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Allan Zwick
Table 51Seat 4
A♣️ K♦️ < A♦️5♦️ < A♠️ T♥️
First hand dealt at new table, middle position, two limpers ahead of me. I jam for 11k with AK. Another shortstack with 11k jams. Folds over to second limper. She calls both of our all-ins. She has Ad 5d. He has Ax Tx.
Flop: C
Allan Zwick
Table 51Seat 4
Allan Zwick
Table 51Seat 4
Allan Zwick
Table 51Seat 4
Was down to 8100…one orbit and two double ups later, here we are…second break
A♣️ K♦️ < A♦️5♦️ < A♠️ T♥️
First hand dealt at new table, middle position, two limpers ahead of me. I jam for 11k with AK. Another shortstack with 11k jams. Folds over to second limper. She calls both of our all-ins. She has Ad 5d. He has Ax Tx.
Flop: C