2010 PokerStars.net APPT Macau

Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2010 PokerStars.net APPT Macau

Final Results
Winning Hand
3,246,200 HKD
Event Info
37,600 HKD
Prize Pool
12,730,608 HKD
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Yoon with a Preflop Three-Bet

A player limped in first position preflop and then action folded to a player in middle position. He raised to 300 before play moved around to Daren Yoon in the small blind. Yoon fired in a three-bet to 1,150. Raymond Wu folded his big blind and then the player that had limped under the gun tanked before eventually folding his hand. The first raiser also folded and Yoon scooped the pot.

Tags: Daren YoonRaymond Wu

Putt Fires at Female Opponent

The first player to act on a flop of {J-Hearts}{10-Spades}{7-Hearts} fired out a bet of 600 in a multi-way limped pot. The next player was Graeme "Kiwi G" Putt and he made the call before the few opponents folded behind him.

The turn brought the {6-Spades} and the first player checked. Despite his opponent being a middle-aged woman who looked rather innocent, Putt took no mercy and fired 1,500 to take down the pot and increase his stack.

Tags: Graeme Putt

Wu'ing a Flush

Raymond Wu
Raymond Wu

Raymond Wu flatted a preflop raise from an opponent in late-middle position on the button. The flop came down {J-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{3-Clubs} and the preflop raiser checked to Wu. The Team PokerStars Asia pro fired 400 and was called.

The turn card added the {9-Clubs} to the board and completed a club flush draw. The first player checked and then Wu fired 1,250. He was called once again.

The board was completed after the {Q-Diamonds} fell on the river. Action was checked to Wu on the final street. Wu took his time and then slid out a hefty bet of 6,675. After a few minutes in the tank, his opponent called. Wu tabled the {Q-Clubs}{8-Clubs} for a club flush and his opponent mucked. Wu's now got about 41,000 chips and looking strong here in the early levels of Day 1a.

Tags: Raymond Wu

Level: 2

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 0

Opponent Straightens Out Kiwi G

After a player in early position made it 250 to go and two others called, the small blind came along for the ride. Graeme Putt joined them as well from the big blind, and they went to the flop five-handed. It came {a-Spades}{j-Clubs}{10-Clubs}, and the small blind bet out a tiny 250. Putt called, as did two of three players behind. Then all four checked the {a-Hearts} on the turn. The river brought the {9-Spades}, and the small blind bet 500. Putt called, and the other two players folded, leaving Kiwi G on his own to see the bad news when his opponent tabled {q-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} for the rivered straight.

Tags: Graeme Putt

Huang Adds a Little

An under-the-gun player raised to 300 before Bryan Huang called from the cutoff seat. The two of them took a heads-up flop of {A-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{2-Spades} and the preflop aggressor fired a continuation bet of 550. Huang flatted.

The turn added the {3-Clubs} to the board and the first player checked. Huang pounced at the opportunity and fired 1,075 into the middle. His opponent folded and Huang added some chips to his stack.

Tags: Bryan Huang

Putt Check-Raises Turn

Graeme "Kiwi G" Putt just picked up some chips after check-raising the turn on a board of {J-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{J-Clubs} to get a fold out of his opponent. After Putt checked fourth street, his opponent fired 1,200 into a pot of 2,100. Putt then raised to 3,200 and after a brief moment, his opponent let his hand go.

Tags: Graeme Putt

Powell Picks One Up Early

We caught up with the action after the final community card was dealt in the middle of the felt. The board read {K-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{4-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{J-Spades} between one opponent and Julian Powell. The first player fired a bet of 1,500 in the pot of roughly 2,700. Powell then raised to 4,650. After a few minutes in the tank, the player made the call. Powell revealed a set of fives with the {5-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}. His opponent showed a losing {K-Hearts}{J-Diamonds} and lost the pot. Scooping that pot in the early goings bumped Powell up to about 26,000 chips.

Tags: Julian Powell

Who's All Here?

Look up, see the floor on the ceiling
Look up, see the floor on the ceiling

The field isn't bursting beyond the confines of the walls just yet and it's not expected to be too massive for Day 1a, but there are a handful of notables in the field. Team PokerStars is represented by Asian pros Raymond Wu, Bryan Huang and Celina Lin along with Dutch pro Marcel Luske. Graeme "Kiwi G" Putt, Daren Yoon, Ben [Removed:293], Jonas Kronwitter and Julian Powell are also occupying chip stacks.

Jensen Wastes No Time

It didn't take long for Patrick Jensen to get all his chips in the middle. The under-the-gun player opened the action with a raise, and from middle position, Jensen reraised to 750. The big blind four-bet to 2,700, and without a moment of hesitation, Jensen moved all in. The big blind called, and Jensen showed {a-Clubs}{a-Diamonds} to his opponent's {q-Clubs}{q-Hearts}. The board ran out clean, {k-Spades}{5-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}. Jensen doubled up, but he must have lost a chunk of his 20,000-chip starting stack in the 10 minutes before the hand, since he's only up to around 30,000 now. His opponent was left low but not out of it yet with 7,500 left to work with.