2023 Merit Poker Gangster Series

$2,200 Warm Up
Day: 4
Event Info

2023 Merit Poker Gangster Series

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000
Players Info - Day 4
Players Left

Two Streets of Value for Govorov

Level 29 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Ivan Govorov opened to 325,000 from early position with JJ and Feyzullah Karaarslan called from the big blind holding 88.

The flop came Q64 and Govorov fired a 230,000 continuation bet which was called by Karaarslan.

The 5 turn gave Karaarslan a gutshot straight draw to go along with his pair. Karaarslan checked, Govorov bet 600,000 and Karaarslan called.

On the 5 river both players checked. Govorov's pocket jacks were good at showdown and he took down a healthy pot.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Feyzullah Karaarslan tr
Feyzullah Karaarslan

Tags: Feyzullah KaraarslanIvan Govorov

Sun Barrels Twice Despite Scary Turn

Level 29 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Tugce Hursoz opened to 325,000 from the cutoff with A7 and received calls from Hadi Khadra in the small blind with KJ and Yunsheng Sun in the big blind with 63.

Khadra lead out for 325,000 on the KA7 flop and Sun raised to 850,000 with his flopped flush. Hursoz called with her two pair while Khadra got out of the way.

On the Q turn Sun bet 1,000,000. Hursoz used one time extension to consider her options before deciding on a fold and Sun took down a nice pot.

Player Chips Progress
Yunsheng Sun cn
Yunsheng Sun
Day 3 Chip Leader
Hadi Khadra lb
Hadi Khadra
Tugce Hursoz tr
Tugce Hursoz

Tags: Hadi KhadraTugce HursozYunsheng Sun

Daniliuk Extracts Value

Level 29 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Hadi Khadra opened to 320,000 with KJ from the cutoff and Andrei Daniliuk defended from the big blind with Q4.

Both players checked the 25J flop leading to the 9 turn. Daniliuk bet 350,000 with his turned flush and was called by Khadra.

The river was the 6. Daniliuk bet 875,000 and Khadra called only to see the bad news as Daniliuk took down another pot, bringing his stack to just over ten million.

Player Chips Progress
Andrei Daniliuk ru
Andrei Daniliuk
Day 2 Chip Leader
Hadi Khadra lb
Hadi Khadra

Tags: Andrei DaniliukHadi Khadra

Govorov Takes from Daniliuk

Level 29 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Ivan Govorov opened to 325,000 with Q10 and Andrei Daniliuk called from the cutoff with 1010.

Govorov fired a 300,000 continuation bet on the 4J5 flop and Daniliuk made the call.

On the K turn Govorov, having turned an open-ended straight draw, bet 700,000 which was enough to force a fold from Daniliuk.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Andrei Daniliuk ru
Andrei Daniliuk
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Andrei DaniliukIvan Govorov

Hadi Khadra Eliminated in 9th Place ($16,760)

Level 29 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Hadi Khadra
Hadi Khadra

Ankit Ahuja raised to 360,000 from middle position and Hadi Khadra moved all in for 2,300,000 from the big blind. Ahuja snap-called to put Khadra at risk.

Hadi Khadra: AQ
Ankit Ahuja: KK

Khadra pulled ahead with top pair on the A62 flop but Ahuja nailed the K turn with a set to leave Khadra drawing dead. The 6 turn was a formality and Khadra became the first casualty of the final table while Ahuja became the next player to pass ten million chips.

Player Chips Progress
Ankit Ahuja in
Ankit Ahuja
Hadi Khadra lb
Hadi Khadra

Tags: Ankit AhujaHadi Khadra

Level: 30

Blinds: 100,000/200,000

Ante: 200,000

Govorov Pressures Ahuja

Level 30 : 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante

Ivan Govorov opened to 400,00 from under the gun with AK and Ankit Ahuja called from the small blind with A9.

The flop came AJ10 and Govorov fired a 300,000 continuation bet. Ahuja made the call.

On the Q turn Govorov bet again for 3,000,000 and this time Ahuja opted to fold his top pair.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Ankit Ahuja in
Ankit Ahuja

Tags: Ankit AhujaIvan Govorov

Feyzullah Karaarslan Eliminated in 8th Place ($22,350)

Level 30 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Feyzullah Karaarslan
Feyzullah Karaarslan

Yunsheng moved all in from the hijack for 4,455,000 and Feyzullah Karaarslan called in the big blind for his last 1,350,000 to put himself at risk.

Feyzullah Karaarslan: Q10
Yunsheng Sun: AJ

The board ran out 7692K. Karaarslan failed to improve and was sent to the rail while Sun collected the last of his chips.

Player Chips Progress
Yunsheng Sun cn
Yunsheng Sun
Day 3 Chip Leader
Feyzullah Karaarslan tr
Feyzullah Karaarslan

Tags: Feyzullah KaraarslanYunsheng Sun

Boutboul Finds a Double

Level 30 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante

Ivan Govorov opened to 400,000 from early position with 99 and Bernard Boutboul called off from the big blind for his last 375,000, putting himself at risk.

Bernard Boutboul: J10
Ivan Govorov: 99

Govorov caught the better end of the flip on the 832 flop but Boutboul pulled ahead on the 10 turn. He improved to two pair on the J river to secure a full double up.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Bernard Boutboul fr
Bernard Boutboul

Tags: Bernard BoutboulIvan Govorov

Tugce Hursoz Eliminated in 7th Place ($28,000)

Level 30 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Tugce Hursoz
Tugce Hursoz

Ivan Govorov opened to 400,000 from under the gun and Tugce Hursoz defended from the big blind.

The flop came Q103 and Hursoz check-called a 200,000 continuation bet from Govorov.

Hursoz checked-called another bet from Govorov on the 10 turn, this time for 450,000. Once again Hursoz made the call.

On the 8 river Hursoz checked and Govorov bet 2,000,000, enough to put Hursoz all in. Hursoz called off with her last 1,585,000.

Hursoz showed down QJ for top pair but Govorov tabled Q10 for two pair to send Huroz to the rail and continue to accumulate chips.

Player Chips Progress
Ivan Govorov ru
Ivan Govorov
Tugce Hursoz tr
Tugce Hursoz

Tags: Ivan GovorovTugce Hursoz