Heartland Poker Tour Golden Gates

$1,650 Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

Heartland Poker Tour Golden Gates

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Hoang Fires the River

Level 6 : 200/500, 500 ante

Andreas Ramadanis opened the action with a raise to 1,200 from early position and was called by the hijack. Tan Hoang then three-bet to 3,500 from the cutoff and received two calls.

All three players checked to the river on a runout of {7-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{5-Clubs}, where both Ramadanis and the hijack checked a third time. Hoang then bet 10,000 and got two folds, taking down the pot with his river bet before the hand reached showdown.

Player Chips Progress
Andreas Ramadanis us
Andreas Ramadanis
Tan Hoang us
Tan Hoang

Tags: Andreas RamadanisTan Hoang

Two In, One Out

Level 6 : 200/500, 500 ante

A couple more familiar faces in Danny Gonzales and Aaron Frei are now in their seats, with Gonzales already having chipped up to over 50,000.

Meanwhile, Teresa Hemingway was seen making her way out of the tournament area. Jon Cohen was then seen with a mountain of chips and it was confirmed Cohen won the pot that caused the damage to be done.

Player Chips Progress
Jon Cohen us
Jon Cohen
WSOP 1X Winner
Danny Gonzales us
Danny Gonzales
Aaron Frei us
Aaron Frei
Teresa Hemingway us
Teresa Hemingway

Tags: Aaron FreiDanny GonzalesJon CohenTeresa Hemingway

Resendiz Gets a Double

Level 6 : 200/500, 500 ante
Nelson Resendiz
Nelson Resendiz

There was 5,300 in the middle with five players in the pot on a flop of {j-Spades}{10-Clubs}{9-Clubs}. The small blind checked, as did both Nelson Resendiz in the big blind and Chris Moon, who was under the gun. The player to Moon's left then bet 3,500.

The final player in the hand was on the button and folded, putting action onto the small blind who also folded. Resendiz then check-raised all in for 12,000 and got a fold from Moon before a call from the bettor.

Nelson Resendiz: {q-Clubs}{j-Hearts}
Early-Position Player: {q-Hearts}{7-Hearts}

Resendiz was out in front en route to a double and the road was smooth sailing as the turn {2-Hearts} and river {j-Hearts} completed the runout to give him trips and bring him back to roughly a starting stack.

Player Chips Progress
Chris Moon us
Chris Moon
Nelson Resendiz us
Nelson Resendiz

Tags: Chris MoonNelson Resendiz

Pineda Joins; Hemingway Wins a Small One

Level 6 : 200/500, 500 ante

A player in early position limped in and saw Teresa Hemingway raise to 2,000 from the button. Mike Itoafa folded from the small blind after recently finding a new seat at the table, as did Pat Pineda from the big blind, who also recently joined. The early-position player called.

The flop came {8-Hearts}{2-Spades}{a-Hearts} and Hemingway saw her opponent check. She threw out a red T5,000 chip, announcing a bet of 4,000. Her opponent folded and she took down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Teresa Hemingway us
Teresa Hemingway
Pat Pineda us
Pat Pineda
Mike Itoafa us
Mike Itoafa

Tags: Mike ItoafaPat PinedaTeresa Hemingway

Level: 6

Blinds: 200/500

Ante: 500

Moon Barrels Out Gutierrez

Level 5 : 200/400, 400 ante
Chris Moon
Chris Moon

Zach Gutierrez was in early position and opened to 900, receiving a call from Nelson Resendiz in the hijack. Chris Moon was in the cutoff and announced a three-bet to 3,600. Gutierrez thought for about 35 seconds and put out chips to call. Resendiz then folded and the flop came {4-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}{9-Spades}.

Gutierrez was first to act postflop and checked to Moon, who made a continuation-bet of 2,000. Gutierrez called.

The turn came {q-Clubs} and Gutierrez checked again. Moon thought for about 20 seconds and put out 25,000, which put Gutierrez to the test for his remaining chips. Gutierrez took about 15 seconds to think about his decision before sending his cards to the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Chris Moon us
Chris Moon
Nelson Resendiz us
Nelson Resendiz
Zach Gutierrez us
Zach Gutierrez

Tags: Chris MoonNelson ResendizZach Gutierrez

Peragallo Doubles Through Peck

Level 5 : 200/400, 400 ante

Andrew Peragallo saw action folded to him in the cutoff and opened to 1,000. He was three-bet to 3,000 by Austin Peck, who was on the button. Both blinds folded and Peragallo made the call.

The flop came {4-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}{9-Spades} and Peragallo checked. Peck made a continuation-bet of 2,300. Peragallo called, bringing the turn {10-Diamonds}. Both players checked.

The river fell {7-Hearts} and Peragallo put out a bet of 5,000. Peck thought for a bit and raised to 18,000, effectively putting Peragallo all in for less. Peragallo went into the tank for about 15 seconds and then committed the rest of his chips.

Austin Peck: {9-Hearts}{8-Spades}
Andrew Peragallo: {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts}

Peck 's pair of eights was second best to Peragallo's top pair of aces, resulting in Peragallo earning the double as Peck finds himself with under half a starting stack nearing the end of Level 5.

Player Chips Progress
Andrew Peragallo us
Andrew Peragallo
Austin Peck us
Austin Peck

Tags: Andrew PeragalloAustin Peck

Lewis Blasts the Turn

Level 5 : 200/400, 400 ante

There was over 4,000 in a four-way pot on a flop of {6-Hearts}{8-Spades}{7-Diamonds} and the big blind put out a bet of 1,600. David Lewis was in early position and called, putting action on Andrew Peragallo in the hijack. He folded and the player on the button called.

Three players continued to the turn {8-Hearts} and the big blind bet 1,200. Lewis raised all in for 8,100 and the player on the button quickly folded. The big blind then found action back on him and took about 20 seconds in the tank before sending his cards to the muck as well.

Player Chips Progress
David Lewis us
David Lewis
Andrew Peragallo us
Andrew Peragallo

Tags: Andrew PeragalloDavid Lewis

Hemingway Giveth, Hemingway Taketh Away

Level 5 : 200/400, 400 ante

Jon Cohen was in the process of having his last 10,000-plus counted out after doubling up with {a-Clubs}{k-Spades} on a board of {7-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{3-Clubs}{a-Clubs} against Teresa Hemingway. There was over 30,000 in the pot prior to the action on the river.

"Nice suckout," Hemingway said as she paid off Cohen, bringing him to two starting stacks.

On the following hand, Ben Keeline opened from the hijack to 1,100 and Hemingway three-bet to 4,400 from the button. Keeline four-bet to 11,000 after some time in the tank and Hemingway immediately went all in. Keeline called.

Teresa Hemingway: {9-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}
Ben Keeline: {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}

"Any nine will do," said Hemingway, finding her fortunes at the moment to not be favorable. The flop changed everything for her, coming {a-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{j-Spades}. She held through the turn {j-Clubs} and river {q-Spades} to secure the double and find herself more or less right back where she was two hands prior.

Player Chips Progress
Jon Cohen us
Jon Cohen
WSOP 1X Winner
Teresa Hemingway us
Teresa Hemingway
Ben Keeline us
Ben Keeline

Tags: Ben KeelineJon CohenTeresa Hemingway