2010 PokerStars.net APPT Macau

Main Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2010 PokerStars.net APPT Macau

Final Results
Winning Hand
3,246,200 HKD
Event Info
37,600 HKD
Prize Pool
12,730,608 HKD
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Break it Down

Six levels have passed us by, and the players are taking their final 10-minute stroll around the casino floor. When they return, they'll play one more level of poker before calling for the chip bags.

Seven levels is a comfortable day of poker.

Ngu Gets Half Slow Rolled

Jessica Ngu
Jessica Ngu

On a board reading {j-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}, Nathanael Seet made a small 1,000-chip feeler bet out of the small blind. The big blind min-raised to 2,000, and one to his left, Jessica Ngu called. Seet called as well, and the river brought the {9-Clubs}. Seet checked to the big blind, who bet 3,000, Ngu raised to 10,000, earning an insta-fold from Seet. The big blind called, and Ngu tabled {8-Clubs}{6-Clubs} for the rivered jack-high straight. Her opponent angrily tossed his cards toward the dealer, and they flipped up in the process but landed face down. It was unclear whether he realized he chopped the pot with {9-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} and was unhappy because he had turned the best hand, or if he initially thought he had lost. Ngu certainly thought she had scooped the pot for a few seconds. Either way, the dealer allowed him to turn his cards face up and divided the pot between both players.

Tags: Jessica NguNathanael Seet

Wu Bests Yoon

Raymond Wu
Raymond Wu

On the flop of {Q-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{2-Diamonds}, Daren Yoon was pitted against Raymond Wu. Yoon fired a bet of 2,300 and Wu flat-called after double-checking his hole cards. The turn put the {5-Diamonds} on board and completed a possible flush draw. Both players checked.

The river was the {J-Clubs} and Yoon checked. Wu fired a bet of 2,600 and after a brief hesitation, Yoon made the call. Wu tabled the {A-Diamonds}{A-Hearts} and won the pot to move his stack up to 48,000 chips. Yoon slipped down to 37,000.

Tags: Raymond WuDaren Yoon

Big Double for Paulsen

An under-the-gun player raised to 2,000 before action folded over to Kai Paulsen on the button. He three-bet to 4,800. The two blinds folded and then the original raiser reraised to 12,500. Paulsen wasted little time in going all in for 27,225. His opponent called and the cards were turned over.

Paulsen held two queens with the {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs} against the {9-Spades}{9-Hearts} of his opponent. After the board ran out {J-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{6-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}, Paulsen moved his stack up to nearly 60,000 chips.

Tags: Kai Paulsen

Luske Opening Up

A player under the gun raised to 1,300 before action folded around to the cutoff seat. There sat Marcel Luske. He fired in a three-bet to 4,200 and everyone folded, including the initial raiser. Luske has opened up his play much more today and seems to be three-betting players preflop more often. He's back up to 25,000 now.

Tags: Marcel Luske

Geshkenbein's Middle Pair Good

Vladimir Geshkenbein raised to 1,100 from the hijack seat and then Alex Loon called from the button. Marcel Luske also called from the small blind.

The flop was {Q-Hearts}{9-Spades}{8-Spades} between the three players. Luske checked and Geshkenbein checked. Loon fired 2,500 and only Geshkenbein called.

The turn was the {5-Spades} and both remaining players checked. The turn was the {K-Clubs} and Geshkenbein checked again. Loon checked behind. Geshkenbein tabled the {10-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} and won the hand after Loon mucked.

Tags: Alex LoonMarcel LuskeVladimir Geshkenbein

Ngu Bests Seet

From middle position, Nathanael Seet raised to 1,500. Jessica Ngu was in the cutoff seat and reraised to 4,500. Seet made the call and the two took a flop of {6-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{4-Spades}. Seet checked and Ngu checked behind.

The turn was the {6-Diamonds} and Seet checked again. Ngu checked behind again. The river was the {9-Diamonds} and both players checked one last time. Seet's {J-Hearts}{10-Hearts} was no good against Ngu's {A-Clubs}{K-Diamonds} and she raked in the pot.

Tags: Nathanael SeetJessica Ngu

All Hail Mikhail

Russian PokerStars qualifier Mikhail Muzunin moved toward the top of the chip counts thanks to the latest brutal elimination. He bet 2,000 on a {a-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} flop, and his opponent flat called. The turn brought the {4-Diamonds}, and Muzunin bet out 3,500. This time, his opponent raised to 10,500. Muzunin swiftly moved all in for a total of 36,000. His opponent called all in with {a-Hearts}{a-Spades} for top set. Muzunin showed {a-Clubs}{k-Diamonds} and would need to hit a queen for Broadway or any diamond other than the {j-Diamonds} to win the pot. The {q-Diamonds} on the river met both of his needs, making his straight and flush and eliminating his opponent. After the hand, Muzunin was up to a healthy 60,000.

Tags: Mikhail Muzunin

Toughest Table in Town

Celina Lin has had her table broken two or three times already today, and the latest table break was not in her favor. Check out this lineup she's been inserted into at her new Table 7:

Seat 3: Daren Yoon
Seat 4: Raymond Wu
Seat 5: Ms. Lin
Seat 6: Nathanael Seet

You'd be hard pressed to find a more dangerous row of four players in this event.