2017 888Live Poker Festival Barcelona

€220 Opening Event
Day: 1a
Event Info

2017 888Live Poker Festival Barcelona

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Level: 10

Blinds: 1,000/2,000

Ante: 200

Lob and Majuelo on the Rail

Level 9 : 800/1,600, 200 ante
Joachim Lob
Joachim Lob

On the button, Sergi Monferrer raised to 3,500 and Renato Garcia Majuelo moved all in for 15,800. Jordi Marcos shoved over the top out of the big blind and Monferrer quickly folded.

Jordi Marcos: {9-Spades}{9-Hearts}
Renato Garcia Majuelo: {A-Clubs}{6-Clubs}

The board ran out {K-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{7-Spades} and that was it for Garcia Majuelo.

Right after, Joachim Lob walked over to the media desk. "You remember the guy with the eights?" the Swiss said. He was referring to Jonathan Bizarro de la Iglesia, who apparently sent Lob to the rail. "He raised to 5,000 and called my three-bet shove with pocket sevens. I had tens and he flopped quads."

Player Chips Progress
Jonathan Bizarro de la Iglesia es
Jonathan Bizarro de la Iglesia
Sergi Monferrer es
Sergi Monferrer
Jordi Marcos es
Jordi Marcos
Renato Garcia Majuelo es
Renato Garcia Majuelo
Joachim Lob ch
Joachim Lob

Tags: Joachim LobJonathan Bizarro de la IglesiaRenato Garcia MajueloSergi MonferrerJordi Marcos

Know When To Hold and Fold'em

Level 9 : 800/1,600, 200 ante

In a battle big blind versus under the gun, Pol Pardo Canto bet the {K-Spades}{6-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} turn for 4,500 and table neighbor Petru Tarlev moved all in for 16,800. Pardo Canto took his time before letting go and Tarlev was kind enough to show him the {J-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}. "I had pocket nines," Pardo Canto added.

Soon after, Pardo Canto was involved in a four-way hand to the {8-Spades}{3-Spades}{3-Clubs} flop and announced a bet of 5,000. That got everyone out of the way and the Spaniard claimed the pot, recovering the earlier losses.

Player Chips Progress
Pol Pardo Canto es
Pol Pardo Canto
Petru Tarlev es
Petru Tarlev

Tags: Pol Pardo CantoSpain Petru Tarlev

Elder Doubles Through Kolmakova

Level 9 : 800/1,600, 200 ante

On the three-way flop of {K-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{8-Clubs}, Sergio Costa Carrasco in the small blind and Ekaterina Kolmakova in the cutoff both checked. Thomas Elder moved all in for his last 11,200 and there were 18,000 in the middle. Costa Carrasco reluctantly folded, while Kolmakova also took some time before calling it off.

Thomas Elder: {A-Hearts}{A-Clubs}
Ekaterina Kolmakova: {K-Spades}{6-Spades}

Both the {8-Hearts} turn and {10-Spades} river were no threat for Elder and he doubled up, but remains below average.

Player Chips Progress
Sergio Costa Carrasco es
Sergio Costa Carrasco
Thomas Elder us
Thomas Elder
Ekaterina Kolmakova ru
Ekaterina Kolmakova

Tags: Ekaterina KolmakovaSergio Costa CarrascoThomas Elder

Level: 9

Blinds: 800/1,600

Ante: 200

Just a Casual Four-Way All in Showdown

Level 8 : 600/1,200, 200 ante
Jonathan Bizarro de la Iglesia
Jonathan Bizarro de la Iglesia

Giovanni Cauteruccio opened the action from under the gun and saw not just one but two opponents move all in, the hijack and the button. Jonathan Bizarro de la Iglesia reshoved from the big blind for 44,600, having the other two short stacks well covered, and Cauteruccio called to create a four-way showdown.

Giovanni Cauteruccio: {J-Spades}{j-Clubs}
Jonathan Bizarro de la Iglesia: {8-Hearts}{8-Spades}
Hijack: {J-Hearts}{9-Hearts}
Button: {7-Spades}{7-Clubs}

The board ran out {Q-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{A-Diamonds}{K-Spades} and the set of eights scooped the massive pot for Bizarro de la Iglesia.

Cauteruccio was still fuming when another player shoved for around 20,000 right into his big blind. The Italian peeked at his cards and called instantly, smashing {J-Clubs}{J-Diamonds} to the middle of the table. His opponent only had {7-Spades}{7-Diamonds} and this time the jacks held up on a board of {A-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}.

Player Chips Progress
Giovanni Cauteruccio it
Giovanni Cauteruccio
Jonathan Bizarro de la Iglesia es
Jonathan Bizarro de la Iglesia

Tags: Giovanni CauteruccioJonathan Bizarro de la Iglesia

Galindo Lopez Loses Flip

Level 8 : 600/1,200, 200 ante

Sergi Monferrer raised to 2,500 from early position and Josep Maria Galindo Lopez moved in for 24,200 from one seat over. Once the action folded back to Monferrer, he simply tossed in a single chip for the call.

Josep Maria Galindo Lopez: {Q-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}
Sergi Monferrer: {A-Hearts}{K-Spades}

The {A-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} flop improved Monferrer, and the {J-Clubs} turn and {10-Clubs} river failed to change the outcome of the hand. Galindo Lopez smiled in defeat and simply seat "ah well, re-entry."

Player Chips Progress
Sergi Monferrer es
Sergi Monferrer
Josep Maria Galindo Lopez es
Josep Maria Galindo Lopez

Tags: Josep Maria Galindo LopezSergi Monferrer

Level: 8

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 200