2023 Merit Poker Gangster Series

$2,200 Warm Up
Day: 4
Event Info

2023 Merit Poker Gangster Series

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000
Players Info - Day 4
Players Left

More for Govorov, Less for Ahuja

Level 33 : Blinds 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante

Ankit Ahuja limped in from the small blind with A5 and Ivan Govorov checked his option in the big blind with 97.

The flop came J32 and both players checked leading to the 9 turn. Ahuja checked, Govorov bet 400,000 and Ahuja called.

On the 9 river Ahuja checked, Govorov bet 1,600,000 and Ahuja's hand hit the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Ankit Ahuja in
Ankit Ahuja

Tags: Ankit AhujaIvan Govorov

Ankit Ahuja Eliminated in 3rd Place ($75,500)

Level 33 : Blinds 200,000/400,000, 400,000 ante
Ankit Ahuja
Ankit Ahuja

Ivan Govorov opened to 1,400,000 on the button and Ankit Ahuja defended from the big blind.

The flop came 1094 and Govorov bet 1,375,000. Ahuja raised it to 2,900,000. Govorov moved all in, covering Ahuka who had 4,200,000 behind. Ahuja made the call and was at risk.

Ankit Ahuja: Q10
Ivan Govorov: 104

Ahuja had flopped top pair but Govorov caught the best of the flop with two pair, leaving Ahuja drawing to six outs. The 7 turn and A river were blanks and Ahuja's deep run came to an end in third place.

The tournament has been paused while the tournament staff prepare for heads up play.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Andrei Daniliuk ru
Andrei Daniliuk
Day 2 Chip Leader
Ankit Ahuja in
Ankit Ahuja

Tags: Ankit AhujaIvan Govorov

Level: 34

Blinds: 250,000/500,000

Ante: 500,000

Daniliuk Draws First Blood

Level 34 : Blinds 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante

Andrei Danilkuk limped in from the small blind and Ivan Govorov checked his option in the big blind.

The flop came 1052 and Govorov check-called a 400,000 bet from Daniliuk.

Both players checked the 3 turn leading to the 10 river. Govorov checked and Daniliuk bet 1,200,000. Govorov made the call only to see the bad news when Daniliuk tabled a better two pair for the winner.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Andrei Daniliuk ru
Andrei Daniliuk
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Andrei DanilkukIvan Govorov

Two Streets of Value for Govorov

Level 34 : Blinds 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante

Ivan Govorov raised to 1,200,000 from the button with Q2 and Andrei Daniliuk defended from the big blind with J10.

Both players connected with the Q106 flop. Govorov fired a 700,000 continuation bet with his top pair and Daniliuk made the call with his second pair and backdoor draws.

On the 8 turn, Daniliuk checked and Govorov bet again for 2,500,000. Daniliuk called.

The river came the 6. Both players checked and Govorov took a sizable chunk out of Daniliuk's stack.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Andrei Daniliuk ru
Andrei Daniliuk
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Andrei DaniliukIvan Govorov

Daniliuk Takes the Lead

Level 34 : Blinds 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante

Andrei Daniliuk limped in from the small blind with 98 and Ivan Govorov raised to 1,500,000 with KJ. Daniliuk made the call.

The flop came 49J and Govorov fired a 1,500,000 continuation bet that was called by Daniliuk.

Govorov bet again for 2,500,000 after making two pair on the K turn. Once again Daniliuk made the call.

The 9 river improved Daniliuk to a flush to crack Govorov's two pair. Govorov bet 5,000,000 and Daniliuk called to take down a massive pot.

Player Chips Progress
Andrei Daniliuk ru
Andrei Daniliuk
Day 2 Chip Leader
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov

Tags: Andrei DaniliukIvan Govorov

Govorov Gets it All Back

Level 34 : Blinds 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante

Andrei Daniliuk raised to 1,250,000 from the button with A10 and Ivan Govorov defended from the big blind with 64.

The flop came J3J and Govorov check-called a 1,000,000 continuation bet from Daniliuk.

Daniliuk bet again for just 500,000 when checked to on the A turn and once again Govorov called.

Govorov hit his flush on the 9 river and lead out with a bet of 8,000,000. Daniliuk called only to see the bad news as another large pot was pushed in Govorov's direction.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Andrei Daniliuk ru
Andrei Daniliuk
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Andrei DaniliukIvan Govorov

Andrei Daniliuk Eliminated in 2nd Place ($123,300)

Level 34 : Blinds 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Andrei Daniliuk
Andrei Daniliuk

Andrei Daniliuk raised to 1,250,000 from the small blind and Ivan Govorov defended from the big blind.

The flop came J53. Govorov checked, Daniliuk bet 1,000,000 and Govorov raised to 3,000,000. Daniliuk made the call.

On the Q turn Govorov checked and Daniliuk bet 7,000,000, leaving only 3,000,000 behind. Govorov moved all in and Daniliuk made the call to put himself at risk.

Andrei Daniliuk: J10
Ivan Govorov: J5

Daniliuk's pair of jacks was in bad shape against Govorov's two pair, jacks and fives. The A river was clean for Govorov and the two players shook hands after Govorov took down the final pot of the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Andrei Daniliuk ru
Andrei Daniliuk
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Andrei DaniliukIvan Govorov