2018 Aussie Millions

$10,600 Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2018 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
1,458,198 AUD
Event Info
10,600 AUD
Prize Pool
8,000,000 AUD
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Bujtas Doubles Through Young

Level 8 : 400/800, 100 ante

We heard an all in called at Table 8 and upon investigation, it seemed Laszlo Bujtas had gotten his last 12,800 in there but in awful shape with {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts} against the {a-}{a-} of Max Young. However, Bujtas had flopped a flush draw and filled it on the turn to double his short stack.

Player Chips Progress
Max Young us
Max Young
Laszlo Bujtas hu
Laszlo Bujtas

Tags: Laszlo BujtasMax Young

Chong Hits the Rail

Level 8 : 400/800, 100 ante

Down to his last 10,000, Victor Chong moved all in from middle position and was called by Gillian Epp in the big blind.

Victor Chong: {K-Clubs}{J-Clubs}
Gillian Epp: {Q-Hearts}{Q-Spades}

On the {Q-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{4-Hearts} flop, Chong picked up an open-ended straight straw while Epp had top set. "That's a fair flop," Russell Thomas said in the one seat. Neither the {3-Clubs} turn nor the {6-Spades} river improved Chong and he headed to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Gillian Epp us
Gillian Epp
Victor Chong my
Victor Chong

Tags: Victor ChongRussell ThomasGillian Epp

Two Bustouts on the "Feature Table"

Level 8 : 400/800, 100 ante
Jason Gray
Jason Gray

Since almost all tables in the poker room are in use, the upcoming feature table for the Twitch Live Stream is in use already without any of the action being recorded yet. There were two early casualties on there as Tanner Millen's two pair with ace-seven went down to the flush of Louis Salter, who had the {10-Spades}{5-Spades}.

Soon after, Christopher Costanzo sent his chips over to Tobias Hausen.

Jason Gray, member of Australia's Poker Hall of Fame, has been spotted on the rail as well. "I got it in with the nuts on the flop and couldn't hold," he said before heading out of the poker room.

Player Chips Progress
Tobias Hausen de
Tobias Hausen
Louis Salter gb
Louis Salter
Jason Gray gb
Jason Gray
Christopher Costanzo au
Christopher Costanzo
Tanner Millen us
Tanner Millen

Tags: Louis SalterTobias HausenJason GrayTanner MillenChristophger Costanzo

Young Drops a Pot

Level 8 : 400/800, 100 ante

Max Young checked from the big blind on {8-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} and check-raised to 6,000 after a player in the hijack bet 2,500. That player called and they saw a {10-Spades} pair the board. Young downbet 3,800 and his opponent peeled to the {q-Spades} river. This time, Young checked and quickly called a bet of 5,000 but couldn't win showdown against {j-Hearts}{10-Hearts}.

Player Chips Progress
Max Young us
Max Young

Tags: Max Young

Speranza Still Shippy

Level 8 : 400/800, 100 ante

Gianluca Speranza opened for 1,800 first to act and got one caller before Andreas Klatt made it 6,200 on the button. Speranza jammed for about 25,000 and won the pot uncontested with two quick folds.

Speranza has nearly triple what he started the day with, a dream beginning for a man who came in with one of the shortest stacks.

Player Chips Progress
Gianluca Speranza it
Gianluca Speranza
Andreas Klatt de
Andreas Klatt

Tags: Gianluca SperanzaAndreas Klatt

800 Entries Reached

Level 8 : 400/800, 100 ante
Aussie Millions 2018 A$10,600 Main Event
Aussie Millions 2018 A$10,600 Main Event

Joel Williams has just announced to the remaining players in the Aussie Millions Main Event that the total number of entries has reached 800:

"In this current poker landscape," said Williams on the microphone. "In a country that has just had online poker banned. to reach 800 entries in a $10,000 freezeout is absolutely phenomenal"

Update Your Own Chip Count Using the PokerNews MyStack App!

Level 8 : 400/800, 100 ante

PokerNews has activated the MyStack App for this event, allowing you to directly adjust your chip counts in our live reporting blog using your iPhone or Android phone.

You can download the app for iPhone or Android now to get started. Then, create a new PokerNews account or update your current one to start updating your status immediately. Your followers can see all the live action that you're involved in.

Click here to download the My Stack app for iPhone, or click here to download the My Stack app for Android.

De Cesare and Rong Down

Level 8 : 400/800, 100 ante
Amanda De Cesare
Amanda De Cesare

"All in and a call!" sounded on tables 8 and 10, respectively. On table 8, Amanda De Cesare lost an all in with {K-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} against {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs} to head for the rail, while Yucheng Rong got it in with {K-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds} against Federico Butteroni's {A-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}. The former November Niner sealed it easily on an {A-Spades}{9-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} to end Rong's attempt.

Player Chips Progress
Federico Butteroni it
Federico Butteroni
Amanda De Cesare au
Amanda De Cesare
Yucheng Rong cn
Yucheng Rong

Tags: Amanda De CesareFederico Butteroni