2024 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

€2,200 Estrellas High Roller
Day: 3
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Barcelona

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Pu Spikes River to Double via Schwaederle

Level 32 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Weiran Pu
Weiran Pu

Cedric Schwaederle opened to 400,000 under the gun and short-stack Weiran Pu defended in the big blind.

On the A54 flop, Pu jammed for 550,000, and Cedric Schwaederle made the quick call.

Weiran Pu: 76 All in
Cedric Schwaederle: 1010

Pu needed to hit with his up and down straight draw versus Schwaederle's second pair tens, and he received some extra outs when the 6 hit on the turn. The 3 river completed the board, to give Pu the seven high-straight and the double-up.

Player Chips Progress
Cedric Schwaederle fr
Cedric Schwaederle
Weiran Pu cn
Weiran Pu

Tags: Cedric SchwaederleWeiran Pu

Alex Sampirisi Eliminated in 11th Place (€42,600)

Level 32 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Alex Sampirisi
Alex Sampirisi

Action folded to Cedric Schwaederle on the button, who opened to 400,000. Alex Sampirisi three-bet jammed from the big blind for 1,775,000, and Schwaederle made the quick call.

Alex Sampirisi: K10 All in
Cedric Schwaederle: A10

Sampirisi's ten was dominated, and his departure just before the final table bubble was confirmed by the Q8896 runout, Sampirisi whiffing his turned flush draw.

Player Chips Progress
Cedric Schwaederle fr
Cedric Schwaederle
Alex Sampirisi it
Alex Sampirisi

Tags: Alex SampirisiCedric Schwaederle

Samir Boudeliou Eliminated in 12th Place (€35,450)

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Samir Boudeliou
Samir Boudeliou

Hugues Girard opened to 300,000 froom under the gun and Samir Boudeliou shoved for 775,000 from the big blind. Girard called with a covering stack to put Boudeliou at risk.

Samir Boudeliou: 99 All in
Hugues Girard: K8

The board ran out AKAJ2. Boudeliou was ahead preflop only for Girard to make a better two pair on the flop and hold. Boudeliou was sent to the rail in 12th place while Girard took down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Hugues Girard fr
Hugues Girard
Samir Boudeliou fr
Samir Boudeliou

Tags: Hugues GirardSamir Boudeliou

Kozieja Doubles via Winz

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Grzegorz Kozieja
Grzegorz Kozieja

Action folded to Christophe Pommier in the cutoff, who opened to 300,000. Berthold Winz called on the button, before Grzegorz Kozieja produced a three-bet to 2,250,000, leaving himself only 35,000 behind. Pommier folded but Winz thought his opponent was all-in and called.

On the J72 flop, Kozieja stuck in his last 35,000 and Winz called.

Grzegorz Kozieja: AQ All in
Berthold Winz: A4

Kozieja was in great shape for a double-up, with the better ace and the nut flush draw. The 6J turn and river were both bricks to confirm his double-up.

Player Chips Progress
Grzegorz Kozieja pl
Grzegorz Kozieja
Berthold Winz de
Berthold Winz
Christophe Pommier fr
Christophe Pommier

Tags: Berthold WinzChristophe PommierGrzegorz Kozieja

Cherish Andrews Eliminated in 13th Place (€35,450)

Level 31 : Blinds 100,000/150,000, 150,000 ante
Cherish Andrews
Cherish Andrews

Jan-Eric Schwippert opened to 350,000 from middle position and Cherish Andrews defended from the big blind, leaving just 500,000 behind.

The flop came K76. Andrews checked, Schwippert shoved and Andrews folded, leaving herself with just over three big blinds.

Action folded around to Andrews in the small blind on the next hand and she shoved her stack of 500,000. Ronald Steinmetz called in the big blind to put her at risk.

Cherish Andrews: J4 All in
Ronald Steinmetz: 85

The board ran out 54K92 giving Steinmetz a pair of fives to send Andrews to the rail and take the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Ronald Steinmetz fr
Ronald Steinmetz
Jan-Eric Schwippert de
Jan-Eric Schwippert
Cherish Andrews us
Cherish Andrews

Tags: Cherish AndrewsJan-Eric SchwippertRonald Steinmetz

Najib Shacar Eliminated in 14th Place (€29,550)

Level 30 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Najib Shacar
Najib Shacar

Najib Shacar opened to 325,000 from under the gun, leaving himself only a single 5,000 chip behind. Christophe Pommier three-bet to 600,000 from the hijack and action folded back around to Shacar. After checking the action on the other table, Shacar put his last chip into the pot and the players flipped their hands.

Najib Shacar: 99All in
Christophe Pommier: AQ

Shacar was looking to hold and he was ahead on the 835 flop.

The 10 turn brought in a flush draw for Pommier and the K river brought it in for Pommier.

Shacar stood from the table as he was eliminated in 14th place, taking home a €29,550 payout.

Player Chips Progress
Christophe Pommier fr
Christophe Pommier
Najib Shacar il
Najib Shacar

Tags: Christophe PommierNajib Shacar

Maciej Komorowski Eliminated in 15th Place (€29,550)

Level 30 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Maciej Komorowski
Maciej Komorowski

Action folded around to Maciej Komorowski who shoved for 1,370,000 from the hijack. Ronald Steinmetz called from the big blind with a covering stack to put Komorowski at risk.

Maciej Komorowski: 33 All in
Ronald Steinmetz: QQ

Komorowski was drawing dead by the turn on the 10Q485 runout while Steinmetz was good at showdown with top set to send Komorowski to the rail and take the last of his chips.

Player Chips Progress
Ronald Steinmetz fr
Ronald Steinmetz
Maciej Komorowski pl
Maciej Komorowski

Tags: Maciej KomorowskiRonald Steinmetz

Schwippert Gets Paid with Full House

Level 29 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Jan-Eric Schwippert
Jan-Eric Schwippert

Jan-Eric Schwippert opened to 200,000 from early position and Alex Sampirisi defended in the big blind.

On the AKJ flop, Samprisi check-called versus a bet of 100,000 from his opponent.

The turn brought the 6, and Samprisi check-called again versus a bet of 600,000 from Schwippert, after a reasonable period of thought.

The 6 river completed the board. Schwippert fired out a bet of 1,700,000 when it was checked to him, and after around three minutes of thought, Samprisi made what appeared to be a crying call. He was shown the bad news when Schwippert showed AA for the nut full house.

Player Chips Progress
Jan-Eric Schwippert de
Jan-Eric Schwippert
Alex Sampirisi it
Alex Sampirisi

Tags: Alex SampirisiJan-Eric Schwippert

Jeremy Palvini Eliminated in 16th Place (€24,600)

Level 29 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Jeremy Palvini
Jeremy Palvini

Jeremy Palvini opened to 200,000 from the button, Bernat Carreras shoved from the big blind for 2,495,000 and Palvini, who was very slightly covered, made the call to put himself at risk.

Jeremy Palvini: JJ All in
Bernat Carreras: AQ

The board ran out 1085A8. Carreras had turned top pair and remained ahead on the river to score nearly a full double up while Palvini was sent to the rail in 16th place.

Player Chips Progress
Anton Kraous bg
Anton Kraous
Bernat Carreras es
Bernat Carreras
Maciej Komorowski pl
Maciej Komorowski
Samir Boudeliou fr
Samir Boudeliou
Cherish Andrews us
Cherish Andrews
Hugues Girard fr
Hugues Girard
Ronald Steinmetz fr
Ronald Steinmetz
Jeremy Palvini fr
Jeremy Palvini

Tags: Bernat CarrerasJeremy Palvini

Rania Nasreddine Eliminated in 17th Place (€24,600)

Level 29 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Rania Nasreddine
Rania Nasreddine

Anton Kraous opened from the hijack, Berthold Winz called from the button and Rania Nasreddine defended from the big blind.

The flop came 1098. Nasreddine shoved for 1,175,000, Kraous folded and Winz called with a covering stack to put Nasreddine at risk.

Rania Nasreddine: A9 All in
Berthold Winz: J9

Both players had second pair. Nasreddine was ahead with the bigger kicker but Winz had a plethora of outs with his flush draw. The flush came right in on the 3 turn and after the J river was dealt Nasreddine made her exit in 17th place while Winz continued to extend his lead over the rest of the field.

Player Chips Progress
Berthold Winz de
Berthold Winz
Anton Kraous bg
Anton Kraous
Rania Nasreddine us
Rania Nasreddine

Tags: Anton KraousBerthold WinzRania Nasreddine