2007 Aussie Millions Crown Casino Poker Championship

Event 6 - $3,200 (R) Pot Limit Omaha
Day: 1
Event Info

2007 Aussie Millions Crown Casino Poker Championship

Final Results
Event Info
Level Info
5,000 / 10,000

Stay tuned for more.....

We will continue our coverage of the 2007 Aussie Millions Poker Championship, with the $1650 Feature Event.

The action is sure to be fast and furious, with a bounty on every table and plenty of big name pros to watch out for.

Official Standings

A deal was made, with Andy Black taking the lions share, but official placings are as follows:

1st $176,000 Jesse Jones
2nd $115,500 Andrew Black
3rd $66,000 Steve Hegyi
4th $49,500 Van Marcus
5th $33,000 Ralph Burd
6th $20,000 Mark Vos
7th $15,000 Kristy Gazes
8th $10,000 Richard Redmond
9th $10,000 Kevin O'Donnell

Jesse Jones wins!

With over 90% of the chips in play, we knew it wouldn't be long.

Jesse Jones is our newest Champion, claiming the $3000 w/ rebuys event, eliminating Andrew Black with two pair.

Level: 13

Blinds: 5,000/10,000

Ante: 0

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