2024 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

€5,300 EPT Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300,000 / 600,000
Players Info - Day 1a
Players Left

Delaplace Loses It All in Four-Bet Pot

Level 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Sven Stok
Sven Stok

Sven Stok opened to 800 from early position and was called by Carlos Garcia from the small blind. Nicolas Delaplace three-bet to 2,600 from the big blind. Stok responded by making it 8,500. Garcia folded ahead of Delaplace calling.

Delaplace led into the aggressor on the QJ8 flop, wagering 6,500. Stok thought briefly before moving all in for around 40,000. Delaplace went into the tank but committed the 25,000 more he had behind.

Nicolas Delaplace: AQAll in
Sven Stok: AA

Stok had aces and was ahead of Delaplace's top pair. The J turn and 9 river confirmed the latter's exit and Stok took in the sizable pot.

Player Chips Progress
Sven Stok nl
Sven Stok
Nicolas Delaplace fr
Nicolas Delaplace

Tags: Carlos GarciaNicolas DelaplaceSven Stok

Bartoletti Busts

Level 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

Ilya Anatski opened to 800 from early position. Ivo Bartoletti raised to 2,000. Action folded back around to Anatski who made the call.

Anatski checked the 389 flop to Bartoletti who moved all in for 8,800. Anatski took a moment before making the call.

Ivo Bartoletti: AK All in
Ilya Anatski: Q8

Bartoletti's big slick was in trouble and the 8 turn left him drawing dead. The inconsequential 4 confirmed his exit from the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Ilya Anatski by
Ilya Anatski
Ivo Bartoletti it
Ivo Bartoletti

Tags: Ilya AnatskiIvo Bartoletti

Ferreira Sends Iaculli to the Rail

Level 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

Approximately 22,000 was in the middle on a completed board of Q8394 as Gianfranco Iaculli checked from middle position to Diogo Ferreira in the hijack.

The Brazillian moved all in, slightly covering Iaculli's remaining 17,900 chips.

After about three minutes in the tank, the clock was called on Iaculli. He used almost all of his remaining 30 seconds before gathering his chips and placing them forward.

Ferreira showed KK and Iaculli mucked his cards and took his leave from the tournament floor.

Player Chips Progress
Diogo Ferreira br
Diogo Ferreira
Gianfranco Iaculli it
Gianfranco Iaculli

Tags: Diogo FerreiraGianfranco Iaculli

Limp-Jam Doesn't Work Out For Sposito

Level 4 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

After four players limped in, Mario Trattou raised to 4,400 in the big blind and Marco Sposito moved all in for 23,300. The rest of the table folded back to Trattou who quickly called.

Marco Sposito: KJ All in
Mario Trattou: AQ

The board ran out 102568 and Trattou took the pot with his ace-high to send Sposito to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Mario Trattou gb
Mario Trattou
Marco Sposito it
Marco Sposito

Tags: Marco SpositoMario Trattou

Stanciu Snaps Off De Campos

Level 3 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

Traian Stanciu three-bet to 2,100 in the cutoff and Paolo De Campos called in early position.

Both players checked the 875 flop. The turn was the 4 and De Campos led out for 3,000. Stanciu called and the 5 fell on the river.

De Campos then moved all in for 10,100 and Stanciu snap-called. De Campos showed 1010, but Stanciu had AA to win the pot and send De Campos to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Traian Stanciu ro
Traian Stanciu
Paolo De Campos br
Paolo De Campos

Tags: Paolo De CamposTraian Stanciu

Van der Swaluw Turns the Nuts on Uselis

Level 3 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

Marco Gambini raised to 800 in the cutoff and Gediminas Uselis called on the button. Alexander van der Swaluw then three-bet to 3,500 in the small blind and both opponents called.

The flop came KJ5 and Van der Swaluw bet 3,000. Only Uselis called. Van der Swaluw then bet 4,500 on the A turn and Uselis called again.

The river was the 8 and Van der Swaluw moved all in. Uselis quickly called for his last 6,000 with A10, but Van der Swaluw had Q10 for the turned straight to win the pot and send Uselis to the rail.

Other players seated in this section of the room include PSPC champion Aliaksandr Shylko, Maria Ho, and Japanese vlogging superstar Masato Yokosawa.

Player Chips Progress
Marco Gambini it
Marco Gambini
Steven Jones us
Steven Jones
Alexander van der Swaluw nl
Alexander van der Swaluw
Maria Ho us
Maria Ho
Quan Zhou cn
Quan Zhou
Aliaksandr Shylko by
Aliaksandr Shylko
Jason Wheeler us
Jason Wheeler
Masato Yokosawa jp
Masato Yokosawa
Ian Hamilton gb
Ian Hamilton
EPT Main Event Champion
EPT 1X Winner
Gediminas Uselis lt
Gediminas Uselis

Tags: Gediminas UselisMarco GambiniAlexander van der Swaluw

Weber Leaves Wang on Fumes

Level 3 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

"Floorman, time on Table 34," exclaimed the dealer as Yanfeng Wang was deep in the tank.

With around 21,000 in the pot on the 107Q9 board, Quentin Weber had moved all in for 19,800 from the big blind, which had sent Wang into the blender.

Wang, who had been thinking for several minutes, had been given an extra 30 seconds to make his decision, and as around seven seconds remained, he called as the slightly bigger stack.

Quentin Weber: 99All in
Yanfeng Wang: KK

Weber had leapfrogged the kings by improving to a set on the turn. Wang, while behind, still had plenty of outs with his flush and straight draws along with the two kings still in the deck.

The 3 however kept Weber in front and he left Wang with just a few thousand.

Wang would only survive for a few more hands before being eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Quentin Weber de
Quentin Weber
Andrea Dato it
Andrea Dato
Yanfeng Wang hk
Yanfeng Wang

Tags: Quentin WeberYanfeng Wang

Ciechanowicz Busts to Set of Queens

Level 3 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

Following an open raise, Gabriel Moura three-bet to 2,000 and Robin Zagorski called. Lukasz Ciechanowicz then moved all in for his remaining 6,000 chips and only Moura made the call. Players flipped their cards, with Ciechanowicz at risk.

Lukasz Ciechanowicz: A10 All in
Gabriel Moura: QQ

The board ran out A794Q and the flop brought Ciechanowicz a pair of aces. The river, however, gave Moura a set of queens and he won the pot to eliminate Ciechanowicz.

Player Chips Progress
Gabriel Moura br
Gabriel Moura
Lukasz Ciechanowicz pl
Lukasz Ciechanowicz

Tags: Lukasz CiechanowiczRobin ZagorskiGabriel Moura

Lin Chews Up Appleton's Stack

Level 3 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

Yi Ang Lin opened to 700 from middle position and called when Luke Appleton three-bet to 2,200.

Lin check-called bets of 1,600 and 5,400 on the flop and turn for the final board to read 72266.

Lin then snap-called as the bigger stack after Appleton moved all in for 15,000.

Appleton tabled QxQx but Lin revealed 66 for quad sixes to score the busout.

Player Chips Progress
Yi Ang Lin ar
Yi Ang Lin
Luke Appleton gb
Luke Appleton

Tags: Luke AppletonYi Ang Lin

Farias Stacks Chiriac

Level 3 : Blinds 100/300, 300 ante

George Chiriac opened from the cutoff to 700. Herbert Farias reraised on the button to 2,200. Chiriac then four-bet to 7,700. Farias made the call.

Chiriac led on the J8A flop for 3,600. Farias called. Chiriac then went into the tank before moving all in for 16,000 on the 7 turn. Farias snap-called,

George Chiriac: A9 All in
Herbert Farias: AA

Farias had found the case ace to flop top set and Chiriac was drawing slim. He couldn't make a straight on the J river and Farias made a full house to send Chiriac to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Herbert Farias br
Herbert Farias
George Chiriac ro
George Chiriac

Tags: Herbert FariasGeorge Chiriac