2015 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Malta

€5,300 Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2015 PokerStars.com EPT Season 11 Malta

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000
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216,500 8,500
Table 8Seat 6

Folded QJ on J65Q to a crazy player because there was someone behind me. He had nut flush!
Ended Day 2 with 216,500. Time for a birthday dinner celebration!

225,000 10,000
Table 8Seat 6

Just moved tables. 2 more hours until end of Day 2.
Gonna give em' hell till then!

Alec Torelli photo
145,000 5,000

2e break

215,000 20,000
Table 29Seat 5

Getting picked on by the second big stack.
He 3 bets my utg open from the CO. I call and c/f a 766 board.
Feels like fireworks are coming...

235,000 8,500
Table 29Seat 5

Chipped up small in two pots. Having fun with my chips in the process!

Alec Torelli photo
226,500 21,500
Table 29Seat 5

I raise utg + 1 with QQ, on 800/1600 to 4,100, mid position makes it 8,000. I call.
F: K87 check/check.
T: 9 check/check.
R: 3 I bet 5,800 he calls with JJ.

205,000 13,000
Table 29Seat 5

Call a raises with KQ on button and miss.
Then 98 and flop 762 and miss again!

218,000 22,000
Table 29Seat 5

Early position raises to 3,600 and solid player direct to his left makes it 9,400, I 4 bet to 21,500 in the big blind with JJ.
He calls. Flop A72 we both check.
Turn 4, I check/fold.

240,000 105,500
Table 29Seat 5

Italian raises utg + 1 to 2,800 on 600/1200, I 3 bet to 7,200 with AA on button.
He 4 bets to 18,900, I 5 bet to 32,100. He shoves 110K with AK.
I busted my 4th victim! Happy birthday me!

Alec Torelli photo
143,000 73,500

Won a huge aip against Vanessa selbst, jj>kqss

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