Jeffrey Duvall - 3rd Place
Jeffrey Duvall has been eliminated in third place. He raised preflop and was called by Rainer Quel and Mel Judah. Quel checked the flop, but Judah would not let Duvall escape the hand with any chips, betting enough to put Duvall all in on the flop. Duvall called before Quel raised. Judah called.
The turn was the . Quel bet and Judah called. On the river , Judah finally folded to Quel's pressure. Quel collected the side pot, then showed down for a nut flush for the main pot. That sent a disappointed Duvall to the rail after he mucked his hand. He earned AU$14,280 in prize money for his deep run in today's tournament.
Even thought Jeffrey Duvall hasn't been officially eliminated yet (he still has about 25,000 chips), Rainer Quel and Mel Judah have wasted no time engaging each other as if they've already begun heads up play. Each man has roughly 250,000 of the chips in play and are showing a willingness to raise and reraise on later streets. Duvall seems amused by the proceedings, but with only two big bets in his stack he's going to need to find some great cards lest he be eaten alive by the blinds.
Judah was the unfortunate recipient on the losing end of a rivered three-outer to fall into solid second place. He showed to Quel's on a board of . Quel now has more than 300,000 in chips.
No sooner had Derek Raymond left the table than his eliminator, Jeffrey Duvall, was himself quartered by Mel Judah. Duvall is down to 25,000 remaining chips.
Derek Raymond - 4th Place
Short-stacked Derek Raymond didn't get his chips in with the worst hand. He showed . The problem was that each of his three opponents had come into the pot to ensure his demise. They all checked the flop. When the turn brought a third diamond, the , Jeffrey Duvall bet. That folded the others, with Duvall then showing the nut flush, . Raymond was drawing dead, but we figure that earning AU$10,170 for being eliminated will ease the pain.
Derek Raymond raised from the button preflop and was called by Rainer Quel, who at this point seems to be playing almost every hand. On a flop of , Quel checked and called a bet from Raymond. Both players checked the turn and river, where Raymond announced "Kings." He did not open his hand, however, choosing instead to muck when Quel showed for a rivered king-high straight.
Raymond has only 8,000 chips left, with the blinds quickly approaching.
The hand may not have had much in the way of action, with Rainer Quel limping in and Mel Judah checking from the big blind. Both players checked the flop. Quel tried a bet when the turn came but couldn't shake Judah. They both stuck around for the river. Quel checked to Judah, whose bet ultimately elicited a fold from Quel.
That small pot gave Judah the chip lead, with 190,000 chips to Quel's 176,000.
Danny Mountt - 5th Place
We have another casualty. Danny Mountt 3-bet from the button after Jeffrey Duvall opened with a raise. Duvall called to a flop of , and that's where all the rest of Mountt's chips went in. He opened against Duvall's . Duvall had the lead with the flopped straight and never looked back.
Mountt collected AU$8,160 for finishing in fifth place.