2017 888Live Poker Festival Barcelona

€220 Opening Event
Day: 1c
Event Info

2017 888Live Poker Festival Barcelona

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Rotko Wins a Flip

Level 10 : 1,000/2,000, 200 ante

After a raise to 4,000 and a call by Rafael Acherman, Max Rotko shoved for 25,000 and the initial raiser called, while Achermann folded.

Rotko tabled the {4-Spades}{4-Diamonds} and had a flip against {A-Hearts}{K-Spades}. The door card was the {4-Clubs} and the rest of the board ran out {A-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{3-Clubs} to let Rotko double.

Player Chips Progress
Rafael Achermann ch
Rafael Achermann
Max Rotko fi
Max Rotko

Tags: Max RotkoRafael Achermann

Della Tommassina Quadruples with Ace-High

Level 10 : 1,000/2,000, 200 ante
Marco Della Tommasina
Marco Della Tommasina

Marco Della Tommasina moved all in for his last 10,600 and Alberto Flores Trujillo called in the hijack. The cutoff also called and thje big blind called all in for 2,700 less. Once the two pot sizes were determined, the flop fell {8-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} and Flores Trujillo checked. The cutoff moved all in and forced a fold to allow for the following three-way showdown:

Marco Della Tommassina: {A-Hearts}{10-Spades}
Big Blind: {K-Clubs}{4-Spades}
Cutoff: {Q-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}

Neither the {3-Spades} turn nor the {9-Clubs} river changed anything and the Italian quadrupled with just ace-high.

Player Chips Progress
Alberto Flores Trujillo es
Alberto Flores Trujillo
Marco Della Tommasina it
Marco Della Tommasina

Tags: Alberto Flores TrujilloMarco Della Tommasina

Level: 10

Blinds: 1,000/2,000

Ante: 200

A Big Flip for Flores Trujillo

Level 9 : 800/1,600, 200 ante

Albert Flores Trujillo and one opponent were racing big time, and the Spaniard showed {A-Spades}{K-Spades} while facing the ultimate coin flip against {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}. A board of {A-Clubs}{K-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{2-Spades} provided both over cards and Flores Trujillo doubled to almost double the average. He bumped fists with the Spanish opponent and had his stack of 48,600 more than doubled.

Player Chips Progress
Alberto Flores Trujillo es
Alberto Flores Trujillo

Tags: Alberto Flores Trujillo

Gomez Palleja Doubles

Level 9 : 800/1,600, 200 ante

Daniel Gomez Palleja was all in for his last 25,800 and turned over {A-Hearts}{Q-Hearts} in showdown, only to find himself dominated by an opponent holding {A-Spades}{K-Diamonds}. The board ran out {Q-Spades}{J-Clubs}{8-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} and Gomez Palleja doubled. At the same time, Marco Della Tommasina arrived, having lost most of his chips set under set on the previous table that broke.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Gomez Palleja es
Daniel Gomez Palleja
Marco Della Tommasina it
Marco Della Tommasina

Tags: Daniel Gomez PallejaMarco Della Tommasina

Oualgasi Busts in Three-Way Showdown

Level 9 : 800/1,600, 200 ante
Younesse Oualgasi
Younesse Oualgasi

Younesse Oualgasi raised to 5,000 from early position and Marc Oller Martinez called out of the small blind. The big blind moved all in and Oualgasi shoved over the top to pick up a snap-call by Oller Martinez.

Marc Oller Martinez: {K-Clubs}{K-Hearts}
Big Blind: {7-Spades}{7-Clubs}
Younesse Oualgasi: {A-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}

The board ran out {8-Spades}{3-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{Q-Clubs} and Oller Martinez had the best of it.

Player Chips Progress
Marc Oller Martinez
Marc Oller Martinez
Younesse Oualgasi es
Younesse Oualgasi

Tags: Marc Oller MartinezYounesse Oualgasi

Time to Clean Up

Level 9 : 800/1,600, 200 ante

There are currently 15 tables running and on top of that, 13 seat open to create a remaining field of 137 hopefuls out of a 237-entry strong field. The registration remains open until the end of level, though, and the Turbo Heat 1d is also running to boost the attendance further.

Level: 9

Blinds: 800/1,600

Ante: 200

Second Break for Day 1c, 1d Update

Level 8 : 600/1,200, 200 ante

The players have been sent into a 15-minute break for Day 1c and Day 1d is currently underway with some 30 players. So far there was just one casualty according to the screens.

After the next four levels, a 40-minute dinner break will take place before the final two levels for the night are played.