2016 PokerStars.com EPT Season 13 Malta

€25,750 High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2016 PokerStars.com EPT Season 13 Malta

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
12,000 / 24,000

Almost Hand for Hand

Level 15 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

While table one plays significantly faster, some hands over on table two take by far longer. Tournament staff has been monitoring the situation closely, and from time to time tell the dealer on table one to freeze the action and wait until the hand on the other table is over.

One such hand saw Ole Schemion open to 12,000 and Patrick Leonard call in the big blind. On the {Q-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{8-Hearts} flop, both checked. The {6-Clubs} appeared on the turn, Leonard checked and folded to the 14,500 bet of Schemion. The German raked in the pot and then walked over to see what was going on at the other table.

Player Chips Progress
Ole Schemion de
Ole Schemion
Patrick Leonard gb
Patrick Leonard
$25K Fantasy
Run It Once

Tags: Ole SchemionPatrick Leonard

Khoroshenin Drops Some More

Level 15 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

After doubling Allan Sannier, Oleksii Khoroshenin hasn't been able to stop the bleeding yet. He just lost two small pots in a row.

In the first hand, it was Philipp Gruissem who opened with a raise to 12,000. Khoroshenin called from the button and Sannier and Adrian Mateos folded their blinds.

Both players checked the {10-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{8-Diamonds} flop. The {Q-Diamonds} came on the turn and Gruissem bet 22,000. Khoroshenin took his time before calling. The river brought the {9-Clubs} and Gruissem fired again, now for 45,000.

Khoroshenin tanked for several minutes but eventually let it go.

In the next hand, it was Max Silver to raise it up to 12,000. To his left Khoroshenin popped it up to 27,000, only to see Allan Sannier cold four-bet him from the button to 63,000.

Silver quickly let go of his hand. Khoroshenin needed some time but in the end he did the same thing.

Player Chips Progress
Allan Sannier fr
Allan Sannier
Oleksii Khoroshenin ua
Oleksii Khoroshenin
EPT 1X Winner
Philipp Gruissem de
Philipp Gruissem

Tags: Adrian MateosAllan SannierMax SilverOleksii KhorosheninPhilipp Gruissem

Level: 16

Blinds: 3,000/6,000

Ante: 1,000

Schemion Takes Down Four-Bet Pot

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

[Removed:17] raised to 15,000 on the button. Ole Schemion three-bet to 50,000 from the small blind. Yan cut out a four-bet to 105,000 and Schemion called.

The preflop action was promising, but it slowed down postflop as both players checked the {Q-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} flop and the {7-Hearts} on the turn. On the {Q-Clubs} river, Schemion bet 69,000 and Yan folded his hand.

Schemion wanted to muck his hand, then decided against it and let Yan pick one of his holecards. Yan revealed the {A-Diamonds} in Schemions hand.

Player Chips Progress
[Removed:17] nz
Ole Schemion de
Ole Schemion

Tags: Ole Schemion

Badziakouski Haunted by the Past

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Action folded to Mikita Badziakouski and he simply raised to 75,000 with less than that behind. Such a massive raise caused some raised eyebrows and the action reached Ole Schemion in the big blind. The German squeezed his cards and then foldedas he mentioned that the first one had been a king.

"I bubbled this event last year. I will show," Badziakouski said and he flashed the {A-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}. In Season 12, the Belarusian lost a flip with pocket queens to ace-king to miss out on the money.

Player Chips Progress
Mikita Badziakouski by
Mikita Badziakouski

Tags: Mikita BadziakouskiOle Schemion

Philipp Gruissem Eliminated

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Philipp Gruissem
Philipp Gruissem

Action folded to Allan Sannier on the button and the Frenchman opened for 15,000. Adrian Mateos folded his small blind and big blind Philipp Gruissem three-bet to 44,000. Sannier asked how much Gruissem had behind (121,000) and announced all in. Gruissem slid his stack forward in one swift move.

Allan Sannier: {K-Clubs}{10-Hearts}
Philipp Gruissem: {J-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}

Gruissem was the clear favorite to double up but the odds were evened after the flop came {A-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{4-Clubs}.

"Oh my god!" Silver said.

The {K-Spades} on the turn was one of the cards Gruissem needed to dodge and so he was down to just a couple of outs to survive. He still had a 9 percent chance of doubling up but the {J-Clubs} on the river wasn't one of the cards he was looking for. While he rivered a set it was Sannier making a flush and Gruissem departed in 11th place.

It's bubble time now and action is hand for hand. The player that goes out now will go home empty-handed, surviving the bubble will net the 9 remaining players a minimum of €46,180.

Player Chips Progress
Allan Sannier fr
Allan Sannier
Philipp Gruissem de
Philipp Gruissem

Tags: Philipp GruissemAllan Sannier

Silver Slowly Chipping Up

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Max Silver
Max Silver

Max Silver was the shortest stack at his table for most of the day. Now Davidi Kitai joined table two, he doesn't have the smallest stack anymore, although he's not a big stack either.

So the chips he just won from Allan Sannier were more than welcome. Silver raised to 15,000 before the flop and Sannier defended his big blind.

The flop came {6-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{7-Spades} and Sannier checked to the initial raiser. Silver made a bet of 12,000 and got called. The {5-Hearts} hit the felt on the turn and it was checked through.

The {10-Diamonds} appeared on the river and Sannier checked for the third time. Silver fired out a bet of 31,000 and that was enough to take it down.

Player Chips Progress
Allan Sannier fr
Allan Sannier
Max Silver gb
Max Silver

Tags: Allan SannierMax Silver

Schemion Halts Yan

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Ole Schemion (front) and [Removed:17] (back)
Ole Schemion (front) and [Removed:17] (back)

It's been [Removed:17] who's been the most active player on the bubble so far. Yan was opening nearly every hand at his table, until he found some resistance in the form of Ole Schemion. Yan raised to 14,000 under the gun and Schemion called to his direct left.

On the {A-Hearts}{10-Spades}{9-Hearts} flop, Yan checked and called a 22,000 bet from Schemion. On the {8-Hearts} turn, Yan checked again, and now Schemion bet 55,000. The Kiwi gave it some thought before making the second call as well.

The river {A-Diamonds} paired the ace and both players quickly checked. Yan tabled {K-Hearts}{J-Diamonds} for a king-high that missed everything, which prompted Schemion to show down {10-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} to claim the table chiplead.

Player Chips Progress
Ole Schemion de
Ole Schemion
[Removed:17] nz

Tags: Ole Schemion

Schemion Takes Over

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante

Hand 1

Ole Schemion raised to 17,000 from under the gun and [Removed:17] called in the big blind. On the {A-Diamonds}{K-Clubs}{7-Hearts} flop, Yan check-called a bet worth 17,000 and both then checked down the {5-Diamonds} turn and the {4-Clubs} river. Yan showed the {K-Diamonds}{Q-Spades} and claimed the pot.

Hand 2

Ramin Hajiyev raised to 16,000 from under the gun and Schemion called in the big blind. Both players checked down the board of {10-Spades}{10-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}{8-Clubs} entirely and Schemion announced a king, showed the {K-Clubs}{5-Hearts}. Hajiyev briefly showed an ace and mucked.

Hand 3

Schemion raised to 23,000 in the small blind and Hajiyev let go of his big blind.

Hand 4

Schemion made it 15,000 to go from the button and Mikita Badziakouski called in the big blind. There was no betting action on the board {Q-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}{2-Clubs} and Badziakouski showed the {A-Spades}{4-Spades}. Schemion had that beat with {9-Hearts}{9-Diamonds} and Badziakouski grinned at his opponent: "Do you see how tight I am? Not shoving ace four?"

There are less than 20 minutes left in the level and the bubble has yet to burst.

Player Chips Progress
Ole Schemion de
Ole Schemion
[Removed:17] nz
Ramin Hajiyev az
Ramin Hajiyev
Mikita Badziakouski by
Mikita Badziakouski

Tags: Mikita BadziakouskiOle SchemionRamin Hajiyev

Badziakouski Doubles Through Hajiyev

Level 16 : 3,000/6,000, 1,000 ante
Ramin Hajiyev - Mikita Badziakouski
Ramin Hajiyev - Mikita Badziakouski

Mikita Badziakouski bubbled this event last year and now he was the shortest stack in the room. With less than 90,000 he only had 15 big blinds left before the hand started but he found the double up he was looking for.

It was Ramin Hajiyev who opened to 15,000. Badziakouski waited for the completion of the hand on the other table before he raised to 60,000, leaving him with just 29,500 behind.

It was folded around back to Hajiyev, although Patrick Leonard took his time before mucking. Hajiyev quickly moved all in and Badziakouski called.

Hajiyev: {5-Hearts}{5-Spades}
Badziakouski: {10-Spades}{10-Clubs}

He was in great shape to double up and he was even more favourite to win the hand, after the {10-Hearts}{Q-Spades}{A-Hearts} flop. The {J-Hearts} turn gave Hajiyev some flush outs and possibilities to a chop, but the {Q-Diamonds} on the river didn't change everything.

Player Chips Progress
Ramin Hajiyev az
Ramin Hajiyev
Mikita Badziakouski by
Mikita Badziakouski

Tags: Mikita BadziakouskiRamin Hajiyev