2012 PokerStars.com EPT Madrid

Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2012 PokerStars.com EPT Madrid

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Mac is Back

Fraser MacIntyre
Fraser MacIntyre

Fraser MacIntyre opened to 140,000 from the button but then Bruno Lopes made it 325,000 in the big blind with the Scot electing to call in position. The flop was {Q-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{7-Hearts} and Lopes continued quickly with a bet of 275,000 but MacIntyre wasted little time in raising to 575,000. The Frenchman tanked for several minutes before he eventually decided to fold.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Fraser MacIntyre gb
Fraser MacIntyre
Profile photo of Bruno Lopes fr
Bruno Lopes

Tags: Bruno LopesFraser MacIntyre

Back to Back Losses for Mac

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Fraser Macintyre got right back on the horse in the next hand, but that ended in defeat also.

He opened to 125,000 from the cut-off and Bruno Lopes was the only caller from one seat along. The flop fell {10-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} and Macintyre's 130,000 continuation was called by Lopes.

The turn arrived as {q-Clubs} and Macintyre had had enough and check-folded to a 185,000 bet from Lopes.

Tags: Fraser MacintyreBruno Lopes.

Stoenescu Takes the Lead in Fine Fashion

Andrei Stoenescu
Andrei Stoenescu

Frederik Jensen raised to open the pot, and he found action from both Fraser MacIntyre (button) and Andrei Stoenescu to create three-way action heading to the flop.

It came out {J-Spades} {7-Diamonds} {9-Spades}. The first two checked to MacIntyre, and he put out a bet of 200,000. Stoenescu called, Jensen folded, and it was now heads-up to the turn. The {3-Spades} landed to put three spades on board. Action froze on Stoenescu for a couple minutes as he contemplated a bet. He led out with 360,000, and MacIntyre called very quickly to see the {Q-Spades} arrive on the turn. Four spades on board now. Stoenescu stacked up another bet and made it 680,000, and now MacIntyre needed a couple minutes to think.

The call did come eventually, and Stoenescu had the stone cold nuts. He tabled his {10-Spades} {K-Spades}, and the straight flush gives him one of the biggest pots of the tournament. With it comes the chip lead, as well. The Romanian now leads the pack with just shy of 4 million, about a half-million in front of MacIntyre.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Andrei Stoenescu ro
Andrei Stoenescu
Profile photo of Fraser MacIntyre gb
Fraser MacIntyre

Tags: Andries StoenescuFraser MacIntyre

Level: 28

Blinds: 30,000/60,000

Ante: 10,000

You Can't Blame Him For Trying

Level 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

In a battle of the blinds, Frederik Jensen came in raising, and Fraser MacIntyre defended his big blind. The flop came out {2-Diamonds} {J-Spades} {6-Clubs}. The Scotsman called a continuation bet too, and Jensen checked to him on the {J-Hearts} turn. Now MacIntyre took his cue to make a small bet of 125,000, and Jensen called to see the river. It was the {4-Clubs}, and Jensen checked again. But he had sinister thoughts on his mind. When MacIntyre bet 475,000, he check-raised to 1.26 million.

MacIntyre called very quickly, and Jensen knew his {K-Spades} {9-Clubs} had been had. MacIntyre's {Q-Spades} {J-Spades} was easily the best hand, and he's going to take a massive chip lead with that pot. The break is coming up in just a minute, so we'll get his actual count right from the table.

Tags: Fraser MacIntyreFrederik Jensen

Ibañez Gets That Squeezy Feeling

Fraser MacIntyre opened the pot to 110,000, and Bruno Lopes flatted on the button. Around in the big blind, Ricardo Ibañez squeezed to 280,000 total. MacIntyre folded with relative ease, but the action froze on Lopes for a couple minutes. He eventually found the fold button, though, and Ibañez snags some extra chips with no confrontation.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Ricardo Ibañez
Ricardo Ibañez

Tags: Bruno LopesFraser MacIntyreRicardo Ibañez

Ilan Boujenah Eliminated in 6th Place (€92,000)

Ilan Boujenah - 6th place
Ilan Boujenah - 6th place

Ilan Boujenah's fun, if a tempestuous, tournament has come to an end after he was eliminated by Bruno Lopes.

Lopes, fresh from raise folding to a Boujenah shove, opened to 105,000 from under the gun. Boujenah and Fraser Macintyre called to head to the {a-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{j-Diamonds} flop. The action was checked to Boujenah in position and his 160,000 bet was called by both players.

The turn came {5-Diamonds} and Boujenah tank shoved for 920,000 when the action was checked to him again. Macintyre thought about calling before folding, but there was no thinking from Lopes as he snapped with {k-Hearts}{q-Hearts} for the nuts. Boujenah opened {a-Spades}{j-Spades} for two-pair and failed to catch up on the {5-Hearts} river.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Bruno Lopes fr
Bruno Lopes
Profile photo of Ilan Boujenah il
Ilan Boujenah

Tags: Bruno LopesFraser MacintyreIlan Boujenah

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