2019 Aussie Millions

AU$10,600 Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2019 Aussie Millions

Final Results
1,272,598 AUD
Event Info
10,600 AUD
Prize Pool
8,220,000 AUD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Jacks-Up for Guillen

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Angel Guillen opened to 22,000 from under the gun, and Andrew Michael called in the big blind.

The flop landed {3-Spades}{J-Spades}{4-Diamonds} and Michael checked to Guillen who continued for 16,000. Michael called, and then both players checked the {8-Diamonds} on the turn.

The river fell the {8-Clubs}, and after Michael checked once more, Guillen bet 46,000.

Michael deliberated for several minutes before deciding upon a call.

Guillen tabled his {J-Hearts}{9-Hearts} for jacks-up, and Michael mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Angel Guillen mx
Angel Guillen
WSOP 1X Winner
Andrew Michael au
Andrew Michael

Tags: Andrew MichaelAngel Guillen

Yoon Doubles Through Swannack; Busts to Hinrichsen

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Jongwon Yoon doubled his last 12 big blinds with ace-eight against the ace-six of Cole Swannack and soon after joined the action again. On the button, Yoon took on Andrew Hinrichsen in the small blind and the flop showed {A-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}. Hinrichsen check-raised from 30,000 to 76,000 and Yoon jammed for more than 220,000, which Hinrichsen called.

Jongwon Yoon: {A-Diamonds}{J-Spades}
Andrew Hinrichsen: {A-Spades}{4-Spades}

Hinrichsen had outflopped his opponent with top and bottom pair, but Yoon still had some outs. The {5-Diamonds} turn and the {K-Clubs} river changed nothing whatsoever and that spelled the end for Yoon.

Player Chips Progress
Andrew Hinrichsen au
Andrew Hinrichsen
WSOP 1X Winner
Cole Swannack nz
Cole Swannack
Day 1C Chip Leader
Jongwon Yoon kr
Jongwon Yoon

Tags: Andrew HinrichsenCole SwannackJongwon Yoon

Skommo Eliminated by Chin

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Orjan Skommo moved all in for 175,000 from the cutoff and was snap-called by Andrian Chin on the button. The blinds got out of the way before the cards were tabled.

Andrian Chin: {k-Spades}{k-Hearts}
Orjan Skommo: {a-Clubs}{5-Clubs}

No help came for Skommo as the board ran out {4-Spades}{q-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} to see his day end in 41st place.

Player Chips Progress
Andrian Chin au
Andrian Chin
Orjan Skommo no
Orjan Skommo

Tags: Andrian ChinOrjan Skommo

Jattin Loses Loads

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Farid Jattin clashed with Matthew Wakeman and couldn't beat the {A-Spades}{A-Diamonds} of the Aussie to lose a decent chunk of his stack. It would get worse for Jattin soon after when he set Huijie Zhou all in in a battle of the blinds to create the following showdown.

Huijie Zhou: {Q-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds}
Farid Jattin: {A-Hearts}{J-Clubs}

The board came {9-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{J-Spades} and Zhou doubled for 235,000, as a result Jattin lost half of his stack in quick succession.

Player Chips Progress
Matthew Wakeman au
Matthew Wakeman
Farid Jattin co
Farid Jattin
Huijie Zhou cn
Huijie Zhou

Tags: Farid JattinHuijie ZhouMatthew Wakeman

Chambers Bluffs With Seven-High; Busts

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Daniel Chambers raised from early position and was called by Hamish Crawshaw. The latter check-called a small bet for half the pot on the {Q-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{4-Spades} flop and the {3-Hearts} turn went check, check.

On the {J-Spades} river, Crawshaw checked and Chambers moved all in for 212,000. Crawshaw gave it plenty of thought and called, catching Chambers with the fingers in the cookie jar as he was bluffing with {7-Spades}{6-Spades} for a busted gutshot and seven-high. Crawshaw held {K-Hearts}{10-Hearts} for a pair of tens and scored the final knockout of the night.

Player Chips Progress
Hamish Crawshaw nz
Hamish Crawshaw
Daniel Chambers us
Daniel Chambers

Tags: Daniel ChambersHamish Crawshaw

End-of-Day 3 Counts (full)

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
Player Chips Progress
Mike Del Vecchio us
Mike Del Vecchio
Day 4 Chip Leader
WPT 1X Winner
Dingxiang Ong sg
Dingxiang Ong
Matthew Wakeman au
Matthew Wakeman
David Wang au
David Wang
Andrew Hinrichsen au
Andrew Hinrichsen
WSOP 1X Winner
Gavin Flynn ie
Gavin Flynn
Greg Heaver au
Greg Heaver
Ryan Otto nz
Ryan Otto
Chun Kwok us
Chun Kwok
Andrian Chin au
Andrian Chin
Bjorn Ostby au
Bjorn Ostby
Simon Chahine au
Simon Chahine
Hamish Crawshaw nz
Hamish Crawshaw
Bryn Kenney us
Bryn Kenney
WSOP 1X Winner
Pim De Goede nl
Pim De Goede
Day 2 Chip Leader
Andrew Theakstone au
Andrew Theakstone
Michael Addamo au
Michael Addamo
WSOP 4X Winner
Michael Egan au
Michael Egan
Gyeong Byeong Lee kr
Gyeong Byeong Lee
Quan Zhou cn
Quan Zhou
Norihiro Otani jp
Norihiro Otani
Farid Jattin co
Farid Jattin
Anthony Kingston au
Anthony Kingston
Vojtech Ruzicka cz
Vojtech Ruzicka
Huijie Zhou cn
Huijie Zhou

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Aussie Millions Main Event Down to 38; 2018 Final Tablist Mike Del Vecchio Leads

Level 19 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
Mike Del Vecchio
Mike Del Vecchio

After seven more levels in the 2019 Aussie Millions Main Event, the record-breaking field of 822 has been whittled down to just 38 with a familiar name leading the way.

Mike Del Vecchio finished fifth in last year's Main Event for A$370,000 and told PokerNews that a "pretty incredible" Day 3 resulted in him bagging

"I never really lost a pot the entire day," said Del Vecchio. "I had a really frustrating Day 1, with a good last level. Then a really frustrating Day 2, but again a good last level. But today I just won every pot all day.

"Honestly it was about as perfect as it could possibly have gone. I can't understand how it could have gone any better."

However, Del Vecchio has his sights set on another deep run and potentially another final table.

"In my mind, I'd love some redemption. In my mind last year I played a poor final table, and I'd really like to make the final table and make up for it."

Dingxiang Ong
Dingxiang Ong bagged up second in chips

Other big stacks include Dingxiang Ong (1,402,000) who jumped up the leaderboard after his aces eliminated Hayato Kitajima who held kings, Matthew Wakeman (1,292,000) who cracked Michael Soyza's queens, and David Wang (1,247,000) who rivered an ace with ace-king to crack Jesse Sylvia's jacks late in the day.

Big names still in the Main Event are former bracelet-winner Andrew Hinrichsen (1,230,000), Bryn Kenney (782,000), Pim De Goede (780,000), Michael Addamo (623,000), Michael Egan (609,000), Quan Zhou (528,000), Farid Jattin (493,000), Vojtech Ruzicka (443,000), Jack Salter (239,000), Day 1c chip leader Cole Swannack (204,000) and Dominik Panka (185,000).

Tournament Room
Tournament Room

Day 3 Recap

If yesterday was moving day, then today was money day in the record-breaking 2019 Aussie Millions Main Event. Just 88 players from the 168 who started the day were guaranteed a min-cash of AU$15,600 and it took until just before the dinner break for the money bubble to appear on the horizon.

Among the players to have busted before the money was reached were Jackie Glazier, who lost out to Michael Soyza early; Day 1b chip leader Julian Stuer, who ran ace-king into the kings of Robert Glasspool; and 2019 Aussie Millions 8 Game champion Michael Gathy, whose two pair fell foul of the straight of Gyeong Byeong Lee.

Tyron Krost
Former champion Tyron Krost was eliminated shor tof the money on Day 3

The last former Aussie Millions champion Tyron Krost was also eliminated, after losing ace-queen against the ace-king of Jim Chahoud for most of his chips and was eliminated shortly thereafter.

The players headed off on dinner break just one elimination away from the money, with Farid Jattin the clear chip leader with over 1,500,000 in chips. When they returned there were doubles for Bruno Portaro, Hayato Kitajima, Michael Addamo and Anthony Kingston before the bubble eventually burst.

Maxi Lehmanski Bubbles the 2019 Aussie Millions Main Event

Del Vecchio explained how he chipped up on the bubble despite being seated at a tough table.

"I had a really tough table with Jake Salter and [eventual bubble boy] Maxi Lehmanski, and we all had a tonne of chips so I was prepared for a tough battle. But eventually they lost some chips - some to me, some to others - and all of a sudden I had a dominating stack and I had the leverage to eventually burst the bubble."

Bubble boy Maxi Lehmanski was was eliminated after running his pocket jacks ran into the pocket kings of Del Vecchio, and after a queen-high board was dealt, he was eliminated, guaranteeing the remaining players AU$15,600.

Early eliminations in the money included Ajay Chabra (86th - AU$15,600), Andrew Chen (74th - AU$15,600), Oliver Gill (73rd - AU$15,600), Billy 'The Croc' Argyros (67th - AU$20,500), Michael Soyza (57th - AU$20,500), Rory Young (54th - AU$25,400) and Nauvneel Kashyap (51st - AU$25,400).

The Main Event resumes at 12:30 p.m. (AEDT) on Friday, 1 February with the aim to play down to a final table of seven. The tournament will redraw at 36 players to create six tables of six players and will continue six-handed for the remainder of the tournament.

Stay tuned to PokerNews for continued coverage from the Aussie Millions, including the AU$100,000 Challenge which gets underway as well.

2019 Aussie Millions Main Event Day 4 Seat Draw

TableSeatPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
91Jack SalterUnited Kingdom239,00020
92Clinton TaylorAustralia373,00031
93Ravi MaravarAustralia262,00022
94Bryn KenneyUnited States782,00065
95Huijie ZhouChina434,00036
96Michael AddamoAustralia623,00052
97Andrew MichaelAustralia122,00010
98Bjorn OstbyAustralia835,00070
281Cole SwannackNew Zealand204,00017
282Hamish CrawshawNew Zealand827,00069
283Thibaut KlinghammerFrance212,00018
284David WangAustralia1,247,000104
285Angel GuillenMexico381,00032
286Andrew HinrichsenAustralia1,230,000103
287Matthew WakemanAustralia1,292,000108
288Dominik PankaPoland185,00015
291Greg HeaverAustralia962,00080
292Andrew TheakstoneAustralia712,00059
293Robert GlasspoolHong Kong267,00022
294Gyeong Byeong LeeKorea539,00045
295John DugganUnited Kingdom116,00010
296Antonio TavellaAustralia111,0009
297Gavin FlynnIreland1,050,00088
311Chun KwokHong Kong923,00077
312Dingxiang OngSingapore1,402,000117
313Ajay GnanasambanthanUnited States187,00016
314Mike Del VecchioUnited States2,403,000200
315Andrian ChinAustralia838,00070
316Quan ZhouChina528,00044
317Vojtech RuzickaCzech Republic443,00037
318Simon ChahineAustralia827,00069
321Norihiro OtaniJapan526,00044
322Ryan OttoNew Zealand927,00077
324Anthony KingstonAustralia449,00037
325Yang LeiAustralia318,00027
326Pim De GoedeNetherlands780,00065
327Michael EganAustralia609,00051
328Farid JattinColombia493,00041

Tags: Ajay ChabraAndrew ChenAnthony KingstonAussie MillionsBruno PortaroBryn KenneyCole SwannackDavidDavid WangDingxiang OngFarid JattinGyeong Byeong LeeHayato KitajimaJack SalterJackie GlazierJim ChahoudJulian StuerMatthew WakemanMaxi LehmanskiMichael AddamoMichael EganMichael GathyMichael SoyzaMike Del VecchioNauvneel KashyapOliver GillQuan ZhouRory YoungTyron KrostVojtech Ruzicka

AU$10,600 Main Event

Day 3 Completed