Kazanjian Eliminated in 12th Place ($7,770)

Level 24 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
David Kazanjian
David Kazanjian

David Kazanjian raised all in for 475,000 from under the gun, and when it folded to Brendan Mahoney in the cutoff, he three-bet all in for 1,700,000. It quickly folding around leaving the two players heads up, with Kazanjian at risk.

David Kazanjian: A10 All in
Brendan Mahoney: AA

Kazanjian ran into the aces of Mahoney, and after the board ran out 9Q339 the pocket aces of Mahoney were still best, and Kazanjian was eliminated in 12th place.

Player Chips Progress
Brendan Mahoney us
Brendan Mahoney
David Kazanjian us
David Kazanjian

Tags: Brendan MahoneyDavid Kazanjian

Waybright Uses His One Time to Double Up

Level 24 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante
Jose Waybright
Jose Waybright

Action folded to Jose Waybright on the button, who raised all in for 805,000. After the small blind folded, the big blind Kevin Roche made the call to put Waybright at risk.

Jose Waybright: K5 All in
Kevin Roche: 88

Waybright told Roche "You're way ahead" as soon as Roche made the call, and he would need help to best the pocket eights of Roche. The 10109 gave Waybright some counterfeit outs, but those wouldn't be needed after the K hit the turn to catapult Waybright in front. The A on the river was a safe one, and Waybright had the best hand with his pair of kings to double up.

Player Chips Progress
Jose Waybright us
Jose Waybright
Kevin Roche us
Kevin Roche

Tags: Jose WaybrightKevin Roche

Crowder Doubles Through Roche

Level 24 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante

Action folded around to Keith Crowder on the button who moved all in for his last 580,000 chips. Kevin Roche called in the small blind and the big blind player folded.

Keith Crowder: K8 All in
Kevin Roche: 98

The flop came down 9A6 and Roche jumped into the lead. The turn K river gave Crowder the advantage and the river 3, secured the double up for Crowder.

Player Chips Progress
Kevin Roche us
Kevin Roche
Keith Crowder us
Keith Crowder
Day 1D Chip Leader

Tags: Keith CrowderKevin Roche

Crowder Wins the Race to Get the Double Up

Level 24 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante

Action folded to Jose Waybright who raised to 75,000 on the button, before Keith Crowder three-bet all in for 700,000. Once the big blind folded, Waybright quickly called to put Crowder at risk.

Keith Crowder: AK All in
Jose Waybright: JJ

It was a race, and Crowder would need to improve to stay in the tournament. When the board ran out 9K586 Crowder improved to a pair of kings to double up.

Player Chips Progress
Jose Waybright us
Jose Waybright
Keith Crowder us
Keith Crowder
Day 1D Chip Leader

Hager Puts Kazanjian to the Test

Level 24 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante

David Kazanjian opened to 80,000 from under the gun The small blind called and Mike Hager defended his big blind.

Kazanjian continued for 75,000 on 575 and the small blind player put in the call before Hager raised to 250,000. Only Kazanjian called.

The turn 7 rolled off and Hager moved all in for over 700,000 chips. After a minute in the tank, Kazanjian tossed his cards in the muck and the pot was pushed in Hager's direction.

Player Chips Progress
Mike Hager us
Mike Hager
David Kazanjian us
David Kazanjian

Tags: David KazanjianMike Hager

Level: 24

Blinds: 20,000/40,000

Ante: 40,000

Chisholm Makes a Flush to Double Through Roche

Level 23 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
William Chisholm
William Chisholm

Action folded to Kevin Roche in the cutoff, and he raised to 60,000. Once it folded to William Chisholm, he defended the big blind.

The flop came K2J and Chisholm check-called a bet of 90,000 from Roche.

The turn brought the 6 and Chisholm checked to Roche, who bet 325,000. Chisholm then took some time before announcing all in for 800,000. Roche confirmed the stack and made the call to put Chisholm at risk.

William Chisholm: K8 All in
Kevin Roche: K9

Both players had a pair of kings, and Roche was ahead with his bigger kicker. But Chisholm also had the flush draw as outs to beat Roche, and when the 3 hit the river Chisholm made the flush to double up.

Player Chips Progress
Kevin Roche us
Kevin Roche
William Chisholm us
William Chisholm
Day 1C Chip Leader

Andrew Kershaw Eliminated in 13th Place ($6,175)

Level 23 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Andrew Kershaw
Andrew Kershaw

Kevin Roche opened to 60,000 from under the gun before Andrew Kershaw moved all in from the button for 330,000. Roche called.

Andrew Kershaw: AK All in
Kevin Roche: AQ

The dealer put out 8936Q and Roche had Kershaw drawing dead on the turn, and sent the NAPT Gold Pass winner from last week, to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Kevin Roche us
Kevin Roche
Andrew Kershaw us
Andrew Kershaw

Tags: Andrew KershawKevin Roche

Michael Azzaro Eliminated in 14th Place ($6,175)

Level 23 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Michael Azzaro
Michael Azzaro

Michael Azzaro raised from the cutoff, and when it folded to the small blind Julian Penza, he three-bet to put Azzaro all in for 370,000, and he quickly called to put himself at risk.

Michael Azzaro: AJ All in
Julian Penza: 1010

Azzaro had to over cards to the pocket tens of Penza, but after the board ran out 2Q827 the pocket tens of Penza remained best, to eliminate Azzaro in 14th place.

Player Chips Progress
Julian Penza us
Julian Penza
Michael Azzaro us
Michael Azzaro

Tags: Julian PenzaMichael Azzaro

Big Stacks Tangle in Massive Pot

Level 23 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Kevin Roche
Kevin Roche

Andrew Kershaw limped in from the hijack, and when it folded to the small blind Keith Crowder, he called as well. Then the big blind Kevin Roche raised to 155,000, before Kershaw three-bet to 500,000. Crowder folded, and Roche called to see a flop.

The flop came AQ4 and Roche check-called a bet of 250,000 from Kershaw.

Both players checked after the J on the turn.

The river was the A and Roche led out for a bet of 600,000. Kershaw then sat in the tank for several minutes, before putting in a chip to make the call, and turned over KK. But Roche had best hand when he tabled A10 for trip aces, to talk the pot worth over 2,700,000.

Player Chips Progress
Kevin Roche us
Kevin Roche
Keith Crowder us
Keith Crowder
Day 1D Chip Leader
Andrew Kershaw us
Andrew Kershaw

Tags: Andrew KershawKeith CrowderKevin Roche