2010 PokerStars.net APPT Macau

Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2010 PokerStars.net APPT Macau

Final Results
Winning Hand
3,246,200 HKD
Event Info
37,600 HKD
Prize Pool
12,730,608 HKD
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Hold Everything

That's another two levels behind us, and Day 1a is now 4/7ths complete if you're into odd fractions. Or 57.14% if you're a percentage kind of person. Either way, it's time for another one of those pesky 10-minute breaks.

Geshkenbein Gets There


Jeffrey Gregor raised from the cutoff, and only Vladimir Geshkenbein called on the button. The flop came {9-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{7-Spades}, and Gregor checked. Geshkenbein bet 4,100, and Gregor called. On the {2-Diamonds} turn, Gregor again checked, but this time, when Geshkenbein bet 7,500, Gregor clicked-it back with a min-raise to 15,000. Geshkenbein called. The {10-Spades} on the river completed a flush draw and put four to straight on the board. Undaunted, Gregor moved all in. Geshkenbein snap-called, showing {k-Spades}{3-Spades} for the rivered flush. Gregor looked miserable as he slid his chips to Geshkenbein. "I just couldn't fold," Vladimir told him as he headed for the rail. After busing Gregor, Geshkenbein took over the top spot in the chip counts with 77,500.

Tags: Vladimir GeshkenbeinJeffrey Gregor

Carl Christer Coolered

Carl Christer Andersson raised from the small blind, and went heads up with big blind Daren Yoon. The flop came a tricky {a-Hearts}{k-Hearts}{8-Hearts}. Andersson bet 1,750, and Yoon made it 4,000. Andersson came back over the top, moving all in. Yoon didn't need a count, instantly calling and flipping over {j-Hearts}{5-Hearts} for the flopped second-nut flush. "That's so sick," Andersson said as he showed {a-Diamonds}{a-Spades} for a set of aces. He'd need the board to pair (or the case ace) in order to stay alive, but the {6-Diamonds} on the turn and {j-Clubs} on the river were no help. Andersson shook hands with Yoon, wished his table luck, and made his exit. Yoon is up to 32,000.

Tags: Carl AnderssonDaren Yoon

Yeong Bounces Right Back

Dbinder Singh started the action with an early-position raise to 800. Marcel Luske made the smooth call, and the table folded around to Chin Wei Yeong's big blind. The triangle-shaped all-in button came out as Yeong committed his final 8,050 chips to the pot. Singh grimaced and surrendered his cards, but Luske made the quick call to put his opponent to the test.

Luske: {A-Diamonds} {K-Clubs}
Yeong: {Q-Clubs} {Q-Spades}

The board ran out safe for the at-risk Yeong, coming {Q-Diamonds} {9-Spades} {2-Diamonds} {J-Clubs} {7-Diamonds}. The set of ladies is good, and Yeong faded the four-outer on the river to double his way up over 17,000. Luske has dropped right back to his starting stack, sitting with about 20,400.

Tags: Chin Wei YeongDbinder SinghMarcel Luske

Ngu Building Nicely

With about 12,000 chips in the middle, the flop red {J-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{6-Spades} between Carlos Chang, Jessica Ngu and Daren Yoon. Chang checked before Ngu fired a bet of 7,000. Yoon asked her how much she had left and was able to get a visual of her chip stack. He then tanked for a couple minutes, but eventually let his hand go. Chang folded as well.

Ngu has built her stack up to just shy of 40,000 chips while Chang is on 9,500 and Yoon on 23,000.

Tags: Jessica NguDaren YoonCarlos Chang

Putt Lets it Go

On the board of {A-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{J-Spades}, Graeme "Kiwi G" Putt fired a bet of 1,200. His lone opponent made the call and the two saw the river complete the board with the {K-Clubs}. Putt checked and then his opponent fired 3,000. Putt let his hand go and slipped back to 22,500 chips.

Tags: Graeme Putt

The Yeong Time to Bluff

Chin Wei Yeong raised to 800 on the button, and Vladimir Geshkenbein defended his big blind and checked in the dark. The flop came {10-Spades}{6-Spades}{6-Clubs}, and Yeong bet 1,200. Geshkenbein called without a second thought. The {k-Spades} on the turn completed the flush, and Geshkenbein check-called a bet of 2,700. The river was the {9-Clubs}, and Vladimir checked a third street. Yeong slowly bet 5,500. Geshkenbein gave a devious grin and tossed out a call. Yeong could only show {3-Spades}{2-Clubs} for total air, and Geshkenbein took the pot with {q-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} for second pair. He's up to 37,000 while Yeong fell to 8,000.

Tags: Vladimir GeshkenbeinChin Wei Yeong

Let Lynn Welcome You to Macau!

Our new Live Reporting client includes a handy-dandy video player right over there on the right -hand side of this page. Once you find it, hit the Play button and let Lynn Gilmartin and our video crew take you on a quick sightseeing tour around the Grand Lisboa and the rest of this captivating gambling destination.

Wu Wins One

Carl Andersson bet 1,450 on a board reading {q-Hearts}{j-Clubs}{2-Spades}{2-Clubs}, and he didn't look thrilled when Raymond Wu called. The river brought the blank-looking {3-Hearts}, and Andersson checked to Wu. After a moment, Wu bet, 3,200, enough to earn a fold from Andersson. After the hand, Wu was up to 38,000.

Tags: Raymond WuCarl Andersson

Everyone's Lucky Day

Registration for Day 1a was closed following Level 2, and we have a number for you.

This opening flight of the 2010 APPT Macau has drawn a turnout of 88 runners, and that has to be good news for the players who showed up today. Eight is the Chinese number of luck and prosperity, and that bodes well for those looking to parlay their early start into a deep run this week.

The big board shows that ten of them have had their luck run out already though; 78 players remain at the moment.